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Harry raped by dumbledore for heirs

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The story I'm looking for is either on fanfiction.net or adultfanfiction.net.

It was rather long and centered around Harry. Dumbledore rapes him in the quidditch changing rooms in an attempt to get him pregnant but fails so he tries again and this time it is a weasley that is disguised as Harry. They were supposed to catch him but dumbledore ends up taping him and escaping. The reason why he keeps trying to get Harry pregnant is because dumbledore and Harry are the last heirs of certain founders and together would have powerful kids. I remember that Harry was gay but while I think he was with a weasley I don't know for sure but not Charlie as I am pretty sure he was with an ooc whose name was grant or something. Charlie ends up pregnant either by grant or dumbledore idk but many scenes take place in the hospital and I know Harry felt guilty that Charlie was hurt as he hadn't wanted him to do it.

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