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Help! Locating A Story.

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Guest Lavender Rain

Okay, so first I am looking for a story I read when I first started reading on FF.net. It was incomplete and the basic gist of it was that Melvin (yes that's right) tried to ressurect Atemu to kill him. He used a spell but it went wrong and he ended up with Atemu and Akefia from ancient Egypt. After fighting between the three, Atemu and Akefia landed on Yuugi and Ryou's apartment. Yuugi and Ryou were in their 20's going to college and Ryou was studying the medical field. Yuugi I think Egyptology. Because their Yami's are from Egypt and not the Afterlife, they have no memory of Yuugi or Ryou and speak in their native tongue.

A scene from the story:

Atemu was hurt and needed medicine so Ryou gave Yuugi a Vicaden to have Atemu take. Atemu refused so Yuugi ended up popping the pill and kissing Atemu to use his tongue and shove it down Atemu's throat, only Atemu ended up winning and Yuugi swallowed it.


Ryou walked into his bedroom only to find Akefia trying to take Ryou's drawer handles and shiney objects.


Because Atemu and Akefia are enemies in their time, they won't stop fighting each other and attempting harm on their soon to be Hikari's. Yuugi can somewhat understand their language, and since they keep saying Yuugi and Ryou are demons (because they look alike) the Hikari's stage an act with a butter knife to Ryou's throat when Yuugi looks at Akefia and says in Egyptian "He die, you die!" So everything becomes calm.

If no one knows or can't find this story, I don't know what I'll do. I've been trying to find it for the longest time.

Please help? Thanks~

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