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Guest Nekomimi Jasmine

よ。 日本に住んでる「猫ミミジャズミン」なの!  みんな元気でやってん?  ここで話して楽しもう。


XD; I think you are the first fluent Japanese speaking person in here. o.o; Well... Kononnichiwa~! <3 :3 I don't think I can be of any help because my Japanese is a little rusty as well as I am not a native from there... >.>; ...Gomen nasai... -__-;

If you speak English and can type it, I do believe I can help and be one step closer to a friendship! :( Anyways, see you around AFF forums and welcome to our yancha spot~! ;3

  • 3 weeks later...

日本語 の板もあるの?

Is there also a Japanese language board?

Yo! I [Nekomimi Jasmine] reside in Japan. How is everyone? Let's chat here and enjoy ourselves.


I'm only a beginner in this language so the translation is kind of rough..

今一は。。。 これは言い換えるもあるか? 米国に住んでいます。 元気です。 あなたも? 

すみません、日本語が少しだけ知ります。 勉強すべきね。 

’did i do okay?’ は 日本語で何と言いますか? だって [やってん] は意味ですか? 分かりません。

  • 2 months later...

Wow! I think that's great you guys! I've always wanted to learn Japanese and although I can speak it a little bit, I can't read it for the life of me. >_< Still, I would love to be friends with you and I can practice my Japanese. :o

  • 6 years later...
Guest Bissen

日本語 の板もあるの?

Is there also a Japanese language board?

Yo! I [Nekomimi Jasmine] reside in Japan. How is everyone? Let's chat here and enjoy ourselves.


I'm only a beginner in this language so the translation is kind of rough..

今一は。。。 これは言い換えるもあるか? 米国に住んでいます。 元気です。 あなたも? 

すみません、日本語が少しだけ知ります。 勉強すべきね。 

’did i do okay?’ は 日本語で何と言いますか? だって [やってん] は意味ですか? 分かりません。


今一は。。。 これは言い換えるもあるか? 米国に住んでいます。 元気です。 あなたも? 


’did i do okay?’ は 日本語で何と言いますか? だって [やってん] は意味ですか? 分かりません。

Did I do okay? は日本語で「上手くできましたか?」とかです。そして,私の答えは: はい!私から見てはよ~くできましたよ!お疲れ様!


それに,「だって」の使い方も少しだけ違いますね。「だって」の後はその前の言葉とつながります。英語にするとこうなります: "Did I do okay? 'cos I don't get the meaning of やってん"。分かりますか?

English version!

Dammit! I was late! By as much as half a year!

1) This is a bit incorrect. It's not "こんいちは" but こんにちは. (Probably a typo, but an awkward mistake to make. But you likely know by now anyways...)

2) "Did I do okay" in Japanese would be "blablablawritteninJapanese". And my answer is: Yes! From my viewpoint, you did really well! Good job!

やってん is probably intended to be "やってんの", which is just short for "やって(い)るの".

Finally, "だって" is an interjection connecting the following with the preceding. That means that the sentence would be: "How do I say 'did I do okay?' in English? 'cos I don't understand the meaning of やってん. You see what I mean?

Bonus: I just noticed the last sentence, but couldn't be bothered to comment on it; you probably know what's wrong with it anyways :P

Aaaaaand just for the record, I am not Japanese. I am merely a Dane, so my word on Japanese is not absolute! Neither is any of my English... ha.


And for the record, I accidentally replied as a guest, and thus cannot edit the above. Apologies for the double quoting.

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