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Missing Cloud x Squall/Leon Fic - One-Winged Cloud / Dimension Hopping / 9-11 Reference

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I'm looking for my favorite fanfiction of all time. I read it back when the URL for this site was still "adultfanfiction.net" and I want nothing more than to read it again.

The basic synopsis:

Squall (or Leon, not sure which they referred to him as) is a widower. I remember distinctly that Rinoa died in the 9/11 terrorist attack [pretty distinct thing]. Cloud falls from a rift in space / time and has only one wing. He reveals to Leon that he's some kind of dimension hopper and uses some kind of device to see a map of the universe. Sephiroth and his "brothers" are chasing after him to try and take him back, but Cloud cannot hop anymore because he lost one of his wings when he crashed to Earth.

I wish I remembered more. I really really REALLY need to read this fanfiction again. I would most likely recognize the name if I saw it, or the synopsis. Hell, I can tell you that Reno says "Sweet Shiva's frozen tits" at one point, and that Leon and Cloud have a discussion about how tap water is bad lubricant.

I am so desperate to read this fic again.

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