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Looking for Pokemon story called "The Journey" from FF.Net

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Guest LordGeovanni

Okay, I remember a story that had Ash and Gary get captured by Team Rocket (the big organization) after the Jesse & James Team Rocket was finally able to capture Pikachu. Giovanni then explains to the two that if they attempt to leave, or fail to be Team Rocket members, then Giovanni will kill their families and a Pokemon of each of theirs that Giovanni holds for protection. He then reveals how extensive Team Rocket has become - including many high up members of law enforcement. One of the "jobs" was stealing pokemon from Professor Oak's Lab and Gary ends up using Stun Spore on his grandfather. Giovanni has cameras in his hideouts so that Ash and Gary are unable to ever plan anything as well. Jesse and James are together and express their sorrow over getting the two involved with Team Rocket. Ash and Gary end up together and I think it left off where they were going to try and break out.

All I can really remember is that the title was called "The Journey" and I believe it was on Fanfiction.net. I cannot seem to find it and it was really well written. Or at least I thought so. Can anyone help me?

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