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Stories Missing!

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I did a move over to the new system a while back and it was only recently I noticed something wrong; a good half of my stories are missing! Basically all of my stories for Final Fantasy XII, and original works are gone while the others are in tact.

I cannot even find them when I go looking within the subsections.

It happened some time after I moved to the new system with my account, and probably before I did my username change, and e-mail change.

I had at least 3-5 ffxii stores and a couple original fictions up.

If you need details;

previous e-mail was tia_kitty@msn.com, was changed to ffamranrules@gmail.com

previous username was balthiersgirl, now it's littleartemis.

Any ideas on what happened and if I even have a chance of getting them back with all the hits, and reviews?

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Well then. Thank you for answering at least, though I'm sad to see all the reviews are lost. I guess I'll have to see about reposting them at some point.

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