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Looking for story about harry joining voldie

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Guest airais42

Ii read a story one where harry was at the durslyes, and how one night and the death eaters got in. harry was abusedd by his family and didnt fight them, infact wanted to join them. He went with them to voldemorts place and he said that he could join them but would have to fight the death eaters to see how stong he is. So he did fight them, already hurt but still kicked their ass, and went all the way up to voldemore and it was a tie. Hermonie also joins him and she becomes voldemorts appretance of sorts, like his favorite. She also fall in love with severus.

Guest SilverDark9

Hi. The story you are looking for is Life Renovations by Windseeker2305 on FanFiction. It is actually part of a trilogy named Life Cycle. Sequel 1 is Life Agendas and the next is Life Crusades. A bit too much informations i guess. I read about half of the first and is really good and kind of funny. Hope it helps.


Guest airais42

I read the beginning if life renovations but it isn't the one I'm looking for. : (

Its in the first chapter that he is taken by the Death eaters and then fights them to get his rank.


Sound little bit Fall of a Phoenix by DaggersBloodPain... In the second chapter Harry have to duel first Voldemort's outer circle, then inner circle and finally Voldemort himself. He win all death eaters and become very hight ranked follower...

But that story don't contain Hermoine/Severus only Harry/Severus

Guest SilverDark9

ok. the only one that i know of that has a sort of duel for position with the Death Eaters is Formans Familia by Michally, though it doesn't have a Hermione/Severus pairing, is actually a Hermione bashing story, but interesting none the less. I think there are others but not any that i remember that have all your requirements in them. Another story with rescuing from the dursleys and joining the Dark Side is The Tattoo by Bleudiablo. Sorry for not being of more help. SilverDark9

Guest SilverDark9

ok. the only one that i know of that has a sort of duel for position with the Death Eaters is Formans Familia by Michally, though it doesn't have a Hermione/Severus pairing, is actually a Hermione bashing story, but interesting none the less. I think there are others but not any that i remember that have all your requirements in them. Another story with rescuing from the dursleys and joining the Dark Side is The Tattoo by Bleudiablo. Sorry for not being of more help. SilverDark9

Guest Guest

I did fund the story. It is the fall of a Phoenix. Thank you for that. I thought that it had Hermione/snape with Hermione being appretnance but I guess that was another story. I vaguely remember hermonie really being bellatrix daughter...

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