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Summary: Nineteen years old Lord Hadrian Potter-Black-Peverell, the Man-who-Vanquished the Dark Lord Voldemort and the Dark Lady Selene,, Internationally Recognized Ridiculously Powerful Mage, Spell Crafter, Wards Master, Curse Breaker and Hit Wizard, has had enough. Hadrian is tired of public expectation's, the Weasley family's (minus Bill, Charlie, Fred and George) slander and Hermione's nagging. Taking a desperate chance, Hadrian Potter uses an obscure ritual to reincarnate himself in an Alternative Dimension. Hadrian is reborn as Hyacinth Jayde in 1971. He led a normal life, sorted into Ravenclaw, he soon catches the attention of the Unspeakables and is recruited by Lily Potter. However, when Lily dies in a horrible accident orphaning her son, Harrison, and widowing her husband, she asks one final request of her protégé, Hyacinth, help James and her son survive their grief. For the first three (16 yrs. - 19 yrs.) years Hyacinth becomes an inconspicuous member of the Potter household. However, on his nineteenth birthday Hyacinth comes into a powerful magical and creature inheritances which attracts the attention of potential suitors, including the three loyal Marauders, Severus Prince, Lucius Malfoy...

Main Pairing: James Potter/Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/(2-4 more Male Characters of your choice)/Hyacinth Jayde (HP)

Side Pairings: Two-Three Male Pairings/Hermione, Ronald Weasley/Draco Malfoy/Harrison Potter...

Elements it MUST Contain:

1. Male Pregnancy (Human Children) and Bestiality Pregnancy (Animal Litter)

2. Graphic Sex including Animagus Sex (Knotting...etc.), Human Sex (Double Penetration, Anal, Oral...etc.)

3. Hyacinth's Pregnancies (2-3) the full event (but not birth)

4. Angry Sex between Ron and Draco, which results in Draco's pregnancy and then Pregnant-Draco/Harrison

5. Possessive-Protective Lovers, who are also very perverted and take pleasure in knocking their lovers up

6. New Bloodline Inherited Magical Abilities

7. World Travels (pre-pregnancies) to learn Cultural Magic and Cultural Differences

8. Genius - Harry

9. Politics, Schooling, Apprenticeships...etc.

10. Extra Credit: Pregnant (Animagus-Sex) (Litter) Lucius Malfoy

Elements it Must NOT Contain:

1. Fluffiness

2. Creature Inheritances - No horns, tails or cat-ears...etc. or Scales

Please contact me at raven.revolution2@gmail.com

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