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HP/DM veela Harry makes suitors pass tests to find his mate, Draco hides his identity

Guest fm8650

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Guest fm8650

I read this fic a long time ago on ff.net. It's Harry/Draco. I think it was complete, and it was pretty long if I remember correctly.

Harry is a veela, there are no predetermined mates. He makes the possible suitors pass tests to see who would make the best mate. Draco hides his identity so that Harry won't dismiss him as a possible mate because of their history, but Harry know's it's him anyway.

Dumbledore tries to interfere with Harry's search for a mate by making members of the Order go through Harry's tests to be his suitors.

Harry weeds out the suitors with his tests and meetings to see if their magic is compatible with his own, he gets more sensitive to incompatible magic as time goes by.

Harry and Draco communicate through post without Draco disclosing his identity, he sends Harry very thoughtful gifts to win his affections and allow them to get to know each other better.

Harry's magic gets more unstable as time goes by without his having a mate and he goes through 4? stages of Desperation? while he decides on a mate.

Harry has a chaperone with him a lot of the time. Eventually you find out that the chaperone is his grandfather (I think Lily was adopted or something), and I think Harry is somehow related to the Queen.

Involves mpreg near the end

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me find this fic! :)

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