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Fic finding help

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Guest Slytherinheadgirl

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a fic that had Harry in love with Remus and Severus from afar as Remus and sev were a couple and this issue was a factor an Harry taking an apprenticeship at hogwarts. But albus in his great wisdom, knew that the three of them cared for each other and with the help of dobby, drugged them and coerced them into a room on the pretense that it would be there's the following year. They all three slept together, but Harry feeling that it was out of pity left, told albus as such and left. Harry later found out he was pregnant with twins, one from each father. Harry struggles with being pregnant and sev and Remus' relationship begins to fall apart without Harry in their lives. Harry is eventually found and all is solved and happy.

Please help thanks.

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