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Question For The Men: Misconceptions?

Velvet D Coolette

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Dear forum gentlemen,

I am considering re-writing a piece in which a character loses his virginity and would like to make the chapter a bit more realistic by making said character sound naive. I would like to know if any of the men here had any misunderstandings of what the female body looked like / how it behaved that you only learned the truth about the first time you played hide the sausage with a lass.


Any offers?

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When i was in about 6th grade, my mother argued in favor of sexual education. She used the phrase: Kids need to know what they're doing or they're going to get hurt.


I had just enough of the basics to be dangerous. I imagined a more direct, dynamic, physical hurt than long-lasting impact-on-life stuff.

Like, there was a sharp ridge in there somewhere that would bend or lacerate a penis if you came in at the wrong angle.

Everyone thought i was a perv when i found that medical poster of the reproductive system and stared at it for days. i was looking for barbed wire or ramparts.

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Well, as I recall I was mildly surprised at the, how shall I put it...moistness of the young lady at the time. I seem to remember the phrase "wet as a dish rag" coming from her in the heated conversation. Of course I know now that it's a variable situation, but I did take it to be a good thing.

Not to be too indelicate, but I also remember certain, uh, aromas involved. Hey, you asked! :birthday: But in actuality I don't think it was altogether unpleasant. In fact, quite the opposite. I guess that stuff about pheremones is true.

I almost forgot...it didn't last very long. And when I say "it" I mean me.

Edited by octoberman
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Well, in my case, none really, It was a matter of several factors.

1) I have a mother and two older sisters.

2) My place of employment is a sexual harassment lawyer's wet dream.

3) I'm a geek. Geeks study the hell out of things. Started with porn, ended up here, found a few tips here and there, worked back to porn.

4) The internet in general.

Admittedly, I'm still picking up tricks and ideas as I go, but I had a fair idea of what I was getting into.

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