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Hetero Nanoha idea

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It's a popular idea that the Infinity Library contains various Tomes of Eldritch LoreĀ© and forbidden knowledge. Naturally, these books also have mechanisms that ensure they'll be used; otherwise, what's the point? As Chief Librarian, Yuuno Scrya is obligated to be familiar with the contents of his library. Fortunately for him, contact with those sorts of books doesn't come without a few side-effects.

It starts slow, just provoking a few more fantasies and dreams, with a bit more variety than usual. Given how many of his acquaintances are attractive females, he didn't think anything of it, though the dreams of Vita were a bit disconcerting. Then things went a bit further, got a bit darker and more megalomaniacal, like using the knowledge in the Library to take control of the TSAB from the shadows. But the thoughts weren't that much of a problem, it was the physical effects. He could hardly be around a female without getting a massive erection, even when it was someone horribly inappropriate like Vivio. And, frankly, having not been in a relationship since he and Nanoha had broken up for their respective lovers of work and more work didn't help.

Eventually, the situation hits a breaking point, as while pulling an all-nighter, Yuuno and Arf wind up having a standard anime accident. Except instead of getting angry or embarrassed, they both get ridiculously horny. What followed was epic sex like neither of them had ever had, making full use of Arf's young and grown form, Yuuno's binding magic, and the discovery that Arf can get really into being dominated and called Yuuno's bitch.

With his head a bit clearer, Yuuno realizes just what's been going on. Then promptly decides he doesn't care that much. That night proved that actually having sex made the symptoms go away, so that was what he would do. But his mind had gotten bent enough by the books that the idea of just having sex with Arf, as she was clearly receptive, didn't occur to him, and he felt the need to go for others. Of course, he's going to start with his first love.

It starts awkwardly with Nanoha. There's nothing really official, but she and Fate...well, they have a child together, even if she's adopted. Being with someone else feels like she's being dishonest somehow. But it's Yuuno, and it was always different with him. He seduces her, and it's more or less as epic as him and Arf, albeit less kinky. At the end, they're both on Cloud Nine, and neither was ever in a condition to notice that shortly after they began, Fate found them. More accurately, she walked in on them having sex on her and Nanoha's bed, then promptly backed out of the room. Then she stood outside, feeling betrayed, and almost started crying. But, well, the relationship the three of them had was always a bit weird, and frankly, the sex was really hot. Fate winds up peeking at them from the hall and masturbating with tears in her eyes, like the protagonist of an NTR hentai. The next day, when she has to come to get something from the Library, Yuuno recognizes her distress and confronts her, drawing the answer out of her. His answer: get Nanoha in Fate's position. That way, it's even. It wouldn't have worked, but he sounded so certain, she believed him that it would make everything right again. Except Nanoha isn't that shy or indirect, and after recovering from the shock of seeing Yuuno and Fate, she promptly joins them. Still a good outcome as far as all three are concerned.

Hayate...presents herself in his office wearing a naughty librarian outfit a few days later. Fate and Nanoha can't keep a secret from their old friend, and their opinions and conditions seemed to say Yuuno is the one to go for. Plus, she was sure he'd read a lot of "romance novels;" as much as he reads, he had to have! The awkwardness comes when Signum walks in. Then it promptly gets worse when Hayate tells her to either sit quietly and wait or strip and join in. Nanoha and Fate got boobs to play with while Yuuno plowed them, why shouldn't she? Unfortunately for her, Signum chooses to sit quietly and wait, but the idea is planted in her head.

Later on, when Yuuno comes down with a cold or something, Hayate takes another opportunity, grabs some clothes out of her cosplay closet, and drags Shamal over. A doctor and nurse, or 2 nurses, either way, and one patient makes for a situation right out of Hayate and Yuuno's mutual fantasies. Shamal isn't that hard to convince to go along with her mistress's wishes in this case, and this case is enough to convince her for future cases. But having finally weaseled the whole story out of Nanoha and Fate has left Hayate curious about something: netorare. She'd already indulged in sharing Shamal and Yuuno, so there was no feeling of theft there. Really, the only way would be to stay uninvolved while something went on, and Shamal was out because the feeling of sharing remained. She needed the feeling of something being taken.

Signum already had the idea of sleeping with Yuuno put in her head by Hayate, and this request wasn't that hard a sell by that point. At least in theory. Once it actually came to it...giving herself so utterly to this man, for the first time, with her mistress watching, seeing her in that state...it hit the point where she couldn't tell if she was crying and getting off, or getting off so hard she was crying.

Vita comes around for a challenge, her hammer against his shield. Someone suggests a bet, and it comes down to her failing to penetrate his shield would entitle him to penetrate her body. Naturally, she fails, and Yuuno indulges in another young body.

Chrono does something, pulls some kind of prank or something to piss off Yuuno. And, well, he'd always had a bit of a crush on Chrono's mother. If he gets ambitious and Chrono is out of the way, well, his wife is still quite good-looking after their kids.

Eventually, maybe even Vivio gets interested in what the adults are doing. With a little mind-fuckery courtesy of the same books that started it all, her mothers and her new daddy demonstrate exactly what it is.

In the end, Yuuno's mind is clear enough to recognize clear interference from some of the more dangerous books in his care, and also to know that he's got a good thing going. He explains the situation to all involved, that any feelings may have been the result of forbidden magic. But whether from mind-fuckery or otherwise, no one really cares. Chrono certainly would, if he found out the ferret was fucking his mother, sister, and wife, but no one is telling him that.

And in the end, the books rest easy, knowing they did their keeper a favor. After all, he's the one who takes care of them, and he really needed to get laid.

  • 7 months later...

Another idea which could make use of the Infinity Library background from here. Namely, the books doing a thing.

Fate is having a problem. She's been having dreams. About sex. With Yuuno. Normally, not a major thing. She could admit to herself she'd had them before. They'd known each other since childhood, went through puberty at the same time, and, aside from possibly her brother, he's been the closest male to her for pretty much her entire life. Even while being completely platonic in her life relationships so far, she at least knows how sex works and has had a passing interest in it.

The problem is, those dreams were always infrequent, perhaps twice a month at most. Now she's having them constantly, every night. It's starting to effect her sleep and work, so she has to do something, but obviously she can't talk to Yuuno or Nanoha about it, Lindy is away, and Chrono would read too much into it and try to do something to Yuuno. The lack of sleep leads her to a poor decision: she consults with Hayate.

Hayate's first response is to inform her that, to get any kind of real insight as to what the dreams might mean, Fate will have to tell her about them. All of them. Every aspect of them, play-by-play, in excruciating detail. Of course, to make things fair, Hayate will also tell Fate, in similar fashion, about some of the fantasies and dreams she's had about Yuuno. Incidentally, this particular situation (embarrassing Fate by making her tell Hayate about her sexual fantasies/dreams, then by Hayate telling Fate HER fantasies, possibly matsurbating in the process) is actually one of Hayate's fantasies.

After that is over, Hayate offers her opinion: it's a mix of repression and isolation. Yuuno was important to Fate growing up, and she had a thing for him, but put it aside for what she expected was Nanoha's sake. Since she never did ANYTHING about it, not even admitting it, those feelings stayed bottled up for years, until something set them off and they started manifesting as dreams. Plus, she feels kind of left out, since she's the only one of the Three Aces to have never had sex with Yuuno. With Nanoha, it was both the kind of romantic teenagers dating until their dedication to their jobs causes them to drift apart, and a kind of sad "neither one can completely let go," with Yuuno being Nanoha's booty call boy. For Hayate...she justified it at first by questioning if he wanted her to go looking for some boy who might be a crazy murderer, then jumping Yuuno when he said no. Then by pointing out that, since Reinforce Zwei was sort of their child, it was only fair that they get to do the fun part of having a child, since they put in enough work. Since then, they have a standing agreement that, if neither of them is married by 27, they'll get married, with both having the option to go ahead and ask the other at any point.

Fate...isn't thrilled by what she found out. Not torn up, since she and Nanoha had always had an understanding about such things, but not especially happy, either. Especially when, after deciding she doesn't feel up to keeping whatever plans she'd made for the evening, she goes home and happens to find that Nanoha took the opportunity of Fate and Vivio being out of the house for the evening to call Yuuno over, into their bed. The dreams and, frankly, years of frustration keep her from interrupting, instead watching and masturbating in the hall.

After actually seeing him, the dreams and fantasies get worse. Fate really needs to do something at this point. After some slightly clumsy attempts at seduction fail, Nanoha finds her distraught, and gets the whole story out of Fate. She naturally chooses what seems to be the obvious answer for her: she calls Yuuno to tell him that he needs to find a suitable time to come over and do something. For good or ill, Hayate was there with him, and comes along. Once they get there, the situation is summarized in broad strokes, without specifically mentioning the dreams. Yuuno and Fate agree to having sex, thinking it will be a private matter of him doing everything they can think of to fulfill every fantasy Fate has had. Hayate disagrees, arguing that, since Fate spied on Nanoha and Yuuno, Nanoha should get to watch Fate and Yuuno, and she should be allowed to stay as payment for her advice to Fate. Mostly she's just curious about voyeurism/exhibitionism and NTR, and having Nanoha free will give her a playmate if she gets bored.

Sexy times ensue, including but not limited to barrier jackets and bindings, along with role-playing (Enforcer and criminal, sexy male librarian, etc.), with Fate enjoying everything she had thought of and several things she had not. Nanoha and Hayate join in eventually, until all 4 are a sweaty, warm pile of love, fully intending on continuing in the future.

Later on, the dreams come up, and it turns out Yuuno has an answer. One of the books he'd discovered had an effect that would increase the influence of certain magical bonds, like those of a master and familiar. In other words, the dreams Fate had been having were the result of a book strengthening the bond between her and Arf while Arf and Yuuno were fucking like rabbits.

  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

I really like your ideas here.

You mention "barrier jackets and bindings", do you mean Yuuno getting to fuck Fate in her barrier jacket?

As for ARF & Yuuno fucking, what differences during sex might there be for Yuuno when he fucks ARF in her younger form and her older form?/How experienced at sex is she?

What would fucking Signum be like? Is shetight or anything? Would she give Yuuno paiziri or work with Fate to give him dounle paizuri?/Would she be experienced at sex or have knowledge of it?

Hm I have an idea regarding femdom and corruption. In these two doujins, we get to see Signum and Fate get corrupted by the "Darkness of the Book of Darkness." I'm wondering kind of stuff would a now corrupted Fate and Signum do to Yuuno to partially break him and make him their sex slave?

I could imagine corrupted Fate & Signum working together on Yuuno like giving him double paizuri or utilizing spells from the Book of Darkness to help pin him between their bodies before binding all 3 together so that he gets to feel tightly sandwiched between their bodies, like with Signum fucking him from the front while Fate stuffs his backside with a futanari cock. And maybe after several hours of fucking and fellatio/paizuri and switching, he's completely exhausted and very, very close to just completely giving in - of course with all the corruption they've introduced to him he's practically partially broken.

Then "Master Hayate" (what she looks like after the Darkness in the Book of Darkness has corrupted her), or perhaps she appears in her Hayate form, opens the door to the bedroom and slowly walks in, unseen by Yuuno but Fate and Signum know she's there. She signals them to start again on the double-paizuri or pin him to the bed under their bodies and as they're rubbing against him Yuuno hears "Hayate's" question, "Who am I?". When he responds that she is "Master Hayate", she knows he is fully theirs and rewards him by hungrily kissing and making out with him while Signum and Fate do their titjobs on him. After he cums "Hayate" brings in the rest of the corrupted gang and in some cases has changed them physically: Nanoha, Vivio (kept in her adult form: Image 1, Image 2, Image 3), Shamal, Vita (in an adult form), Linith & Arf, and Reinforce.

While Hayate is always to be referred to as Master, Yuuno has to call the other girls "Mistress___". and he is their sex slave and there's going to be a lot of sex with them for Yuuno. I can imagine Signum wearing her, very tight and snug, barrier jacket and having Yuuno rest his head on her breasts while sleeping and when he wakes up, she simply opens up her barrier jacket some to have him suck at her breasts or to give him clothed paizuri. And I can imagine Fate in her barrier jacket with its tight fit, along with showing off her perfect ass, fucking Slave Yuuno dry again and again.

Edited by warellis
  • 2 weeks later...

Fucking in barrier jackets is basic, as is using bindings. Arf isn't as old as she appears, and as spent most of her life just working to serve Fate, so I would think she's inexperienced, maybe even a virgin. Differences, breast size, tightness, positions. Like, smaller form, Arf would probably be on top, as to avoid uncomfortable squishing. Although she'd be small enough he could also just carry her around as a cock-sleeve. Signum probably has theoretical knowledge, and I can see her secretly reading semi-smutty romance novels, but, again, dedication to her master would keep her from actual relationships. Body-wise, tight, muscled, firm. Firm abs and an ass you could bounce a quarter off of.

The femdom thing sounds good. Maybe starts with Reinforce going after Yuuno because Hayate wants him, she's been corrupted, and doesn't have human morals or anything like it. Although it does seem a little off to have him acknowledge Hayate as his master without her being directly involved in the breaking. Possibly go the "fake rescue, kindness then cruelty" route, where she's the only respite, and maybe switch it up that Yuuno is already broken in and Hayate uses him to break the rest.

Another option that exists is using the Materials and Yuri Eberwein. Dearche already considers herself a queen, and some mind-fuckery to confuse him about the Materials and the Aces could work. Especially to with the three of them doing their own thing. Dearche demands worship, forcing him to please her with no regard for his well being. Levi switches between sweet and happy and brutal and berserk. Stern hurts him by just having sex with him and doing everything with no emotion to it. It hurts all the more for the fact that she treats it as completely meaningless. Then the conflict between them and the Aces over Yuuno comes up.

Posted (edited)

The reason I believed it'd be Fate & Signum doing the "breaking" of Yuuno is because in the 2nd doujin, corrupted Signum was able to break Fate by herself.

Truth be told with Yuuno, I'd assume corrupted Hayate/"Darkness of BoD" would first corrupt the girls known for their firepower and fighting capabilities, like Fate, Signum, Nanoha, Reinforce, etc, before focusing on Yuuno due to wanting a firepower/combat advantage against any of his barrier & bind capabilities.

1. You mention Reinforce being sent after Yuuno by the corrupted Hayate. How would you imagine Reinforce's body being like? And how would you describe or imagine Fate's, Arf's, and Hayate's bodies being like?

Also how would you describe adult Vivio's and Shamal's bodies?

2. I'm wondering if Hayate might send corrupted Reinforce, Fate, Signum and herself to go after Yuuno and if so how might they corrupt and break Yuuno into their slave.
How do you think the corruption would start out with all 4 focusing on Yuuno? Like would Yuuno get knocked out in a battle and wake up with all 4 pinning him between their (barrier jacketed) bodies?

Actually I'm wondering, if spitroasting with tentacles may be possible with Yuuno. Like one of the corrupted girl's futa cock is more like a long tentacle that is pushed up Yuuno's ass while one of the girls starts kissing him and she's temporarily changed her tongue into something like a tentacle, and while her tentacle-tongue is pushing itself down Yuuno's throat, part of it has wrapped around Yuuno's tongue and is stroking and licking his tongue. Heck maybe that tentacle has its own little holes or slits in it with its own little tentacle-tongues that can lick and rub every part of Yuuno's tongue, all the while secreting aphrodisiacs and other sweet fluids to make it more enjoyable for Yuuno. And of course the futa-tentacle pushing its way up from Yuuno's backside is letting out aphrodisiacs and other fluids to make it feel nice and pleasurable as well.

Oh and the girl Yuuno is kissing, her pussy has its own tentacle-hell waiting for Yuuno's dick when it goes inside her pussy. Just to add even more pleasure.

2a. What kind of sensations might Yuuno wake up to as they start working on him to corrupt him into their sex slave? Like might he wake up to Reinforce and the others kissing him or wake up to a blowjob or "paizuri under clothes"? How might they break Yuuno sexually? What might they do to him?

During a blowjob, might they suck Yuuno dry during each blowjob?

2b. Might corrupted Hayate first appear/disguise herself to Yuuno in her normal form or would she just show up in her corrupted form? Actually I'm wondering if she at first would appear disguised, looking normal, before showing her fully corrupted form to Yuuno during the fivesome femdom/break sex.

3. It's funny looking at the doujins, I'm almost wondering if the corruption really doesn't change much about them physically or change their clothing that much. In fact looking at their barrier jackets and outfits, part of me wonders if the corruption might at most make their already large breasts a little bigger along with making their clothes even tighter and accentuating their chests even more. Like one of the first things Yuuno would notice upon waking up is how their barrier jackets seem to stretch out and press against/show off how tight they are against their chests. They wouldn't show any skin, just really wrap tightly enough to show off how round or big their chests are even through their barrier jackets. Of course none of the girls would have any problems with how tight their barrier jackets would be. :D

Heh now I'm imagining the barrier jackets their corrupted forms would wear would be tight enough to create cleavage like shown here :D : Image 1 & Image 2. Or here.

How do you imagine Signum, Fate, Reinforce, & Hayate being corrupted would change them physically or change their clothing?

3a. How do you imagine their barrier jackets would feel against Yuuno's skin if/when they're pressing into him?

4. Hm considering corruption typically makes the ones corrupted being really good at sex somehow how might corrupted Fate, Signum, Reinforce, and Hayate differ in their techniques assuming their being corrupted makes them already incredible at sex?

5. Regarding your idea about using the Materials, does Yuri also get involved in helping them fuck or break/femdom Yuuno? Any way she could assist or aid in doing that?

Edited by warellis
  • 2 weeks later...

Mm, part of the reason I figured go for Yuuno first is because he's got fewer people that would question if he disappeared for a few days unexpectedly. Just leave a note about going to investigate an archaeological site or something on his desk, you've got until someone finds it plus a couple days.

1. Reinforce, probably almost too perfect, inhumanly so, like the fae in the Dresden Files. So perfect and beautiful you can't help but want her, but you also feel a little off because of how perfect she is.

Fate...for another Dresden comparison, Lara Wraith or another White Court Vampire. Ridiculously perfect and beautiful (as fits an artificial body), but still flawed enough to be something believable. Arf, busty and sexy, lean, but like someone who exercises just enough to stay in decent shape, rather than someone who actually exerts themselves frequently, since she doesn't fight anymore. Hayate, still in shape because she has that much vanity, but a bit softer and more voluptuous, since she's sitting at a desk all day, rather than being out in the field.

Vivio, athletic muscled fighter body, since Olivie was so into Strike Arts. She'd fit right in with an MMA crowd. Shamal, kind of like Hayate in that she's not that active anymore, but more slender and willowy.

2. Whatever she thought would work. I'd think more something like taking him from work, rather than waiting for him to get involved in a fight. Past that, whatever breaking seems suitable. Maybe combining stuff, have him bound and unable to use magic, blindfolded and being fucked, then pointing out how he's so helpless, compare it to how he was when he first met Nanoha and how he's slipped away so far, how she doesn't need him, doesn't even care enough to spend time with him. Generally just breaking him down about how they used to spend so much time together, but now everyone has forgotten him, then at the end, "But I haven't forgotten you. And I never, ever forget anyone who serves me. Now who am I, Yuuno-kun?" "Master Hayate."

Possibly mix it up, have him convinced it's just a self-pitying dream, poking at him, making him angry. Then a bound and having been tortured a good bit herself Fate is brought in, with him getting brought in the direction of "It's all her fault, she's the reason Nanoha drifted away, this is a dream so I can take whatever revenge I want and the only consequence will be hating myself when I wake up," while Fate is rejoicing at being brought to a friend, thinking however this turns out, having Yuuno there will make it more bearable. Which drives them both to the breaking point, as Yuuno believes no one will accept him after that but of course Master Hayate does, and Fate deludes herself to thinking that Yuuno wouldn't hurt her, so it must have been love, and if Hayate is doing this then she must love them, and they should all be happy together in their love.

Tentacles on guys, not really my thing, sorry.

2a. For the good cops, kissing, cuddling, whatever. Bad cops, more along the lines of minor violence, teasing, taunting, making him cum and then mocking him about it.

Breaking him with anything that pops into their head. Some stuff involving Signum being covered in sweat after training. Some mocking about Hayate's cooking while forcing him to eat out of a dog bowl. Keeping him going long past the point of discomfort with sex. And of course the servitude. Hayate is the Queen of the Night Sky, it's only proper that she have a servant boy to bathe her, fetch things for her, be her chair, lick her feet, whatever she wishes.

2b. Normal form as nice, happy, pleasant, corrupted form as the wicked master driving him to despair and anger. Probably changing her voice, until the end. Like with my Fate idea, corrupted voice starts egging him into it, then fades over to her regular voice, and by the time he's finished and is freaking out because he realized he just raped Fate for real, she comes out in her corrupted form, speaking normally, then changes back to regular form to get him to acknowledge her as his master.

3. I chalk that stuff up to fan artists. Of course, even in their regular forms, Yuuno could acknowledge he's fantasized about them. Or they could just change the design of their barrier jackets.

How they would change, the barrier jackets would turn black and skimpier. Probably spiky shoulder pads or lacey stuff or something. Oh, and definitely black stockings.

4. Fate is pure lust and sensuality given form. Signum is dominance and almost violent. Reinforce is just perfection to the point of being almost a fantasy. Hayate is warm and friendly and so girl-next-door you feel bad about it. For comparison, Fate is kind of like the most expensive, decadent chocolate you've ever had. Signum is like a perfect steak. Reinforce is like a 7 course meal from a 5 star restaurant, cooked by the best chef in the world. Hayate is like stealing the entire plate of cookies that your mom just baked while they were cooling on the windowsill (it's so bad, but just soooo good).

5. She can, obviously. Just that the Materials always kind of seemed like they were keeping her out of it, and she doesn't have such a direct counterpart as they do.


I like your descriptions.

1. Hm of the 4 we discussed as corrupted -Fate, Signum, Reinforce, and Hayate- who do you think would be fucking or sucking Yuuno the most? Either alone or perhaps with a companion for a threesome.

1a. What differences might there be in how Fate, Signum, and Reinforce suck Yuuno dry during sex?

2. In blowjob and paizuri, what differences might Yuuno notice between corrupted Signum, Fate, Reinforce, and Hayate in their techniques?

2a. Would corrupted Reinforce be the one to first take his virginity or do you think it'd be corrupted Fate or Signum? Or possibly Fate & Signum?

3. What differences might Hayate's corrupted form have body wise compared to her "normal" form?


1. Reinforce. The benefits of not having a day job. Plus, since she's more magical construct than flesh and blood human, she doesn't have to worry so much about physical limitations, like discomfort.

1a. Signum is forceful and methodical. Fate is fast, hard, and sweet. Reinforce is slow to build up, but once she lets Yuuno go off, it's the kind of orgasm that makes him pass out for a few minutes.

2. Same kind of thing. Signum is very dominant. Reinforce has an unusually long tongue, almost like a snake, so she does a lot of licking. Fate savors the whole process, like just sucking on a popsicle and letting it melt in your mouth rather than biting it. Hayate is self-conscious about her size and the way people think about her being a super-power idiot in combat, so she becomes incredibly skilled at blowjobs and paizuri. The other 3 are good, and their chests don't hurt, but Hayate blows them out of the water.

2a. It could be any of them, depending on the plot behind it. Presuming that he even still is a virgin, by the time the story starts.

3. I'd say a bit more fluid, less human. Things like hair control, super long tongue, inhuman flexibility, that kind of thing.


1. Ooh. With what you say about Reinforce now I'm imagining her blowjobs with Yuuno consist of her deepthroating him and keeping him deepthroated, then wrapping her tongue all around his dick until it's completely covered by her long tongue, before sucking along with using her tongue to stroke out orgasm after orgasm. And other than her cheeks hollowing during sucking, there's no indication of movement except for what Yuuno feels.

2. Hm would Signum and Reinforce have the biggest chests? I could imagine Yuuno waking up and typically seeing his penis being entrapped between their chests, with both Signum and Reinforce wearing their clothes except for the chest portion of their clothes being open to let their breasts out.

Heck I could imagine Signum giving Yuuno barriers jacketed paizuri, sticking his cock into the small opening she unbuttons at the bottom of the chest portion of her barrier jacket with Yuuno getting to feel just how tight the barrier jacket is around her chest. Like it's tight enough she could probably make him cum through paizuri without squeezing her breasts together. Then she starts squeezing her breasts together and moving, and that makes the crushing softness even tighter. Unfortunately for Yuuno, Signum cast a bind around the base of his dick so she's going to keep on making him more and more sensitive as he feels backed-up orgasm after orgasm.

But then when does she finally decide to let Yuuno orgasm into her breasts after all that clothed paizuri?

And how many times will she have Yuuno orgasm into her breasts during her clothed paizuri?

2a. Between Signum and Reinforce who would have the tighter paizuri when giving clothed paizuri under their barrier jackets?

2b. Hm could Signum cast a bind on her breasts during clothed paizuri to squeeze them while allowing her hands freedom? Think she might pull Yuuno into a tongue-rape of a kiss while giving him clothed paizuri?


I...honestly don't know whether they or Fate would be biggest. And probably something like hold Yuuno back as long as possible, then just let him have one massive orgasm.

2a. Probably Reinforce, just out of generally higher magical abilities, including manipulating her barrier jacket.

2b. Physically, the actual mechanics of the kissing seem like they wouldn't work. Someone else being there and doing it, though, that totally works.

  • 3 months later...

Here's one I thought I had after thinking about both Fate & Material-L in StrikerS/Force: both start getting attracted to Yuuno & start wondering between the two who would he think better? So perhaps they knock him out to take him to some place that is secure from prying eyes. I'm imagining for the comparison it involves Fate & Material-L in their barrier jackets pinning him between their bodies so he gets to feel first hand the "differences" between their bodies. :D

Material-L's adult form looks exactly like that of Fate's.

Here is Material-L's adult form:


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