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This story isn't actually mine, it's by one of my dear friends who has embraced his inner fiend and started writing on AFF.. I'm quite glad about this, and since I doubt he would do this himself, I'm here promoting his story! I really hope this isn't against the rules, but since it's a positive thing, I don't think it should be.. I just want him to be read/reviewed/encouraged, not a starved author-monster like me~!

Anyway, as the description says, it's the only Azure Dreams fanfic on the WHOLE site, which makes it special and unique! (until I write one, that is.. hehe) If you've ever played that game, you're in for a treat! Here's the info:

Title: The Second Floor

Author: Shika T

Rating: Adult +

Summary: Takes place 3 years after the PSX version's "ending." A horny Selfi ambushes Koh on a routine run up the tower. M/F, SoloF

Feedback: Give him lots please ^_^

Fandom: Azure Dreams doesn't really have any solid fandoms, does it?

URL: http://games.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600082651

Go check it out, and have fun with it!

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