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A Random Rant About Silent Hill

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I must admit, I have never played silent Hill until a couple weeks ago, but I've been addicted to it for over a year. I'd heard about it from friends who's friends own the game (because my friends are too chicken shit to play horror survival games) and my cousin, who is a fanatic for anything horror. So, when Silent Hill the movie came out, I naturally went to see it despite the fact it was my first real journey into Silent Hill. I loved the movie despite everyone else's hatred of it (now that I have played two of the games, I see why, but at the time I was naiive). I searched far and wide for the music and fell in love even more with it, cause, let's face it, for fans of the dark, Silent Hill music is incredible. So, when I got a playstation 2 for x-mas this year, I naturally asked for a Silent Hill game and SH2. It was everything I thought it was... I'm a huge H.P. Lovecraft/Stephen King fan, so a game like that makes a huge impression. And yes, I now hate the movie. Anyway, yesterday I got Silent Hill 4 for an early Easter gift, but I came back to school today where I have no tv, and therefore no playstation, and I am going through serious withdrawal. It started with the fact that I've been listening to 'I Want Love' and 'Magdalene' all day and complicated by this: before I went on spring break this week, I was given a writing assignment for my flash fiction class in which I had to write a story via a letter (fic is here: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096559 ) and when I was brainstorming, 'Room of Angel' kept cycling through my head until I gave up and let the Silent Hill muse take me. But, since I have the class on Tuesday, today i proof read it and my need to play the damn game has grown to pure irritation. Many fans of the games says that Silent Hill 4 is the worst one, but I disagree. I like it better than SH2. The graphics are better and I like the story and characters better. SH2 reminds me of a M.Night movie while SH4 is definitely more Lovecraftian. SH2 is so sensational, a man goes looking for his dead wife who apparently wrote him a letter AFTER she died. Nothing is what it seems, ect. SH4 is all about a guy who gets stuck in his apartment and finds a portal to other creepy ass world in his bathroom. Don't know why, but that plot line freaks me out a lot more, maybe because he has no connection to silent hill and, unlike with SH2, the main character actually cares about what's happening to him while with SH2, the main character just wants to find his wife and screw everything else. That and SH4 has my two favorite songs: Room of Angel and Your Rain. So, I'm just going to stop listening to other people. I have no idea what I'm going to do about my addiction. Sigh. Maybe I'll just read Rats in the Walls by H.P. Lovecraft and hope it subsides in the morning. (for creepy ass videos, look up 'room of angel silent hill' on youtube. )

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