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Longest m/m stories

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I'm typing this on my phone, so please excuse any errors. The first story you must read is "Loser" by sweeetsurrender. Then you should read "Close Protection" by Cordelia Kingsbridge. It's a completed story. Then there is Mahsa's "Muffin" which is also complete but the sequel "Matthew" isn't. Azela's stories, 2rainsong2's stories & London Lampy's stories are all good also. MagicMau's stories are great as well as sauropod's Bad Reputation although it's not completed or updated too often. Oh, then there's BluRein's Unconditional Love which is complete & her new story which I just forgot the name of. Lol There's fusedtwilight's Supply & Demand but then I'm biased b/c I edited it. That's a completed story. Young Sage's oldie but goodie, Black Star Cross is also a finished story. Can't think of any more but I'm sure I'll remember more in the morning. :)

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