Lyran Posted April 14, 2013 Report Posted April 14, 2013 Here we go *shifts around into a more comfortable position* this will do nicely Now, due to my accident of exceeding the author notes word limit of 600 words or less, I have opted to post reviews here in the forum. That being said, I was required to remove the reviews for chapter seven, Bitten, and will now be posting them here, as I will for every chapter hereafter. Now, my lovies, here are your replies to the reviews for those who haven't yet had a chance to read theirs Woodland Spirit: Thanks. Here's more! Enjoy (: Krucksue: Here's more and you're welcome! djaddict: Thanks so much, glad you liked it!! I certainly enjoyed writing his morning after reaction, lol. Hope you enjoy this next chapter (: Rin: So totally continuing! As I said, I am not abandoning this, I just had to take a break from writing for a while until I got my head together and my health a little better. Hope you like the next chapter! Anti-Form_Sora: Thanks, so glad to hear you liked it (: Lol, that's funny, because throughout a lot of this (especially after watching the Harry Potter movies) I end up doing the character voices in my head with British accents. Can't help it, British accents are uber sexy. No promises for how soon their fantasies are going to be fulfilled, but it will happen, I promise (; There will be more angst and yaoi goodness, though perhaps not as steamy as that scene with Lucius and Severus for a while more as things gradually heat up between Harry and Severus. Hope you like this next chapter!! Thornesedge: Thanks! Well, don't know if you've read any of these or if you've gone searching since I haven't been around for a while, but here's some that I know and like. May find some others later, cause I know I've read more, it's just a matter of finding them again. So here's the ones I do know: Altered Minds, which is kind of a darker one for a while and Lucius is submissive rather than dominant (I generally prefer a dominant Lucius, but the story was intriguing), while Harry's a switch, so if you like that kind of thing you can check it out; then there's Jealous Proposal, which I believe is just between Harry (sub) and Severus (Dom); I just wanted to ask, which is another Harry/Severus with Severus as the Dom and Harry as the sub, there's a lot of grammar and spelling errors as English isn't the native language of the author, but I still like the storyline; Care is by far one of my favorites, again Severus(Dom)/Harry(sub); Bruised and Bruised Again are also favorite Severus(Dom)/Harry(sub) stories, Bruised Again is the sequel to Bruised; Resistance has some D/s undertones, Severus/Harry again; Willpower is between Lucius and Harry, Lucius Dom and Harry sub with a previous relationship between Severus and Harry; if you're into Harry/Draco I can think of two, but Harry's the Dom and those two are Rough on You and What Goes Around; oh and there's also a couple of Tom and Harry which have D/s undertones to it, but besides that, the plot line is awesome, and those are Descent into Darkness and Harry Potter and the Breeding Darkness, the second a sequel to the first. Those are all I can think of at the moment, but if I find more I can give you a heads up if you like (: Lukia: Here's the next chapter for you, enjoy! Luckyclover1583: Well, it's not as soon as I would have liked, but here's the next update. Enjoy (: I also wish a lot of the SS/HP/LM stories would be completed more often. Don't worry, I have no intentions of abandoning this story! Lizzosaur: Thanks (: Hope you like! Emma: Thank you so much (: Please enjoy the next chapter! Sera21: Thanks for the compliments, I'm really glad you're enjoying it. Lol, the angel of darkness part, I seriously was thinking of Phantom of the Opera, just so you know, and that was intentional and will be explained later (: Riahana: Oooh! Thanks (: I'm glad my story could intrigue you enough to venture over from the Drarry ship, lol. I also love Draco/Harry stories, as well as just plain Severus/Harry or Lucius/Harry or Tom/Harry, even a few Fenrir/Harry ... well, if the plot line is good and believable, then I'll pretty much pick up anything with Harry in it, ha ha (; Hope this next chapter doesn't disappoint! Ceara: Thanks for the review! Here's more (: san59: Thank you! Enjoy the update! Jen: Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it, please continue to do so in this next chapter! Tansule: Wow! Wish I would've had more for you sooner, but hope this update somewhat makes up for that. Enjoy! Bee: Thank you so very much and thanks for leaving a review! Enjoy the update (: Anon: Thanks! Here's the next chapter (: missemokitty: Lol, thanks! Here's more, please enjoy! BakeNeko: Yes, I love Lucius and Severus together, too! Thank you very much for the review and I hope you enjoy the update! HeavenScent: Wow, such a compliment! You're making me blush *hides face away in embarrassment* Here's the update (: Enjoy! luv-blonde-bunny: Thanks so much for your input, I appreciate the support so very much and always love hearing what my readers think no matter if it's a subject that has already been addressed or not (: Hope you enjoy the update! truthseeker: Good, I'm glad it's believable enough (: Thanks for the review, please enjoy the update! Jupi: Here's more! Enjoy (: Arithmancer: I am continuing, I promise, it's just taking me a while. Enjoy the update! Woodlandspirit: Wow, that's a lot of times! Makes me so happy (: (: Here's the update and I hope you enjoy it! Anti-Form_Sora: I haven't abandoned it and I will not abandon it, don't worry. Hope you like the update (: There you have it! You guys make me so happy, luv you all so much *squeals and pretends to hug and squeeze all her lovely reviewers* Quote
Lyran Posted April 30, 2013 Author Report Posted April 30, 2013 (edited) Ha ha, know what I just realized when I read over the last reviews?? I totally replied to some people twice because they had two separate reviews in there, with some reviews in-between when I probably could have just added their response together. Ooookay, I was totally out of it, I admit it. You guys just getta be special and have two review replies, lol Now, on to the reviews for the next chapter, Chapter Seven, Bitten. k. - Thanks! I'm happy to finally have it out there. Woodlandspirit - Yes, I'm back and I'm so glad to be back. Awww, thanks so much. Things are getting better, it's just taking time, as these things usually do. Hope you enjoy the new update! Oh, and I'm glad you like Teddy's nickname. I've heard it tossed around in a few places, actually, and really liked it. Thanks again! Meechypoo64 - Lol, agreed. Oooh, yes, gotta be excited for that! Glad you're enjoying it, and I hope you like the next chapter, as well. Eve - Yes, I am feeling better, thank you. I'm sorry to hear you deal with some of the same. I hope this next update helps brighten up your day somewhat! Lol, don't worry, I don't mind having what I wrote repeated back to me like that. It's quite flattering. Ha ha, so Severus doesn't only correct my grammar? Whew *wipes forehead* that's a relief! I still make more than enough mistakes, though. Anytime I re-read my story, I feel like he's hovering just over my shoulder, ready to smack me over the back of the head when I come upon mistakes. Thanks so much for your review and support, it had me smiling and laughing the whole way through (and that's quite a big deal for me!). Hope you continue to enjoy the story!! Anon - Thank you so much! I'm happy to hear my story is fulfilling those wants. Enjoy the update! she-who-waits-in-darkness - Awww!! Thank you! Such awesome reviews enchant me equally as much. I am starting to feel better, thank you. Hope you find the next update just as enchanting as those before! wolfcathope - Oh, yes, he'd definitely be hurt if he found Severus and Lucius with another sub, no doubt there. As for Hermione and Ron, I'm not going to be giving away any details, but I will say there is danger lurking around Harry's friends and associates. And there will be more action involving the ones who hired Abbas Scott-Morris; they're not going to be giving up that easily. Thanks for the review, hope you like the next chapter! jujukitty - Thank you! I will do my best to meet your expectations! djaddict - Yay, thank you! So happy to hear you liked the biting part *blush* as its one of my favorite parts, too. Lol, I totally understand! I have to admit there are times when I'm writing this and my naughty side gets in the way and pushes things way too fast, totally disregarding the plot I'm trying to set down and the flow of the story. Hope the next chapter is just as well received! BAFan - Urgh, you are totally right, so embarrassing I went back and corrected it, though. Thanks for catching that! Yes, that Abbas guy is a total idiot, and yes, he expected to get away with it, but not because he's an idiot. There's a reason he was bold (or rather, foolish) enough to act that way in public, though, of course, I won't be divulging that here. As you'll read in the next chapter, yes, Harry has lost a lot of his wartime instincts, and yes, that has a lot to do with the depression and the general not taking care of himself for a long time thing, which he's only just starting to recover from with Severus' help. Well, Severus certainly could order Harry to stay more alert, but he wouldn't and that's because he knows that wouldn't be helping Harry in the way he needs. Harry knows his reflexes have dulled. He doesn't need Severus to tell him so. One of Severus' duties as a Dominant, even if he's not yet Harry's Dominant, is to help Harry learn and grow, to guide him, and just ordering him to be more alert isn't going to do that. That's why, as you'll read in the next chapter, he offers to help Harry regain the skills he's lost, that way he'll be better prepared to defend himself, and others, in the future. Hopefully, that makes sense. Ah, well, I know sadism and masochism isn't something everyone enjoys, so no worries. I'm just really flattered you've still picked it up. There are some fetishes I hardly dare pick up and read simply because I'm not into them, though, like you, if something in the story intrigues me or piques my interest or if the story line's good enough, I'll still try it. Thank you so much for your input and questions, which I hope I answered sufficiently, and pointing out that mistake for me (I really did mess that up, lol). I hope you enjoy the next chapter! Anti-Form_Sora - And more yummy updates! Lol. Thank you, I am feeling a better, though things are still going rather slow. Yep, the bite from Severus was my favorite part and I'm so happy you liked it! Enjoy the next chapter! marie-enigme - Oh, thank you, I'm so glad you like it! Yes, that explanation was very helpful and very succinct. I often find that the simplest distinction is the best understood, actually, so thank you very much for taking the time to write such a clear explanation. Mmm, well, I don't really have a set schedule. I try to update at least once a month, though, obviously, that doesn't always happen and sometimes it drags on to two months or, like when I'm having health troubles or troubles with my depression, several months. For the most part, I try not to let it go past two months before I update. Hope you enjoy the next chapter! AchillesTheGeek - Lol, next update's up, hope you like it truthseeker - So glad you like it! Hope you enjoy the next chapter And there it is! Thank you so much to all my lovely reviewers for taking the time to leave your comments and for all your support. Luv and hugs! Edited April 30, 2013 by Lyran Quote
Lyran Posted June 2, 2013 Author Report Posted June 2, 2013 All right, new chapter to be up in just a bit after I finish the final edit and answer reviews, so exciting!! AchillesTheGeek - Yes, here it is (: So glad you're enjoying it! Oh yes, indeed, you are very right on that count, that different people with different personalities are involved. Even in a psychology profession, you can't expect everything to go according to a textbook. We are, after all, individuals with different wants and needs and varying backgrounds and baggage. That was very well said. Thank you. I will definitely keep going with this! Woodlandspirit - Glad you liked it, hope you enjoy the next one as well! Yes, Harry does pull on his hair, but he's not usually aware of the action. If it became a problem, if it was causing some sort of serious harm or if Harry started using it consciously as a means to punish himself or even if it just started happening too frequently, then yes, Severus would step in and put a stop to it. He allows it because it is a subconscious coping mechanism for Harry that doesn't cause any real harm and, at this points, he needs that outlet. Hope that answers your question (: Anit-Form_Sora - Oooh, thank you! I'm so glad you liked it! As for your second review (and I'm so happy to have heard from you twice!!), I wish I would have dreams like that! I mean ... damn, that would be hot. Bummer that your alarm went off when it did. That always seems to be the way it goes, though. Alarm goes off at the best part. Makes me want to scream in frustration sometimes! I hope you enjoy the next chapter, too! Meechypoo64 - Yay! It makes me soooo happy that you like it that much Yes, it does help him see that Severus will be there for him no matter what, and it most certainly helps that he has someone who not only accepts his choice, but understands why he wantst that kind of relationship. Hope you like this next chapter just as much! wolfcathope - No worries, we're getting closer to the actual relationship part (; nox_lumen - Wow, such a big review I'm SO excited for this! Yes, I did quite a bit of research on belladonna when I was looking for possible poisons with the properties I wanted for that part. Makes it feel more realistic and I always like adding in things that are at least minimally based in reality. To be honest, I don't think it'd be possible for me, in my current circumstances, to "dip my toe in the water" as you put it, though I'm certainly interested enough. For one, I have no one I'm that close with or trust enough to be able to do that. Being sick and somewhat isolated doesn't do very good things for forming those kinds of relationships. Besides that, I live with my parents and siblings. They're not super nosey or anything, don't go through my things or read my diary or anything like that, but for the sake of knowing that we're safe and, for me in particular, not in any health-related distress, they want to know where we're going and how long we're going to be gone and who we're with. My family is also very ... religiously minded, we'll say. They're tolerant of a lot of things, but ... not this kind of thing. In other people, maybe, but not someone in the family. If I were to dip my toe in the water, I would have to be living somewhere on my own to be comfortable going that far. I have done extensive research on the topic, though. As much as I can from home using the internet, anyway, so I hope, if nothing else, it's at least somewhat believable. Oh dear, I've actually never been to see a psychologist and I'll be the first to admit I'm not all that knowledgeable on the topic, so I've had to do quite a bit of research on certain aspects of the mind and the affects of emotional abuse, physical abuse, neglect, etcetera, verses being raised in healthy, happy homes just to get a handle on how people might react to varying situations and how it might affect them later on in life. *Shakes head* that psychologist ... jeez, I have firsthand experience (not with psychologists but with doctors) of professionals who are supposed to be helping you, thinking they know exactly what's wrong, exactly what you're going through or have been through, but they won't actually listen. Idiots. Oh, I actually really enjoy reading conflicting views on topics of psychology. Even though I don't always understand what they're jabbering about, lol. It's interesting (: I will certainly look into fetish websites. I've looked into some before, but not for a while, so perhaps I'll get back onto that. It was easier when I still had a working laptop, then I didn't have to worry about my younger siblings looking over my shoulder as much (they still tried it sometimes, even then). Thanks so much for the advice, it's been so helpful to me, and so very encouraging as well! I hope you enjoy the next chapter (; Mal - Yes, I am still working on it. I'm not able to get chapters up often, not like other authors that I envy at times, but as I've said before, I am certainly not abandoning this fic. I love it too much! ceara - Thanks! So happy you're enjoying it. Thanks for leaving a review and I hope you enjoy the next chapter, too! Amu - Wow, five reviews/comments! *Shrug* Made sense to me that Harry, considering his background, plus the background I've given him for the sake of the storyline, would be masochistic. Yes, in my story Severus and Lucius have been in a relationship for quite some time, even before they were officially together, they shared subs between them on and off. Draco, though ... Harry has fooled around with him some in the past, but where did you get the impression that Severus shares his subs with his partner's son? If I didn't make it clear that Severus only shares his subs with Lucius, I apologize. Lol, I emphasize the Dom over the sub on purpose. To be honest, I see myself as somewhat of a submissive person and, to me, it just feels right to do it that way. Well, there is background behind that angel of darkness stuff, it just hasn't come up in the story yet. It will, though (: Thanks so much for the reviews/comments, I enjoyed them immensely and I hope you like the next chapter! Bewitch - I'm flattered Hope you enjoy the next chapter just as much! Woohoo! Thank you all for all the awesome reviews/comments/questions! Next chapter will be up soon as I do the final edit Quote
Lyran Posted June 10, 2013 Author Report Posted June 10, 2013 Just a quick note to nox_lumen. I wanted to thank you again for your advice. It's really helped I've actually joined an online BDSM community. *Laughs softly to herself* I figured if I can't literally "dip my toe in the water," I can at least try some online stuff, make friends who are into what I am and even perhaps, eventually, find someone I'm comfortable enough with to try it in a more literal sense. *Glomps, squeezes tightly* Thanks for the encouragement! Quote
Lyran Posted July 15, 2013 Author Report Posted July 15, 2013 Hey everybody, I'm back, and with answers to reviews!! All righty, let's get started so I can get the next chapter posted, yes? bill560682: Yes, my story is about that, but not only about that. Harry doesn't just want to be punished for the lives he couldn't save, though that's definitely a big part of it. He wants to be punished for the things he feels he's done wrong, the things he feels guilty for, and for which the guilt has only continued to build as he's found no way to forgive himself and move on. Such as his failed relationship with Ginny. It's not meant to be perfectly logical. After all, he's human, as we are. We don't always think logically when it comes to things that hit us emotionally, like anger, sorrow, and - for Harry especially - guilt. Also, I haven't added it in because I didn't feel it necessary to the storyline at this point in time, but he has gone to the families of the deceased to try to make amends. Problem is, those families are more forgiving of him as the "Savior" of the wizarding world than he is of himself. They don't want to punish him. In their minds, he's a war hero who did what he had to do, not someone in need of punishment. Hope that explains my thought process a little in the making of this story. And thanks for the review! Wolfcathope: Thanks, so glad you like it! Hope you enjoy the next chapter, as well (: starry: Well, thank you! Next chapter's up, hope you like it (: Tachan: Thanks, I love D/s relationships, too. Please enjoy the update! witkowinyan: Thank you (: Hope you like the next chapter! Kiseki: Awww, thanks so much! It makes me so happy hearing that. Enjoy the next chapter (: Rose: Wow, thank you! Oh, I'm glad it feels real. I've revised quite a number of times in certain areas because it didn't quite feel right for what I was trying to portray, but I'm happy it worked out well. Yes, I also like to think about pain the way I show it in this fic. I have a view much the same. Aw, thanks for that compliment, I'm glad you're enjoying the "yummy" parts, lol. I have considered finding a beta for the story, just haven't really had the time to do anything beyond that what with trying to get this and my other story written as well as the general life things I have going on at present. Thank you for the suggestion, though. Perhaps when things settle down a little more, I'll see about looking into a beta more seriously. marie_enigme: Lol, yep, poor, confused Harry. I do like to torment him sometimes *grins evilly* Glad you liked the update! Hope you like the next one just as much (; Anti-Form_Sora: Ha ha, so, so, soooooo close, but not yet. Soon, though. *Pats puppy on the head* Next update's up, hope you enjoy it! Tryagain4me: Lol, not this chapter, but there will certainly be more. No worries (; Hope you enjoy the chapter anyway! Emma: Oh, thank you! Enjoy the update (: dramabuttkisser: You're very welcome Hope you enjoy this next chapter, too! L: Next chapter's up, please enjoy! And thanks (: I'm glad you like it. Woodlandspirit: Awesome, happy you're still loving it, and you're welcome! Hope you enjoy this next chapter, too (: Japhia: Wow, thank you *blushes* I'm so glad you like it! Oh, I know what you mean. For me, personally, I'm slightly masochistic, so it's fairly easy for me to write this kind of relationship, but there are other kinks that I like reading about, but know I would probably not try. Like age play. I'll read that (depending on the way it's portrayed), but I don't think I'd be comfortable trying it in real life. Lol, well, I haven't yet written any chapters involving Harry in a club, though I do have plans for that at some point. However, he is going to meet at least one other sub before then. Hope you enjoy the next chapter (: And thanks again for leaving such an awesome review! Jess: Awww, I wish I could update more for you guys, but it's just not practical right now with what I've got going on. But thank you so much, and I hope you enjoy the next chapter (: Anon: Thank you, glad you like it! Hope you like the update (: As always, thank you to all who reviewed and left such great comments/suggestions/compliments/questions, I enjoyed answering every single one of them immensely. You guys are the best! Quote
Lyran Posted August 22, 2013 Author Report Posted August 22, 2013 (edited) Bwahahaha!!! I is back AGAIN! Lol, couldn't resist. Anywho, reviews and then, guess what? New chapter, woot woot! Woodlandspirit: Lol, that's because he is. You know, it's kinda that situation where you might be able to recognize budding relationships in other people from an outsider's perspective, but not when you're the one in the center of the budding relationship. Poor, poor Harry. (: As always, thanks for leaving a review! Demonadine: Ha ha, I thought they would be. It's awesome that you actually looked them up. Glad to hear you're so excited (: Next chapter will be up soon after I finish answering reviews. LadyFreak: Aww, thanks *blush* Happy to hear you're enjoying it. Hope you like the update! wolfcathope: Yes, he will, eventually. Snape doesn't want to overwhelm him since he's new to D/s relationships, so he's going to be Harry's Dom first. Then, when he judges Harry is ready and more at ease with his position and his preferences, and if he's accepting of it, he'll introduce Malfoy as a possible second Dominant. Malfoy knows this and is more than willing to defer to Snape's knowledge of Harry, especially if it means Harry could belong to both of them in the future. It will eventually turn into a Snape/Harry/Malfoy threesome, but that's not going to be for a little while yet. Gotta set the stage a little more. Glad you're enjoying it, despite it not yet including Malfoy. kakasu: Lol, yes, I'm back. Thanks, I'm glad you like it. It is a bit sad, but I wanted to have a chapter with Harry interacting some with Draco and, especially, with Lucius since he will eventually be included in the relationship. This next chapter, though, definitely has more Snape/Harry interaction. Hope you enjoy it AchillesTheGeek: *blush* Thanks! That's so encouraging to hear (: Enjoy the next chapter! she-who-waits-in-darkness: Yep, poor Harry *evil grin* I love tormenting him sometimes ... it's just so fun. It will eventually turn into a Severus/Harry/Lucius threesome, don't worry, it'll just be a little while before Lucius joins in. Thanks for the review! Hope you enjoy the next chapter chrkya_ler: Thank you so much! Enjoy the update (: LokiisourKing: Lol, thank you ... and you're welcome. There will be a Severus/Harry/Lucius threesome, don't worry. It's just going to be a little while before it actually happens. Severus is taking this slow for Harry's sake since he just barely accepted that he's masochistic and submissive and that he wants a D/s relationship ... no need to overwhelm him, lol. Hope you've enjoyed the other chapters and that you'll enjoy reading this next update, as well. SlashyMcGee: Thanks (: The next update will be posted shortly after I finish here, hope you like it! The blind apprentice: Well, hi (: Thank you so much for the compliments, so happy to hear you're enjoying it and I hope you continue to do so with the next update, too! Lizzosaur: Thank you! Hope you like the new chapter. truthseeker: New chapter's up, please enjoy! And thanks for the review (: Thank you to all who reviewed, you guys totally make working on this story worth it! So blessed to have so much support. 'Til next time, my lovelies Edited August 22, 2013 by Lyran Quote
Lyran Posted February 25, 2014 Author Report Posted February 25, 2014 All righty, now that I'm not dozing off while I type at 2 in the morning, maybe I can get to some reviews Woodlandspirit - Ha ha, me, too Hope you enjoy this next chapter! Grace - Thank you and thanks for leaving a review! Hope you like this next chapter, too! wolfcathope - Lol, I'm sure Harry will, he can be a bit unpredictable at times Thanks for the review, enjoy the next chapter! themysticaldragon - Ha ha ha ha!!! Your review makes me laugh so hard, it's so true! Whatever is Harry thinking, anyway?? Anywho, hope you enjoy this next chapter where he gets a bit of both pain and pleasure. ichi - I would love help with the French parts!! Seriously. I am not a native speaker, obviously, lol. Thank you for offering. And thank you so much for the review! I'm so glad you're liking it that much, it's such an encouragement to hear you couldn't stop reading it til the end Hope you enjoy this next chapter, too! Tryagain4me - He doesn't, lol, not til the very end, at least. Enjoy the update! ladilyn - Aww, thank you. I'm so happy you like my version of Snape enough to read my story! Hope you enjoy the next chapter! psychosmurf - Lol, yeah, my Ron's pretty understanding, though he does forget at times that Harry's bi. It's Hermione we gotta worry about. Enjoy the next chapter! Diane_Rainwater - Yay! I am so, so excited that you've enjoyed my story so much. I appreciate all your compliments - you got me blushing - and would be so happy to hear more from you as the story goes on. Please enjoy the next chapter! Mashkai - You're welcome, and thank you for reading and leaving a review! Hope you enjoy reading the update! Luna - Lol, updates may be fairly slow since I'm battling some illnesses, but I will do my best. Thanks for the review, enjoy the next chapter! Dragon lady - I could certainly try to start up an e-mail list. Never done it before, but hey, how hard can it be?? Hope you enjoy the next chapter! Voliegirl - Awww, thank you!! I'm so happy you're enjoying it, lol, and that you've fallen in love with my Severus - but he's Harry's, so no stealing him away, lol. I hope you enjoy this next chapter, too! TANIA - NEW CHAPTER, NEW CHAPTER! IT'S HERE!!!!! Lol, updates will still be slow since I'm still sick, but I'll do my best to get them out as quickly as possible. Enjoy the new chapter! Blind Apprentice - Well, hi ()/~ Happy to hear you enjoy the story, hope you continue to enjoy it! (P.S. I don't speak French either ... ) mazama - Thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed it despite the awful French, lol. I've had another reviewer who's also a native French speaker offer to help with those parts, but if that doesn't pan out, I'd really appreciate your help with it and with later chapters, though I don't know exactly how many chapters there might be with French in them. At least one more, but it doesn't have as much French. Ha ha, I'm sure it would be surprising, I am so relieved to hear it doesn't alter the quality, though. I was a bit nervous about that, putting the French in there *sighs and wipes nervous sweat from forehead* Anyway, I hope you enjoy this next chapter! Aidan - Thank you so much, I'm so happy you're enjoying it and I hope you enjoy this next update as well! jujukitty - Lol, sorry that part confused you. At the moment, Harry wasn't so much worried about Lucius possibility being a part of the relationship as he was about figuring out what to do about inviting Severus out on a date. He was aware of Lucius possibly becoming a part of the relationship he's getting into with Severus, but that would be in the future. He was focused more on the now. The tension comes along a bit later Glad you're enjoying it, despite that bit of confusion, hope my explanation helps clear that up some. Please enjoy the next chapter! BAFan - Aww, thank you for your encouragement and support. I'm still sick, but working hard on getting better as well as on my writing. Enjoy the next chapter! K - Though some people would be kinda irritated about that, apologies, but I didn't want to just leave you guys hanging for so long wondering where in the heck I went, lol. I'm back to writing and, though the updates likely will still be slow, they'll be coming. Hope you enjoy this next update! Lexi - Thank you so much, so glad to hear you enjoyed chapter eleven and I'm so grateful for your encouragement and support. Couseling has been helping, as have my meds. As I've said, though, I'm still sick, but I will be continuing my writing, though updates will likely still be slow. Hope you enjoy the update! she-who-waits-in-darkness - Thank you :') I'm so touched by all the support I'm receiving during such a rough time. understanding_fan - Thank you. I'm so happy you enjoy this story that much and hope you enjoy this chapter just as much! ForeverYours - Here's more! Thanks for the review and for the love, hope you enjoy the update! DanceAngel - Thank you! I'll be trying to put together an e-mail list, so you can mention it in your next review if you want to be added to it Hope you enjoy the update! devilsmomma - Thank you, lol, and you're welcome Love hearing how my story is received. I will add you to my e-mail list soon as I get it up and going. Arithmancer - I'm happy you're enjoying it and hope you enjoy this next chapter as well! animehunter08 - Here's the update, thank you for enjoying my story, hope you enjoy the update just as much! Wow! I am just so, so, sooooo touched by all the love and support from all of you and the understanding when my health went bad. As I've said, updates will still be slow due to my health still being bad and times still being rough (life can be shitty like that), but I will keep writing and keep working toward more updates as much as I'm able! Love you all so much!!! Quote
Lyran Posted March 18, 2014 Author Report Posted March 18, 2014 All righty my lovelies, new chapter!!! Woot woot! It'll be up in a little while after I post review replies, so look forward to it Meechypoo - Awww, that makes me soooooo happy! Oh, yes, their playtime will definitely be incendiary, lol. I'm a few chapters ahead in my writing (give me a little wiggle room if I get writer's block) and, let me tell you, their interaction is definitely hot! Thanks for the review and I hope you enjoy the update. djaddict - And here's another new chapter. Glad you like that; it's part of what I really like, too. Please enjoy! Ciara_D - Thank you! I will definitely try to keep up with it. Please have fun reading the next chapter, too! Mekare - Thank you, I'm soooo glad you're enjoying it. I'll definitely send you an e-mail. In fact, it'll be on it's way as soon as I post the update Happy to hear from you and hope you enjoy reading the next chapter, too! Lia Bailey - My main story is going well, thank you, it's just a bit slow. He he, I feel like I'm creating a drug sometimes Anyway, thanks so much for the review. Enjoy the next chapter! vampireprincesscelest - Yay! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Oh good, that definitely takes a load off my shoulders *wipes forehead* I was really worried about it, given depression can create confusion and sometimes it was really difficult to remember all the details of what I'd written before, so I had to go back and read it over and over and over again to, I hoped, make sure I was getting everything and not contradicting myself, lol. So thank you soooo, sooo much for that reassurance and for the compliment. Already added you to the list and I'll have the e-mail along soon as I post the chapter. Hope you enjoy it! As always, I'd like to thank each and every one of you for leaving reviews and letting me know what you think. You guys are awesome! Now to get the chapter up. Talk to you soon, my lovelies!! Quote
Lyran Posted April 5, 2014 Author Report Posted April 5, 2014 (edited) Another chapter, yay!!! Now, review before I post the chapter. Emma - Me, too. I love being able to write in this story again Thanks for the review and the encouragement! AchillesTheGeek - Lol, don't know if you saw my reply on the chapter before this new one, but I found it hilarious that Assistants refers to a computer helper program than a magical wizard. Made me laugh so hard I know, my French is terrible. That's because I used Google Translate, though, which I know doesn't exactly work when it comes to sentence structure and such. Thank you for the suggestions and the review! Loved it. I love constructive criticism. Ciara_D - (blush) You flatter me. Yes, probably still not for several chapters, but I predict this story will be quite long, so there will be a lot involving Lucius when he enters into the relationship. And yes, without really realizing it, Harry is starting to accept the idea of Lucius entering into the dynamic with he and Severus. It'll just take him a while to realize that. Thank you It makes me happy that I was able to make that clear. Here's more for you! So happy that you're enjoying it and hope you enjoy this chapter, too. Thanks for reviewing! Mekare - Thank you. Lucius won't be coming in for a while yet, but I predict this story will be quite long, as I said in the review above, so there will be a lot involving Lucius when he enters into the relationship. Thanks for the review! Bazil - Yay! I'm glad you found it, too I'm so glad to hear that you enjoy it that much to go searching for it for such a long time. You've been added to the e-mail list, no worries. Thanks for the review! AyameRose - I wonder, have you read those by someonenotme? Mixed it up with Harley_D, who's another of my favorite authors, lol. Someonenotme. One of my favorite authors. Writes Bruised, Bruised again, Willpower, and Third Wheel in the Harry Potter universe. Doesn't focus at all on the smut, really, but I love the relationship dynamics. I'm certainly glad you're liking the explanations. This new chapter does a lot of that, which I hope isn't a drag, but can never be sure. The more experienced people in BDSM and the different fetishes might find it a drag, but I'm hoping it will be educational for those who aren't so experienced. I have added you to the e-mail list, so you will receive updates as they come out. Thank you for reading my story and leaving a review. I do so enjoy reading what you think of it The Pink Fuzzy Elephant - So happy to hear that! I hope you continue reading and enjoying the chapters. Thanks for the review! Thanks for all the reviews! You guys are awesome and inspire me so much to continue to write more and more of this story. It's amazing to me, all the encouragement and compliments you all constantly give. I adore each and every one of you for that! Until next time my lovelies!!! Edited April 25, 2014 by Lyran Quote
Lyran Posted May 23, 2014 Author Report Posted May 23, 2014 Well, I am finally back. I've had a rollercoaster of a time in emotional, mental, and physical ways that I won't be getting into. Suffice it to say, the past months have been hard. But! Adding this chapter will make me feel so much better, as will re-reading all the reviews everyone was kind enough to leave! *blows a big kiss to all her wonderful readers* thereader71 - I'm glad it was received so well and thank you, you flatter me *blushes bashfully* And yes, I know that cliffhanger was mean, I just couldn't help myself. Call it the devil in me Thanks for the review; hope you like this next one! anon - I did forget sounding on the list. If you've gone back to read that chapter at all, though, you'll see I did add it. I'd actually already had a scene in mind with sounding involved, just forgot to add it to the list as I was going through a few online lists to try to make sure I didn't miss any ... which obviously didn't quite work, lol. Anyway, so glad you're enjoying it. Hope you enjoy this next chapter and thanks for leaving a review! Jet - I most certainly can let you know when I update. In fact, it would be my pleasure. Thank you for leaving a review and I hope you enjoy the next chapter! Bubble - Glad to hear it!! Thanks for that very encouraging comment and I hope you like this next chapter, too! Frost - Sorry it's not as soon as it could have been. Ugh ... personal life issues. It is here now, though, so I hope the yumminess involved makes up for it. Thanks for the review, and enjoy! BAFan - Thank you! I was pretty overwhelmed when I first tiptoed into the BDSM world! Seriously. It was like, eye-opening, jaw-dropping, just-saw-a-pig-fly kind of OMG WOW!! There seems to be something for everyone in there, that's for sure. Glad you liked it and hope you like this next chapter just as much! lauren - So glad you're enjoying it, and it will be my pleasure to add you to the update list. Thanks for the review! Please enjoy this next chapter There you have it! Now, onto getting the chapter posted This is going to be FUN! Quote
Lyran Posted July 26, 2014 Author Report Posted July 26, 2014 Okay, I know I said yesterday, but it slipped my mind, so I'm doing it today. *Bows deeply* Very sorry. Onto replies Meechypoo - Yay! So happy you enjoyed it so much and I, too, am excited to continue writing the journey Severus and Harry go on together as they discover how to bring out the intense pleasure and pain Harry's looking for and craving. Definitely needs to deal with the guilt, but at least Severus is there to help him through it. I hope you enjoy/have enjoyed the next couple chapters!! milapink - Thank you Well, if you haven't yet read the next chapter, you find out in that one, plus the bonus one I put up after that! Loves! vampireprincesscelest - Lol, I also find myself torn between the two when I come across cliffhangers, especially good ones that have you sitting on the edge of your seat and screaming inside for the update to be posted. Glad you're looking forward to the next chapter and, bonus, another chapter after that! Please enjoy! Rosencrantz - Why thank you I love writing delightful scenes, especially when they're sexy scenes like that one. Hope you enjoy the next two chapters! The Pink Fuzzy Elephant - Couldn't recall whether you reviewed before I posted the last two chapters, or after, so I'll reply to it either way I'm glad you think it lovely to read what I have. Thanks for reviewing and I hope you enjoy the next chapters. Hoping I remembered who all reviewed for the last update. If not, I apologize, and will get to your reviews when I update again. Til next time, my lovelies!! Quote
Lyran Posted April 8, 2015 Author Report Posted April 8, 2015 Hi everyone! So sorry I've been MIA for so long. This is just a very short little update so you all know what's going on and that I haven't, in fact, abandoned my stories. I'll be going in for surgery next week to, hopefully - fingers crossed - fix some of the problems and make others at least better since not all of them can be fixed. I will be posting everything I've written in the interim between the last chapter and now, which is at least a few chapter ... not sure how many since working on them has been very fragmented and broken - hard to concentrate when you're in near constant pain and feel sick to your stomach more than half the time. But anyway, I will hopefully be getting the chapters I do have done up before my surgery on the 15th and reply to all the reviews I've received since posting the last chapter and all that lovely stuff. Be aware it may take time after I post the stuff I have before I'm able to update again due to needing recovery time after the surgery, and I'm very sorry if the stuff I post ends in a bad place ... though I don't think it does :/ Thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy what I post :dance: Quote
Lyran Posted April 11, 2015 Author Report Posted April 11, 2015 All right, I know anyone who's read this and is waiting for new chapters must be wondering why I haven't posted any yet, and that is simply because I'm having some technical difficulty with the site that I'm trying to get resolved. It's not letting me add or edit chapters for some reason, so if you guys will just be patient a while longer, I promise I will post more as soon as the issue has been figured out and resolved!! I love you guys so much and thank you all for the support and patience you've shown while I've been dealing with my illnesses! You guys are the best Quote
Lyran Posted April 15, 2015 Author Report Posted April 15, 2015 Hi everyone!! I'm finally getting to the reviews, as promised So, without further ado .... adnoldad1 - Thank you, I'm really glad you're enjoying it. I don't know if you saw my notice on the chapter, but I couldn't find an e-mail to add to the update list. If you'd still like to be added, just leave me your e-mail address or go ahead and e-mail me (if you haven't) at and I'd be more than happy to add you to the update list! Calmzone1 - The reason Harry put that humiliation was an unsure or want to try while verbal humiliation was a definite no is because, in my mind, they are quite different. Humiliation in itself, to me, is actions that would generate a feeling of humiliation - such as, perhaps, being told to eat off the floor like a common dog. Verbal humiliation, on the other hand, is generating that feeling with words. The reason Harry is unsure or want to try about humiliation and a definite no for verbal humiliation is because he was often subject to verbal abuse and humiliation by his relatives while, at least in my story, they did not physically humiliate him and the physical abuse was confined to starvation and his cousin beating on him. So that negative association with physical humiliation isn't there and, for the Harry in my story, that unconsciously makes him decide that trying humiliation in a physical and not verbal way might be something he could do and/or even enjoy. Does that make sense? It's not all conscious thought on Harry's part, but that's the gist of my thoughts behind that distinction there. Thank you for leaving a review! I don't know if you saw the notice on a previous chapter, but I would happily add you to the update list except I could not find an e-mail address to add to the list, so if you could leave your e-mail or message me at I will most certainly add you to the update list! sunshine13666 - I am so happy to hear that, and thank you so much for leaving a review!! Ciara_D - Thank you After these last updates, it shouldn't be too much longer before you're seeing a little more of Lucius. Not a whole lot yet, but more. Like most real world relationships, it will take a bit of time for the relationship between Harry and Lucius to develop to the point that Harry will be comfortable with him joining their D/s dynamic. djaddict - *sigh* Yes, running of half-cocked is pretty well ingrained in him, but Severus is determined to train that out of him. Oh yay!! I'm glad the punishment went off so well, and thank you, I'm happy you enjoyed that session between them in the previous chapter. WizardBuddha - You have been added to the update list, but if you haven't received the updates for whatever reason, just shoot me an e-mail and let me know and I will try to fix it. I'm so happy you're enjoying it and I hope you continue to do so thumper - Thank you! And you have been added to the update list. I hope you continue to enjoy my story! BAFan - Thank you so much for pointing out that typo. I actually was not aware you could spell loath that way and that that exact meaning applied to that other spelling. I only ever learned the one spelling :/ So thank you, thank you for that!! I love learning new words! And I'm very glad you're enjoying the story! chii - Yay! Thank you, and you have been added to the update list! If you haven't received updates, please just shoot me an e-mail and let me know and I will try to figure out what went wrong. Happy to hear you're enjoying it and I hope you continue to enjoy my story as it progresses! kitty - Thank you, and there are three updates now for you to read if you like enlyasuregon - Wow, thank you! I'm so flattered by your compliments! You have been added to the update list, but if you haven't received any update notifications, please feel free to e-mail me and I will try to figure out what went wrong and get it fixed! Penguins - Awwwwww! Thank you! I can see your e-mail address, and you have been added. I hope you've been receiving the e-mail notifications, but if you haven't, just e-mail me and I will do what I can to get it fixed. The Pink Fuzzy Elepahnt - Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it Ria - I'm so happy to hear that! The story has now been updated, so I hope you're able to read and enjoy more! Grey-Shadow - Thank you, I'm so glad you're enjoying it and I hope you continue to enjoy it! Oooh, yay, you like my Neville!! Not sure which part you're referring to about Draco, but he is definitely still being targeted by people who are unhappy with him for being on the wrong side during the war and others who don't think he and/or his family were punished enough for their involvement. You have been added to the update list! If you're not receiving the update notifications, just leave me an e-mail telling me and I will see what I can do to fix it! Aly - Thank you so much! There are now three updates, and you have been added to the update list, so I hope you're receiving the notifications. If you're not receiving the update notifications, please just e-mail me and let me know and I will see what I can do to fix that! NoirxAnge - Thank you, and you have been added to the update list! If you're not receiving notifications, though, please just leave me an e-mail and I will see what I can do to fix the issue! Courtney - There are now three new updates, I hope you enjoy them, and thanks for leaving a review!! Keri - Awww, thank you! You have been added to the update list, but if you've not been receiving notifications for updates, please just send me an e-mail and I will see what I can do to fix it All right, hope I got everyone who reviewed for chapter seventeen. I really need to go and get ready to leave for my surgery now, but I hope you all read and enjoy the next updates and have a wonderful day!!!!! Love you guys Quote
Lyran Posted August 22, 2016 Author Report Posted August 22, 2016 Reviews, review, reviews! Thank you all for leaving such wonderful reviews and for not getting upset with me for not updating quickly. Depression was bad for quite a while there because absolutely nothing changed after my last surgery, then I had to have another surgery just this last May (and on the day following my birthday of all days!) for appendicitis. That also changed nothing in my day-to-day pain/nausea/dizziness spectrum. Anyway, the depression's still there, but I'm slowly working on moving forward in accepting that those things will continue to be there perhaps for life by trying to put together a plan that will allow me to make my own money (though I'll still need to be on Social Security for a while before that, sadly) and move out of my mom's house. My sister and I have felt like we've done all the growing we can do in her household, and so need to find a place of our own and a way to live on our own despite our disabilities. Unfortunately, trying to put together a plan like that takes up a lot of my focus and I have a hard time focusing on more than one thing at a time, so my writing is going very, very slowly. Also, if you've been following my tumblr page already, I haven't gotten to posting the update just yet even though we've been back from Nevada for a little over a week because my sister got really sick as soon as we got back and I had to take care of her as well as those things (besides driving, since I don't drive) she would normally do. So, that's what's been going on. If you all want to know what I'm up to in the interim between updates, and if you haven't already, you're welcome to check out my tumblr page geared toward my writing here: You can also check out my other tumblr page where I mostly re-blog things that I like or have an interest in if you're at all interested in that, here: I spend more time on my tablet these days than on my computer, and my tablet will bring up a notification when I receive any messages on tumblr, so feel free to say hi or ask questions if you feel like it. I'll do what I can to answer them in a timely manner. Now, after all of that *wipes forehead* on to the reviews!!! Ciara_D - Thank you so much for the well wishes! Though the surgery did go well, not much changed after it. Still, I'm recovering (emotionally and mentally, since I already recovered physically). I hope you enjoy the update. Truthseeker - Wow, thank you! I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it, and I hope you also enjoy the next chapter! Frances - Thank you very much! I'm very glad to hear you're liking the development of the relationship between our current main characters! I hope you enjoy the next chapter, as well. starr - Haha, well I'm really happy to hear that you did, in fact, like it I try hard to make the story line enjoyable. I hope you also enjoy the next chapter! Meechypoo - Yay, it makes me so happy to hear you liked the interaction with Luna! I've found she can be quite a tricky, but very fun character to write. Oooh, you like the responsiveness Harry has to Severus, hm? Well, you'll be seeing more of that in this next chapter! Hope you enjoy it! Akeia - I'm flattered! Thank you for the compliment I love stories that can suck you in to them so you feel like you're there with the characters, and I am so stoked that this story does that for you! I will most certainly add you to the update list!! Please let me know if you didn't receive the e-mail update notification for the new chapter and I'll do my best to correct it. SlythindorMalfoy - Thank you, I'm glad you didn't think it was choppy. I have a hard time writing things all at once, so it happens one or two pages, or even sometimes only paragraphs, at a time. Makes it hard to see if it really is choppy or if it's just in my head. Thank you for the well wishes for my surgery. The surgery, itself, did go well, it just didn't do much to improve my overall daily existence. I hope you enjoy the new update! Meechypoo - Indeed, it's a very good thing Harry has people watching out for him, and that even though shit always seems to happen to him, he also has vast amounts of good luck, lol! I'm glad you find the characters at the munch interesting; you'll see more of some of them in later chapters. Severus is a very good Dom with a lot of experience, which is what makes Harry feel so safe with him in trying this new type of relationship. I hope you enjoy the new chapter! SlythindorMalfoy - Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!! Haha, yes, Lucius will eventually be joining in to their dynamic, but Harry has some more growing to do before getting to the point where he'd be ready to accept a second partner. Again, I hope you enjoy the next update! kakasu - Thank you for the well wishes for my surgery Unfortunately, it didn't do much to help in my day-to-day life, so I'll just have to learn to live with the pain and sickness and the depression that tends to go along with long-term illnesses. In any case, I'm very grateful for all the support I've received from everyone, so thank you very much for that. It takes a huge weight off my mind knowing you're all so kind and patient as I try to figure out how to work around my health issues. You are understanding that right, I have written - if not many - at least several chapters ahead, but I'm not quite finished with them and some things in them need to be adjusted and edited and revised. Lol, don't worry it makes sense. I understand the feeling completely. There's a fanfiction writer on here that I follow avidly, but her updates tend to be pretty long in coming. At the same time as I can't wait for her updates and I want them to come now, now, now, I know that real life often makes that impossible. So I wait. Just like I know others wait for me. It would be very hypocritical of me to nag my favorite fanfiction writer for faster updates when I can't do very fast updates, myself, now wouldn't it? If I haven't already received your e-mail and added you to the list, be assured I will be happy to add you to it! If you don't receive the e-mail notification for this new chapter, let me know and I'll see what I can do to fix it. Thank again, and I hope you enjoy the new update! starr - You're welcome, and thank you for reading it and for leaving a review! I'm so happy you enjoyed it! I hope you enjoy the next chapter just as much. KuroiKarasu - Hi there, thank you very much for the review. I'm so happy you're still enjoying the story and hope you continue to enjoy it in this new update! K - Thank you, I'm really glad you've enjoyed the latest updates and hope you'll enjoy this next one! Haha, I also love the dynamic between Severus and Harry and that Harry is becoming comfortable enough in the relationship to banter with his Dom. It always makes me grin when there's banter happening, whether it's in my story or someone else's story that I happen to be reading. The owner of the restaurant will, indeed, play a part. Perhaps not a major one, but she will be in some of the chapters later on, that much I know and planned for. Whether that changes is up to the characters. Thank you for the well wishes. I really appreciate them. Leslie - Thank you, I'm so happy you're enjoying it! Great, if I haven't already, I'll make sure to add you to the update list. If you don't receive the notification e-mail about this newest update, please let me know and I will try to fix it as soon as possible. I hope you like the new chapter! Dawn - Thank you, and wow, I am so excited that it helped you! That was part of the reason I wrote this story, to give perspective to people who might not know much about the lifestyle but are interested in it, nonetheless. I would be happy to add you to the update list! Please let me know if you don't receive the notification e-mail for this latest update and I'll see what I can do to fix it. I hope you enjoy the new chapter! RosaJean - I'm glad you're loving the story despite the OOCness of Hermione. I won't deny it's OOC. It will be for a while because I decided I was tired of Ron being the bigoted one and thought I'd switch it up and have Hermione be the bigoted one this time. I've also thought of why she's bigoted in that area and not in others. In my story, her parents are devout practitioners of a muggle religion (I haven't thought of what type, yet) and in her household growing up she was taught that loving one's same gender is wrong and witchcraft is wrong. Well, when their daughter turned out to be a witch and there was a legitimate, if hidden, school of magic her parents' love of their daughter made them change their minds and decide that maybe not everything taught in their church was right. Much as some parents change their minds about loving one's own gender being wrong if their son or daughter turns out to be gay/lesbian. Now, Hermione realized her parents changed their tune about witchcraft, since they still love her even as she's a witch, but they never actually communicated to her that they thought some things (loving one's own gender being wrong being one of them) that was taught in their church might not be right. So she carried that into school, but it was never really seen because there were no overt displays of gay or lesbian relationships going on around her and she might not have noticed them anyway since her nose was always in book or else she was embroiled in mysteries and adventures with her friends fighting against Voldemort. It only really came out after the final battle and she came to live in the Burrow with her soon-to-be in-laws and found out Charlie was gay. So that's my version of how that happened. Some of this will be explained in the story and, I promise, she won't stay so bigoted, but that was my idea of events and how she turned out that way if that helps at all. If not, sorry, but like I said, she won't stay that way and they won't have a "falling out" like they do in the few stories I've read where Hermione is the bigoted one, so no worries there. I would be delighted to add you to the update mailing list! Please let me know if you didn't receive the notification e-mail for the newest update and I will do what I can to fix it. I hope you enjoy the newest chapter! Cody_Thomas - Thank you, I'm flattered you think so! Haha, I love me some HP plot bunnies!! *Serious face* You're welcome. Lol, joking, joking! I will most certainly add you to the update list! Please let me know if you didn't get the notification e-mail for the newest update and I'll see what I can do to fix it. I have not thought about adding it to any other sites, yet. I can barely keep up with this one, lol! Maybe once the story is actually finished I'll see about adding it to other sites, but I think right now it'll just add too much stress while I'm trying to get things together and figure out how to support myself and my sister so we can move out of my mom's house. Thank you for the well wishes. I hope you enjoy the new chapter! Charisma - Thank you! Here's the newest update; I do hope you like it! Kittykat575 - Thank you!!! And that's it for reviews! Thank you all so much for the kind reviews you left, for the well wishes for my surgery, and the well wishes for my health. I'm not sure you know how much they mean to me, and how much it helps that not one of you sent a negative review about how I should be able to update quicker. A negative review like that is one of the quickest ways to throw someone prone to depression right back into depression, which only delays writing further. You guys are angels. I can't express my gratitude enough. I promise I will do what I can to continue getting updates out there; even if I can't do it quickly, I hope they're at least well worth the wait. I love you all and I'll see ya when I see ya!! Quote
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