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Okay, so I'm watching my sister's kids during the day, they're like um.. 6 and 9 I think.

Well my sister drops them off, and she has new 'rules' for me.

When I'm on the internet, I'm not allowed to play 'mature' games. (Final Fantasy XI takes up the majority of my day, off and on.)

When on the internet, I'm not allowed to write, or HAVE SOMEONE ELSE TYPE, swear words. Well, nothing I can do about other people, so looks like I'm fucked, and can't be on MSN or in IRC all day.

When on the internet, I can't talk about religion. That's... No, just no, every few days we end up having a religious argument, and I'm not just going to back out of those... I'm very opinionated.

WHEN ON THE INTERNET, I'm not allowed to talk to my girlfriend... Wait what? I can't talk to Jessy just because your fucking kids are here, GOD damn it, I'm going to go stab something in FFXI. >_>

This is too much. Is this how people think they can 'protect' their children? Censor typed swear words, religion (They're hardcore Christian) and violence?

He's read the Harry Pothead series, and watched all the movies, but I can't TYPE "God damnit" around him?

The little girl.... Uh, I think they all watch the same movies, but I don't think she's read the books. BUT STILL, I can't INTERNET swear around the kids? That's going way too fucking far...



I can see the sweraing and the video games to a point. But I think only seriously violent and gory games should apply. And you can ask people not to swear, but you can't control them. Kids tend to like to read over your shoulder.

As for religion and your girlfriend... WTF? As long as you and your girlfriend don't get into graphic cybering I don't see a problem. And as far as religion.... I'm sorry but unless you expose your kids to other religions and opinions you're not teaching them faith, you're brainwashing them. I am of the strong opinion that each individual person needs to figure out for themselves what they believe.


I probably would tell her do you tell your friends that they can't swear in front of your kids or they have to go home?

I bet she probably wouldn't say that to her friends because they would get offended and not come around anymore. I would tell her here are my rules for my house, which superseeds any rules you may give me. I will write what I want and do what I want on my computer. If you do not want your kids to be influenced by a sensable person who sees everything in a shade of gray and will speak their minds, then, I guess you will be needing to pay for a babysitter for the day for I will not hold my tongue when I'm talking to my girl, because of your kids. And if you want them to be entertained, be sure to bring their books and let me know what type of tv shows they like to watch MTV or VH1 or Speed or Golf or Food Network or the stupid Seseme Street. This is my house and those are my rules. Take it or leave the house with the kids.

I bet she'll be fuming for a few minutes before storming out of the house telling you in a tone you probably would not like that she'll be back for the kids later or that she'll take the kids with her to work and get fired from it for having the kids there and blaming you for her getting fired.


Guest Savaial

I agree with Solaris. People can't have it both ways. A lot of times I think people get ultra defensive because they over compensate for bad parenting. They know they aren't being parents and so they go all out to prove they are.

I can understand wanting to shield your kids from too much too soon, (that's how trauma starts in some people, like Adult Baby Syndrome) but there's a fine line. Bottom line, your house, your babysitting, your rules. Just be sure your rules are fair and appropriate.

Your sister can pay for a real babysitter if she doesn't like what you do in your own house.


I really don't understand the video game thing though. They have more violence in crap like Sponge Bob, that show teaches everyone who watches it to be annoying and violent. >> :: Freaking hates Sponge Bob and wants it to die. ::

They get more swear words in HARRY POTTER....... Ya'know, bloody hell and all that.

And they talk about religion more than I.... I mean, they constantly say things like "Flaming fags shouldn't be able to marry." or "Those fucking faggots are yada yada blasphemy against god yada yada homophobic." And I'm supposed to censor myself? ._.

... Buh.

  • 2 weeks later...

Damn. :S I'm surprised you didn't tell her to find somebody else to babysit. :S I can understand the video games and swearing stuff, but come on. You have every right to talk to your girlfriend, and the kids are too young to understand religious debates (especially if you're having them vai text, rather than vocal communication.)

Lay down your won rules, but compromise on sensible things. If she keeps up, tell her to back off or get somebody else.

Guest skittles08

That is just freakin' ridiculous. Its your house and your rules. Like the others, I can understand the thing about the games to an extent but come on! And you're not allowed to talk to your own girlfriend in YOUR house? WTF? Like someone else said, as long as you guys don't cyber hardcore, then it shouldn't be a problem. If she wants you to follow her rules, she should seriously pay you.

It sounds to me like your sister doesn't trust your judegement. :blink:

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