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I'm searching for this story that i read years ago. I'm not sure if it was posted here or on fanfiction and it may have been removed by the Author or deleted. I can list some details about the story and hopefullly someone will recognize it and can point me in the right direction.

I THINK this was a really long oneshot story, it was meduim in length.

Sai keeps using Naruto's shower and when asked why, he says he likes Naruto's better than his own.

Sai washes Naruto's clothes and they all shrink, new clothing has to be bought.

Sasuke returns to the village and is put on some kind of house arrest for like a year or so. Naruto is one of his 'guards'

At the end of the story, Naruto meets Sai at Ichirakus for some ramen, he deliberately spills some on Sai and he is chased back to his apartment by Sai where they kiss and then shower together. Right before that happens, Naruto tells Sai that he will have a relationship with him but on certain conditions. One of them was not to ever wash his clothes again.

That's about all i can remember. There was a small part in the middle where Naruto and Sasuke talk and maybe kiss?

Hope someone recognizes this, i appreciate any help you can give me.

Thank you!


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