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I have recently been approached about the fate of the current Forum Orgy. The one that died a slow and painful death from neglect. What the question becomes then, is do we want to try again? I admit that we ran into a few problems with orgy, and most of them were my fault. It was never really publicisized, I was too lax with the rules, and the power creep that took place would have put any major SF universe to shame. I would like to try it again, as an experiment only fails if it proves that something can never happen, and I think that as a community of writers a Round Robin style story would be fun, as well as a good way to overcome writers block and to try new things before introducing them into our stories on the main site.

However, if we do choose to do this again, I am going to insist on several rules and limitations:

1) I want at least five people to commit before we begin. They don't have to actually write anything right away, just pledge to add a chapter with in one week of the story being restarted.

2) No God/Demigod/All-Powerful characters. This doesn't mean you can't be as badass as you want, but no rewriting the continuity, simply making things appear and disappear as you wish, or anything else that would "break" the story. Every story needs conflict, which means bad guys, so swords, guns, and blasty type magical powers are fine...but no one will be invulnerable to them. So be careful if you try to turn it into a stomping ground, because someone can just as easily stomp on you.

The exception would be my own Gary-stu (appropriately named Foe(ofthelance) and his ship, The Caltrop, with the reason being to use them as a form of mediation and retcon with in the story. If we ever write ourselves into a corner, they'd serve as a reset button. IF anyone is worried about me abusing that power, I can assure you I've already been warned that such an attempt will result in my own Death By Mod. Er, I mean God!

There might be more than that, but those would be up to discussion. Only the two above would be set in stone. I open the discussion to any ideas or thoughts people might have, both for the world, plot, and just who you want to be able to screw. :unsure:


max 2 Original Characters per person

more would be hard to remember.

And I'm in again, though I'd like some "reincarnation" rule in case someone else tries to chop off your head >_>


Didn't get involved the first time, but I could be interested if someone would explain to me how it works.


It is really rather simple. I write a quick chapter about someone named Foeofthelance. Then the next person writes a chapter, introducing themselves and maybe interacting with Foe. And so on and so. Since this is a forum orgy, expect lots of gratuitous sex, both between forum folk and random movie stars, book characters, and anyone else we get our horny little hands on.

Zyx, that would be what Foe and Cal are for. And yes there would probably also be some form of reincarnation as well.


I think rules for it this time around would be an absolute necessity. It was far too open to abuse and confusion before. But another thing I personally think is vital is a Game Master, one person - a mature person with a reasonable grip on reality and not undergoing a power trip - that can quickly and efficiently sort out conflicts or problems, and do so without antagonising anyone (hopefully). With no one running the ship, it's far too easy to go careening onto the rocks while everyone is below decks playing footsies. Oh, and having basic storylines that are likely to appeal to the broader public rather than a small minority.

Posted (edited)

Melrick- Part of the point of this thread is to determine what kind of rules people would be comfortable with. Mostly I think it would resemble the Forum rules for the most part (be civil, no hitting, etc.). As for having someone in charge I




I've already been told that since this was my idea, I'm in charge. I don't expect to have to make any changes, except possibly clean up some continuity here and there. I wouldn't even have mod powers, just be an impartial ref on questions and debates.

Edited by foeofthelance
  foeofthelance said:
I wouldn't even have mod powers, just be an impartial ref on questions and debates.

errrrmm.... you DO have mod powers in the Forum Orgy forum, remember? ;)

  foeofthelance said:
Melrick- Part of the point of this thread is to determine what kind of rules people would be comfortable with. Mostly I think it would resemble the Forum rules for the most part (be civil, no hitting, etc.). As for having someone in charge I




I've already been told that since this was my idea, I'm in charge. I don't expect to have to make any changes, except possibly clean up some continuity here and there. I wouldn't even have mod powers, just be an impartial ref on questions and debates.

That's really what I was thinking of. It doesn't need some faux dictator lording over people and controlling every step that's taken; just someone that can sort out morons that wander in and post crap that ignores anything that was already posted. Oh, and someone with enough creativity to give things a nudge in the right direction if they look to be stalling.


So do we have any idea where we want to start? I was going to try and salvage the "Save the World of Fiction from the Evil Fangirls Led By Mary Sue" plot, but can adjust as necessary.


Ok, so roll call: Who is going to play? I need a response here before I start the reboot.

Oh, and DO NOT post in the one that currently exists. It has nothing to do, and is a dead horse. Please, let it lie in peace.


I'm in, as you already know. Just one thing I'm not hip to the fan girl plot as I was not here when the last ship went down. Could you recap, or just give me more to work with? If not I'll work with what I know which is Dungeons and Dragons... Forgotten Realms to be specific, but I can also do Sci-Fi and Vampire stuff too; I just need a more solid foundation.


Meeeeeeeeeeeee I'm always into trying new things. Will there be cookies?


Ok, the way it works is this: My main fandom is SF/Fantasy, especially Heinlein and milfics. Part of Heinlein's writings was the "World as Myth", which was a series of paralell universes based on two concepts: Alternative history and fiction. If an author created a printed work, a world would come into being to contain that story. Foe is such an author who stumbles on to the reality of this, and creates a ship called the Caltrop, Cal for short, with which to adventure amongst these worlds.

During one such adventure, he discovers worlds are being destroyed in joblots. He doesnt know who, why, or how. He sets out to find out, and this is where the story begins.

The over all plot will pit us against the evil forces of the Fangirl Forces Network (gee, where did I get that particular acronym >.>)who are systematically destroying stories they consider to be "Unpure" and "Defiling of the greatness of the fandom". While not fighting evil, we screw ourselves silly with each other and the various actors/characters we meet, with a heavier emphasis on that. There are of course other groups that might be out there, each with their own agenda...


So if I wished to play, and have not read that particular fandom than will you excuse any liberties I would take in creating a chapter? Or if it is like you said and nearly every literary work creates it’s own reality than I could write almost what ever I wanted, so long as that ship of yours stops by and picks me (character) up for the kinky parts? Is it like the ship in hitchhikers guide? Could I be Eris the Greek Goddess of strife?


Well, everyone will start on Earth Prime, at least to begin with. The opening chapter (whcih I plan on writing between now and Saturday) is going to involve the FFN deleting just about every universe except for two: Foe's home (this world) and their own. From there you can build on it however you wish. Part of this is because the last one started with everyone scattered to the winds, and they pretty much stayed that way. After that, you can introduce parts and pieces from whatever fandoms you choose, you are not limited to mine. But as I have never seen an episode of Fruits Basket in my life, I would be hard pressed to use any of the characters correctly. So I dont assume everyone will be able to just whip up something based on that.

As for being Eris, the answer is No. Everyone has to be human(oid), with limitations based on that. Even Foe follows that rule, he just happens to be ridicoulously well equipped as a result of his travels. Cal is similar to the Heart of Gold, with the twist that he's based on the caltrop mechanics from Number of the Beast by Heinlein. So he can go pretty much everywhere, anywhere, anytime, and has near limitless space inside of him.


Thanks for clearing that up. I really am looking forward to your first chapter! I do hope I can keep up. As for Fruit Basket I have never heard of it???

The orgy part is the meat of this yes? So really it’s the sex that counts… I want to be a secret agent of the Illuminati with giant boobies! Could I also make a man character? You know so that he could be dashing, manly, strong, and possibly gay?

Just kidding about the Illuminati thing, I really don’t know what I’ll write until I read your starter chapter, but I look forward to it all the same.


I guess what concerns me about this idea is that we could end up in fandoms that I either know nothing about - and not interested in - or worse still, actively dislike it. And that's a potential problem with many people. I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in anime, but I get a feeling we'd be doing a great deal of stuff set in anime fandoms. So those concerns would be enough to prevent me from joining, at least until I'd had a chance to see just how it was motoring along.


Well, we won't be ending up in fandoms, at least not at first. And by the time we do start jumping into fictional universes we should have a large enough cast assembled to just make it an effort at reacting to the things around you. Most of it, however, would end up taking place in what we consider the 'real' world, though after the antics we get involved in, it might not seem so normal to others.

That was actually why I chose the Fruitbaskets example. I'm fairly sure that no one outside of the otakus has heard of it, and the only reason that I thought of it was because one of the girls I hang out with had a boxed set of DVDs with her. Its not the settings that become important; but the characters and the action that goes on.

Guest Zyx

dunno really, somewhere along the way it stopped sounding like fun...


I think what people need to keep in mind that are considering joining in the forum orgy is that it's not simply an excuse for some mass cybersex. If anything, it's a joint story, where everyone will contribute to creating it. As well as have lots of sex! For those who weren't around during the last forum orgy, they might not realise that rules are essential for its smooth running. Without that, someone can post weird, disruptive posts that utterly ignore all the posts that precede it and cause confusion. Which is why I dropped out of it before, because that happened and it just stopped being fun for me.

The orgy will work if the people contributing treat it at least semi seriously, and are prepared to make a bit of an effort. Nobody will expect works of genius, but they will expect participants to have fun with it though!

For myself, I'm the shy, nervous sort - it took me a while to build up the courage to join in the last one - so hopefully enough people will decide to join in to get it started, and I can see how it goes and decide then whether to join in. I'm not sure yet.


This still sounds like fun to me! Imagine all the characters you love in a ‘real life’ setting trying to work together to save every world from the Evil Fan Girls of Doom! Ha! Sounds great! We’ll zoom around in a ship like the heart of gold (could we take the bistro-math for a spin too?) and kick ass, take names, and then get some ass… Humm did that come out right? Oh well. I’m still in.

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