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Searching for a couple of fics... Please

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I have been searching for a couple of fics now for a couple of weeks now. I cannot remember where I read them I thought that it was on AFF but I could be wrong.

1) So all I really remember about this fic is that the professors turn Harry in to a child while at grimmauld place with all his memories to give him a childhood for a little bit. He throws a fit about being changed but then he is reminded what a child can get away with. They end up taking Harry shopping and harry has a blast acting like a child. I believe it is a slash or a sev is a mentor fic but I could be wrong.

2) The second fix is harry is a grimmauld place and is not allowed to leave because of the danger. He ends up running away in his animal form (a snake I believe). He comes across a club where he meet a woman who can speak to snakes as well. Dumbledore does not like her, and she helps harry train. In the end she turns out to be related to Tom Riddle. and she is an all lighter ( I believe that is what it is called, it is a group that people who are abused are there to help the others that are abused, Remus is part of it too.) She dies and Harry becomes the leader of the group.

Thanks for your help.

Any other fics you think I would like to read I am open to as well, I have read a great many of fictions.

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