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It's Snape/Hermione. It is a color image. Would be about an R rating. S/H are 'doing the deed'. No actual naughty bits shown, but there's no doubt about what they're doing.

Snape is lying on the floor on his back. Hermione is above him with her back towards him, supporting herself on her hands and feet. Snape is thrusting upwards towards her. She's wearing a school uniform in Slytherin colors. Snape is at least partly nude and is drawn as being fairly taut. His facial features lean towards Alan Rickman, but it isn't an exact likeness. Much the same for Hermione, though less of a resemblance to Emma, IIRC. Very well drawn in a realistic style. Hermione looks to be in her late teens/early twenties. I first came across it 2-3 years ago. It used to come up in my art searches, but I'm not seeing it now. I don't know who the artist is. It was a medium to large sized image.

I think it was drawn to accompany a fanfic, but I'm not certain.

Ring a bell with anyone?

Still looking for the fic, if any. Would like to know the name of the artist. I can't make it out on the drawing.

ETA: The artist is Marquise. For some reason she used differing names when signing her artwork, but it was one of hers.

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