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Bible fanfiction

Keith Inc.

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The undersigned want to remove the Bible section from (mumble something) dot net. Not here. Although they'd probably jimmy up another petition if they knew about this place.

I think the comments are hilarious. Not just the misspellings


Um, did we mean 'sacred?'

But the lack of understanding.

I suspect that the (mumblesomething) admin didn't just decide that there had to be a The Books section. Someone had to write the stuff first.

With the things dominating position in society, and ubiquity, both for itself and quotes from it, allusions to it, you'd expect that there would be a lot of people inspired by it, more than the Koran, probably. Plus, many of those that read the Koran are less likely to post on the internet than an Amish farmer.

I'm sure that if someone used a surah to inspire PWP they'd make a place for it, nu?

Some people just have no sense of humor. It's amazing how funny they can be, huh?

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What pisses me off is Christians seem to think they have a right to tell people what to believe in the name of spreading the word. There was a thing in the news that some same sex couples at a local college had a comittment ceremony and there were Christian protestors.

Where do they get off deciding that something should be illegal because they believe it's a sin? It's their religion and they shouldn't force that belief on anyone else. I have a very different view than they do.

If I want to write a story involving a biblical person in an orgy, shouldn't that be my right? If the bible is indeed correct (I doubt it) then yes I'll probably go to hell, but isn't that my problem? Some Christians seem to miss the meaning of free will. Believe what you want, but don't force it on me. I don't force my beliefs on you.

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I agree with you. The other religious people do not try to force their religion down people's throats and yet they do. It just makes them look bad that they are not true to the bible's teachings of love thy neighbor nor respect others for they will respect you.

Oh by the way, I'm pagen and I never force my religion down anyone's throat who is not interested in what I do. And I do believe that the Bible is a group of fictional stories that was in the middle east for a long time before they jotted it down on paper. Now if there is proof that it is not fictional then I'll say it is non fiction but to me - it is fiction.


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Guest MortiferLascivio

I tend to keep my mouth shut when it comes to people bad-talking my faith, trashing the Bible and calling all Christians nuts because they want to protect what they believe in. However, I don't see how this is "forcing faith" onto anyone else. They just don't want someone turning their beloved Savior into some bend-over boy or manipulating the Word into some grotesque version of it. I respect this just as I'd respect any published author who doesn't want their book being tampered with. I have no qualms with Bible fanfiction, even though I'm an avid believer in both God and the Bible, but it amazes me how unsympathetic people are towards Christians. We can't talk about our faith without us being labeled "nuts" only wishing to "force" our beliefs onto everyone else, but it is a-okay for everyone else to trash our faith? The world is a weird place.

Also, all religions force faith down people's throat. I dislike it when people generalize one entire group of people. Not all Christians are as you say they are. I write stories about slash and magic and things people would consider "unGodly" and yet I have never faltered in my faith. And I have never forced anyone to believe, but many have tried to force me into unbelief.

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Guest MortiferLascivio

But I also want to add that I don't think there's anything wrong with Bible fanfiction. Anyone who has an interest in the Bible and wishes to write about it, I actually think that's great. But there are instances when I think it goes too far, but like I said I don't usually open my mouth about it. People have the right to write about whatever they want. But there are gonna be people who do not like it and I don't think that makes them religious nuts or anything like that. if anything, they're just wasting their time.

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I don't mind people being strong in their faith. You can tell me what you believe and I'll listen with respect. I may not agree with you, but it isn't my place to tell you what to believe.

What does bother me is the people who think their beliefs should be made into law. That is trying to force others to follow what they believe. Those are the people who irk me to no end.

Who's to say what the truth is. We can't know for sure until we die. Who's to say you won't get invited to an orgy by an arhch angel..... I guess what I'm saying is don't put all your eggs in one basket. If I'm right... religious zealots are going to be in for quite a shock.

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Guest MortiferLascivio

If...you believe that religious zealouts are going to be in for a shock, does that, in some way, imply that you believe in the after life? Because if you believe there is no God, then that means there is no after life and death is just death. How can any of us be in "for a shock" if there is no after life?

All I'm gonna say is, if I'm right, then I've gained everything. If I'm wrong, then I've lost nothing. All I know is it sounds awful boring and empty to be just dead.

But yeah, this is getting off topic. I agree that anyone who tries to force ANYTHING into being some universal law is just outrageous. Everyone needs to find their own path in life, decide for themselves what is real and what is not real, and do what they see as fit. Even if that includes writing racy slash stories about Jesus.

Like I said, those religious "nuts" protesting Bible fanfiction are just wasting their time. It'll just make the rest of us Christians look like idiots as well.

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actually, you can believe that there is an afterlife without a god. And, not to bash christians, but I have had religious people try to force their faith on me many times, and they've all been christian, but I don't think that means that all christians are like that, it upsets me when it happens with any religion. To get back on track, I think that Bible fanfiction is ok. I think its a lot like incest or yaoi, if it is against your belief system, don't read it. The bible is a work of literary fiction and is under the same free speech rules as any other book and no one has the right to say that some one doesn't have the right to write it (illiteration, sorry). If people can print out those 'zion' pamphlets about why the jews are trying to enslave the world, which is actually harmful, than I think that people can write bible fanfiction, which isn't harmful, simply because its not being forced in your face, its something that you have to go looking for.

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:::Roars with laughter::: I just went to that site to check out the Bible section for sh*ts and giggles and they had a Pontius Pilate Mpreg! I had to close the window for fear of being sent to hell. Plus I'm sure my peels of laughter would have woken up the entire house had I continued . . .

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What site is this anyway? You went and got me curious.... I should spank you :)

And I do believe there is a God, I just happened to have a different view than most. My belief system works for me.

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I tend to keep my mouth shut when it comes to people bad-talking my faith, trashing the Bible and calling all Christians nuts because they want to protect what they believe in.
I spended 20 in uniform to preserve your right to free worship.

But also to protect others' right to freedom from worship.

Believing what you want isn't forcing faith.

Those that try to legislate their litany, though, that's exactly what they're doing. I don't blame all christains for the actions of a few, but the mouthy few are more than enough to talk about.

but it amazes me how unsympathetic people are towards Christians. We can't talk about our faith without us being labeled "nuts" only wishing to "force" our beliefs onto everyone else, but it is a-okay for everyone else to trash our faith? The world is a weird place.
Well, talking about your faith is one thing. Shipping it door to door is another. Making laws that force others to live by their litany is a whole other level up.
Also, all religions force faith down people's throat.
I have to quibble with that generalization of an entire group of people. I don't remember the last time a Shinto tried to introduce legislation that i have to respect the kami in my car. Or a Asatru attempt to get their creation myth taught as science in public schools (Giant head lice people!).
... I have never faltered in my faith. And I have never forced anyone to believe, but many have tried to force me into unbelief.
Good. Good. And that's too bad.
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But I also want to add that I don't think there's anything wrong with Bible fanfiction. Anyone who has an interest in the Bible and wishes to write about it, I actually think that's great. But there are instances when I think it goes too far, but like I said I don't usually open my mouth about it. People have the right to write about whatever they want. But there are gonna be people who do not like it and I don't think that makes them religious nuts or anything like that. if anything, they're just wasting their time.
Many of the posters qualify as bugknuckle nuts in my estimation NOT because they are christain, but in the way they express their christainity. They'd be just as BKN if they were protesting The Craft, The Passion, Harry Potter, Apocalypso, Dora the Explorer or Pirates of the Caribbean.
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What site is this anyway?


_A_FF's bible section is a lot smaller.

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Well, talking about your faith is one thing. Shipping it door to door is another. Making laws that force others to live by their litany is a whole other level up.

The problem is the harassment is always blamed on 'Christians'. That's like discussing the destructive actions of the more radical Black Panthers, yet only referring to them as "blacks". The Westboro Baptists are not the Church of Later Day Saints, who are not the Amish, who are not the Roman Catholics, who are not the Jehovah's Witnesses, who are not the Anglican Church, which is not where Calvinists worship. And it really is a bit of a double standard. If an Islamic terrorist blows up a crowded market place, we get a lecture on how Islam is really a religion of peace, and they don't all mean it. If the Westboro Baptists picket a funeral, however, then its Christian fundamenalists trying to impose their views on freedom loving people.

Personally, given the choice, I much prefer being woken up at 9 in the morning by some well meaning, if inconvenient, folks who think they're going to save my soul. (The Westboros, on the other hand, I would much prefer stay in their own tiny little temple.) Not to sound preachy, but as far as I'm concerned, God will reward as God chooses, and there are going to be a lot of people in for a surprise, not all of them happy...

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*snickers to no end*

Even if it was petitioned I doupt AFF would ever remove the bible section, after all the word bible means collection of books. It has every right to be in the books zone.

As for being christianity being forced on people.... All i can say is i'm acosted by moremen and johova's witnesses at least 3 -4 times a week on my way to my day job (that dose not include the menonites, algicains, protestants(calvinist/lutherin/orangemen/ect), that give me no end of grief at work). On the flip side catholics arent too bad, they leave me alone, never give me holier then though attitude. My only annoyance with hindu's an islamics is thier tendancy to not read the signs, and attempts to haggle. My family is more zen buddist, and i pratice a bit of shinto.

Principle of energy: it never ceases to be, simply changes form, humans produce -5 to +5 volts of extra energy a second, more when active. come to your own conclusions if you want, but it is all i have to say of the exsistance of souls and the posility to life after death.

live your life to the fullest, after all no one gets out of living alive :)

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The problem is the harassment is always blamed on 'Christians'. That's like discussing the destructive actions of the more radical Black Panthers, yet only referring to them as "blacks".

ML was bemoaning discrimination against christains, who only talk about their faith and get labeled 'nuts,' and so on, who aren't trying to force their faith..

My reply was to make a distinction that i'm not blaming all christains, just those that ARE forcing their faith.

I don't see it as a double standard, i'm being distinct about the behaviors i find objectionable, not faiths or congregations.

If the Westboro Baptists picket a funeral, however, then its Christian fundamenalists trying to impose their views on freedom loving people.
Gosh, everywhere i post, everyone makes a clear distinction between the Phelps family and just about every other bipedal primate on the planet. And some of the better behaved quadrupeds...
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My reply was to make a distinction that i'm not blaming all christains, just those that ARE forcing their faith.

I don't see it as a double standard, i'm being distinct about the behaviors i find objectionable, not faiths or congregations.

I know, and I probably would have been better off quoting the line under that. :-P My bad. But I was trying to put the topic in a slightly broader focus, which, to be fair, is how it needs to be addressed. Honestly, I tend to find the people who inhabit internet forums to be generally rational about these kinds of things. (The odd troll or honest to god idiot aside*) Which simply means the majority of the bigots don't hang out on the internet...which makes these kinds of debates sort of odd, in a way. But I think the point stands, even if it does not necessarily fit one particular person: christianity tends to recieve the blame, rather than the specific church or cult, when all they seem to hold is a belief that one man was the son or prophet of god.

*Never try to argue the merits of how a Paladin's code of honor works in 3.X D&D. The experience is not a pleasant one, and tends to attract those who think moral superiority means they're right, and you're wrong, even if it hands the world over to Evil in the process.

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Honestly, I tend to find the people who inhabit internet forums to be generally rational about these kinds of things. (The odd troll or honest to god idiot aside*) Which simply means the majority of the bigots don't hang out on the internet...which makes these kinds of debates sort of odd, in a way.
Well, i thought i had linked to the petition, and the comments undersigned, but i guess i didn't.

Um. Read through the comments on the petition:


My estimate of the ratio of bugknuckle to rational is a bit more to the dark side...

Never try to argue the merits of how a Paladin's code of honor works
I never understood the Paladin.

In the real world, the Faithful are supposed to seek out, if not the evil doers, at least those on the borderline and provide a shiny example.

In the game, that behavior makes them lose power, no matter how fi their fidelity or how pi their piety. Weird.

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Well, i thought i had linked to the petition, and the comments undersigned, but i guess i didn't.

Um. Read through the comments on the petition:


My estimate of the ratio of bugknuckle to rational is a bit more to the dark side...

Nah, petitions don't count. They're designed to attract the bugnuts. :)

As for paladins, I don't really get it either. But by the end of the debate I'd accused of being a Communist Nazi Demon, who was evil because he was a polygamist. (I stringently deny the first three. I admit the last, freely and plainly, though I don't see how it makes me evil.) All because I condoned the taking of an innocent life, to save both the world and the soul that had been bound with in that life. Apparently the proper answer was to foolishly sacrifice myself, and take the world with me, as my soul as a paladin was worth more than an individual commoner. That particular fued has now gone through no less than three seperate threads...

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Christianity is the original fanfiction.

Here's a little story about a man, born of a god and mortal woman, who inspired his followers, was put to death for it by the powers that be, came back to life three days later and rose to the heavens.


No. Osiris, Dionysus, Mithras, Saturn, the list goes on.

Freke & Gandy (1999) outline the numerous similarities between Jesus and many other "pagan" deities:

"Like Jesus, in many of his myths the Pagan godman is born of a mortal virgin mother. In asia Minor, Attis' mother is the virgin Cybele. In Syria, Adonis' virgin mother is called Myrrh. In Alexandria, Aion is born of the virgin Kore. In Greece, Dionysus is born of a mortal virgin Semele, who wishes to see Zeus in all his glory and is mysteriously impregnated by one of his bolts of lightning." (p. 29)

"The miracle of turning water into wine took place for the first time at the marriage of Dionysus and Adriane." (p. 38)

"The gospels tell us that on one occasion Jesus exorcized a man of demons who called themselves Legion, because there were "about 2,000 of them." These demons are cast by Jesus into a large herd of pigs, which rush over the edge of a hillside and are drowned. Exactly the same motif is found in the rites of the Mysteries at Eleusis. As part of the purification ceremony before initiation, some 2,000 initiates all bathed in the sea with young pigs. This bathing ritual banished all evil into the pigs, which were then sacrificed, as a symbol of the initiates' own impurities, by being chased over a chasm." (p. 41)

"By partaking of the bread and wine offered by Jesus, his disciples symbolically eat his body and drink his blood, so communing with the Christ. The idea of divine communion through eating the god is a rite so ancient that it is found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, in which the deceased are portrayed as eating the gods and so imbuing their powers." (p. 48)

So people who write biblical fanfiction are really just following the example that the bible provides. :(

Freke, T. & Gandy, P. (1999). The Jesus Mysteries. New York: Three Rivers Press.

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  • 7 months later...

Found a site that actually acknowledges AFF's bible fanfic.

usually, they're all het up about The Site Dat Won't Be Named, and the huge Bible archive there.

This 'n:


even refers to a particular story here.

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Ummmm.... sorry, but the laws of the Bible don't apply to me. While I agree one should respect another's religion, Christians don't have to read it.

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While I agree one should respect another's religion,

What sort of moral code would this be based upon? Infinite punishment for finite crimes? The superiority of a chosen race, nation or ideology in the eyes of the creator of all mankind? God dies as a blood sacrifice to himself to convince himself to forgive those that transgressed laws he himself published?

I don't see any reason to respect any religion.

I fully respect anyone's right to have a religion, to worship freely (up to the point of infringing on the rights of others), and to wave their religious symbols at the undead.

("Sister Ophelia! Show the vampire your cross!"

"Oi! Fang-face! Get the fuck off the hood!")

I'll respect the religious. And nonreligious. And the irreligious. But no, i don't see any purpose to respect the religion...

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Keith, you wouldn't happen to be a listener of Pat Condell would you? If not, you might like to check him out.


Not familiar with him.Thanx.
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