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I'm going to start by saying that I've been called many things for my views, racist, bigot, sexist, and none of them are true. These are merely opinions. Your opinion about them may agree with those other people, but I honestly don't care, because I'm none of those.

Rant One:

Charity organizations that broadcast commercials on TV. These people piss me off more than any other type of ad. These people are always, always asking for money to help people outside of the country. America in general has a lot of problems that we need to fix, before we go out and spend millions of dollars to help people in other countries. Not only are gas prices and groceries causing a 'new depression', some people think, but the lack of jobs and the increase in homeless people in our OWN country is bad enough to need help.

I was talking about this to a British friend of mine, she said that the homeless in America are normally alcoholics who drink their lives away. I told her that there are also homeless children, and it's not their fault at all. She said to blame the parents. I told her if she's going to use that logic, then why shouldn't we blame the people from Africa or India for the state they're in? Why should other countries get special treatment? Does being from a 'third world country' make your poverty any more special than somebody on American soil?

If she was going to say that the homeless who drink themselves out of a job and home, don't deserve help, why not help the children then? Is it to keep an image? Why do these charity organizations not help the people around where they live? They're always preaching about how the conditions are so bad in other countries, yet there are also people in their own damned home towns that are eating out of the trash behind KFC to survive, people who collect cans just to keep them and their children alive. People living in their cars, on the streets, so on.

These people don't CHOOSE to be without a home, why don't they matter?

Hell, even I, a completely healthy nineteen year old, am having a hell of a lot of trouble finding a job. Many jobs nowadays require at least a year or two of college, or you don't stand a chance. A lot of people can't afford college.

This is something that I can't stress enough, it's not to be racist, it is entirely true. I mentioned a while ago that in my home town, during cherry picking season, a lot of illegal Mexicans come to pick cherries, they don't need ID, they don't get checked or drug screened, it's the ideal job for illegal immigrants. They ARE taking our jobs, even if you live in a place that illegal aliens don't go to, it happens elsewhere, and people are finding it harder and harder to get a job, or run a business, because illegals will do it for half as much, with twice as many people. ( A guy here was recently forced out of his janitorial business because of illegal immigrants doing the same work, for $5 an hour, and using three times as many people.)

None of this is the people's fault, yet still no one does a thing, they insist on helping out poor people in Africa. I believe this 100% to be because they want to have an 'image', as something that helps the 'needy' people from a third world country, so they can get more donations.

... And that's enough of that... You've got my point.

Rant Two:

Feminism. If you're going to preach about equal rights, and how you're being suppressed... Don't start a protest with "MEN ARE INFERIOR." it's the most hypocritical thing you could possibly do. Wanting equal rights, and then putting down men, SUPPRESSING them, crying sexism at the slightest comment, the fact that you can't get hired, the fact that your CLOTHES COST MORE.... It's just completely illogical, hypocritical, and frustrating. It makes me glad though, that Susan B. Anthony made it possible for you to go to jail, as I'm sure many of these feminazis would commit murder just so they could say men are inferior to them.

This adds onto the jobs I was talking about. A woman can call sexism, if she feels like she's not being hired because she's a woman. This does not work both ways, a lot of people from my home town tried this on a convenience store in town, they didn't have a SINGLE man on the staff, and would not hire one. There was an attempted law suit against them, but the guy lost.

Sexual harassment as well, it does happen both ways. In middle school, I was being sexually harassed (Crotch and ass groping) by a girl there. I had told the principal (Woman) about it, and all she did was ask the girl if it was true, when the girl said it was the other way around, I GOT EXPELLED INSTANTLY.

This is probably because if the girl had told her parents, they could have sued the school for not doing anything about it. And the only reason they could do something like that and win, is because of feminists preaching the mistreatment and suppression of women, by men.

You probably have this rant down by now, on to the next.

PETA and vegetarianism:

I'm going to start this one by showing you some videos, and things that these people are claiming. I probably won't have to do much ranting after you see them.


And I just have to bring this up, what does this have to do with ANYTHING?

Taking your clothes off for a bunch of people, is going to get your point across?

Okay, onto the rant.

PETA talks about saving ALL animals, releasing ALL animals from captivity. This means no pets, yes, pet lovers who donate to PETA don't get this. They say that having a pet is unethical, even if they would have died without you. In their world, every single animal is to be released from captivity, this means endangered species, like Pandas, who can't seem to breed without help (I think it's because they're vegetarian.. XD!), sick animals as well, who will die if released into the wild.

Releasing all of the animals won't do any thing, they'll just eat each other anyways, and animals eating meat? THAT'S HORRIBLE! They aren't supposed to eat each other, that's MURDER remember? Well think about this. PETA rescued over 2000 animals a few years ago (I'm too tired to look it all up) Out of the total number of animals, they put all but under 800 of them to sleep. (See: http://youtube.com/watch?v=l9ijLulwUTY )

They also showed in the first video, that the grain used to feed the cows and livestock, could be used to feed starving children in Africa. (See rant one) But if we aren't eating the cows, to feed us, and then giving the grain to another country, what will we eat? Dedbeet13 (Think that was it) said it best, look at the related videos on the first link.

There was also another video I found, I think it was by dedbeet as well, it was an actual video that PETA had on their site, showing Jesus as a near evil looking man, who... Well if you check that guy's profile, you can find it, it was pretty retarded. Saying that Jesus was a murderer, because he ate fish... I mean, I'm not religious, but what the fuck? Attacking a religious idol because he ate meat? Guess what PETA, your PARENTS ATE MEAT, and if THEY didn't, then I'm sure your grandparents did. Get a job, shave your legs, and start caring about people, and less about what we eat.

This is all, hope you enjoyed.


Rant one response: 3,000 children a year become homeless in America alone. People are adopting chinese babies, which is great, but we have plenty of kids at home that need some love and care. The problem is that parents want babies, not kids, so instead of adopting a seven year old american in need of a home, they adopt chinese babies, which sickens me. It's not bad to want to help others, but we should be trying to fix our own home before concentrating on another. No one realizes just how hard it is to get and keep a job. If you don't have a job, you're lazy or incompetant, and that view is crap. Face it, our ways of dealing with the homeless are bullshit. Most people view the situation as the homeless' faults simply because they don't want to spend the effort to help them, so they shift the blame on the victims, kind of like guys saying that girls with their short clothing are asking to be raped. Doesn't make much sense. "Well, if I give this guy money, he's just gonna spend it on booze." First off, that's a pretty severe generalization. You're depriving a human being of a way to get food on a stereotype? That's cruel. Also, what were you go going to spend those few bucks on? Even if the person is using it to get drugs or booze, that's none of your business.

Rant two: women constantly want equality, but try to make more and be better than a man. that's not equality, that's favoritism. My friends constantly get mad at me when I don't immediately take the woman's side in a rape discussion. Yes, rape is terrible, but just because a woman says that she was raped, doesn't mean that she's telling the truth. Also, why is it that when a woman gets raped, it's terrible, but when a man gets raped by a woman, it's either a big joke or 'impossible'? Rape is evil no matter who it is happening to, man or woman. Same thing with sexual harassment. Yes, men can be sexually obsessed, but that's irrelevant, a guy can be sexually harassed just as badly as a woman, and that whole 'guys only think about sex' is a stereotype that's just as bad as saying that all women are sluts.

Rant Three: I think PETA's ideals are wonderful, but they do go way too far with them. You should treat animals with respect and animal cruelty is disgusting, but do they not realize that some breeds of animals literally can't survive on their own? Certain dogs and cats can survive in the wild, but others were bred to be incapable of living without human assistance. It's sad, but true. I also don't believe that eating meat is wrong and that a lot of the things they say to promote vegetarianism are stupid. I also believe that fur is murder, but that whole splashing people with blood is little gruesome and I don't think that they're any better than the fur wearers by doing that. So, I guess it's safe to say that I agree with you on all points and you do have some really good opinions on things.

Rant Three: I think PETA's ideals are wonderful, but they do go way too far with them. You should treat animals with respect and animal cruelty is disgusting, but do they not realize that some breeds of animals literally can't survive on their own? Certain dogs and cats can survive in the wild, but others were bred to be incapable of living without human assistance. It's sad, but true. I also don't believe that eating meat is wrong and that a lot of the things they say to promote vegetarianism are stupid. I also believe that fur is murder, but that whole splashing people with blood is little gruesome and I don't think that they're any better than the fur wearers by doing that. So, I guess it's safe to say that I agree with you on all points and you do have some really good opinions on things.

Yes, the idea that PETA portrays to the media, and to the people they advertise to, is a nice idea.

But the real PETA, is horrible. Putting animals BEFORE humans is a dumb idea in general.

Advertising to children, that their parents are killing baby animals, and hell.... I forgot about the first video, in my rant about PETA, and I sent my girlfriend a wordpad version of that section of my ranting, she said it was horrible and she wanted to be a vegetarian.

They're getting the exact reaction they want, from those videos. But the thing is, they use fake blood, and most of what they show is staged. They do it just to get people to join them, it's fucking horrible. What they're doing is worse than any "Animal cruelty".

Okay, this is one last thing on the PETA subject.

I am against animal cruelty, but what they're trying to stop is a needed process. Think about it, when you're hunting or fishing for food, you need to kill the animal before you can eat it. They do that in factories, and they try to make it as quick as possible, to make them suffer as little as they can.

The KFC thing, they blunt the beaks so that the chickens don't PECK EACH OTHER TO DEATH.

And hell, they're vegetarians, they kill living things every single day.


I agree with you on all points myself. Rant 1: What we need to do is IMPEACH OUR FUCKING TRAINED MONKEY MORON OF A PRESIDENT AND HIS FOLLOWERS!!! Sorry, but that's been under my skin for a while now. They impeached President Clinton for having oral sex with some other woman, but they won't impeach Bush for lying to Congress to go to war??? WTF!!??

My boyfriend has a very hard time finding a job because he doesn't have a high school diploma. After months of looking, he's now flipping burgers. I have cavaties that I can't get fixed. When I need to go to the dr I can't. Why do you ask? No health insurance of course! Our state does have aid, but my income is too much. My income is disability because of the severity of my depression. How in the fucking hell can someone on disability make too much for medical assistance?? If my boyfriend didn't work we wouldn't be able to pay our bills! And the other fucked up part.... Since we aren't legally married our incomes are supposed to be separate. They didn't count his on my aplication because my disabilty check is too much all on its own. But on his application they counted mine. He has a fucking heart problem!! One dr told him it was mitrovalve. Another said it wasn't, but wouldn't tell him what it was... He needs to be seen regulary by a doctor to monitor it so he doesn't.. um... die!

How can people be so concerned with people in other countries when I'm sitting here with prety bad allergies and a strong family history of diabetes, and I have a boyfriend with something wrong with his heart, and we can't get help.

Rant 2: I've been raped. I've never told anyone... No one is sympethetic to a gay man getting raped. All gay men think about is sex, and hell a big strong man such as myself should be able to fight off an attacker. I was drugged by an ex boyfriend and he did what he wanted to my unconcious body. I was also raped by a woman that I thought was my friend. She made a bet with another of her female freinds that she could get me to sleep with her. She made up some crap about being depressed and got me to go to a bar with her. She kept buying me drinks until i was so drunk I couldn't walk. I don't remember any of it.

I know about both instances because of other people. The first one, we had a mutual friend with us. He had gone to bed, but came down and walked in on it. He stopped it, and a few weeks later decided to pull me aside and tell me about it. The second one, the friend she made the bet with told me. She said she never meant for things to happen like that. But I'm a man and I got laid so I should be happy right?

Women have been using the women's rights movement to their advantage. There are sexist men, but there are also sexist women. I personally don't think that there is such a thing as an inferior sex. Men and women are just different. We still have those hunter gatherer instincts from long ago.

Rant 3: I believe in animal rights. I'm an animal lover. I feel bad for animals that go to the slaughterhouses. But I'm also a carnivore at heart. People killing animals just for their fur pisses me off. Killing them just for sport is just as bad. I have neighbors that hunt deer by the dozens and they just leave the bodies to rot. I'd like to shoot them.

But human beings were made to eat meat. It's a little thing called the food chain. Right now we have oscars, which I guess are a type of pihrana. If I were to put a goldfish in that tank they'd eat it. Maybe PETA should come to my house and yell at them... I don't feed them live goldfish, I couldn't. I feed them freeze dried bloodworms and krill. But the fact of the matter is, if those animals were to be released then they would get eaten by other predetaors most likely.


My cousin was raped by his dad when he was a little kid. Several years later, he discovered that he was gay and broke up with his girlfriend. She stalked him and raped him to try to 'turn him straight again.' He says that the latter experience was much more traumatic because whenever he told anyone, they would laugh at him.

My cousin was raped by his dad when he was a little kid. Several years later, he discovered that he was gay and broke up with his girlfriend. She stalked him and raped him to try to 'turn him straight again.' He says that the latter experience was much more traumatic because whenever he told anyone, they would laugh at him.

Yeah... exactly. It's insane. Oh, I should probably clarify something. In the "are there any virgins out there?" thread, I said that my boyfriend was the one who took my virginity. That's true, but at the same time it isn't.

He was the first person I've had consensual sex with. If I didn't consent, then to me it doesn't count. I refuse to let anyone "take" my virginity. Maybe I'm just overly stubborn.

The only authority figure I have ever told that believed me was a friend of mine; an also gay cop. Hmm... I have male friends that are also gay, and I haven't had sex with them... how odd. The most I've done with any of them is given them a hello kiss, and we sometimes slap and grab each other's asses when we're joking around. Maybe I'm a human being rather than a mindless sex machine...

All of the rape victim support groups I've found are for women. Now seriously, no offense to all of you ladies out there... I believe that men an women should have equal rights. But this country has gotten so focused on women's rights, that men are loosing a few rights in the process.

I guess there are laws now that companies have to have so many women working for them at any given time. Well, if a job is open and they need a woman because they're one short, it doesn't matter how qualified the men who apply are. If the only woman to apply isn't nearly as qualified as ten men who applied, she'll most likely get the job anyway. How fair is that? We need to stop looking at gender and start looking at people.

I guess there are laws now that companies have to have so many women working for them at any given time. Well, if a job is open and they need a woman because they're one short, it doesn't matter how qualified the men who apply are. If the only woman to apply isn't nearly as qualified as ten men who applied, she'll most likely get the job anyway. How fair is that? We need to stop looking at gender and start looking at people.

This is also true about 'minorities'. Most places try to have at least one 'minority' working for them at any given time, some places just go overboard, like the Burger King in my town. I'm being COMPLETELY serious about this. They have hired, only, female Mexicans... Isn't that a bit much?

This country is so preoccupied with what's politically correct, that businesses are just afraid. Lawsuits can be brought up by basically ANY non white male.

Basically any person who thinks they're being oppressed because of their skin color, or gender, can use that to their advantage to get hired, even if they're half as qualified as the next person. And.... I just woke up, my brain isn't functioning. >> So I'm done.


I think you are right, Demon, we need a forum for politic topics to go to.


  • 4 weeks later...

Not all of Africa is a cesspool of colonial ejaculate. But for the parts that are, I say that the people need to rebel against the the traitorous dictators harder. I'm betting that those dictators are being paid by foreign interests to further ignore the people there and exploit resources. Not only that, but the things happening here in our own country (the U.S.) are happening because that elite minority that no one wants to acknowledge is making the rules and setting people against each other.

As I've said before "they unite us in wars overseas and when we are privy to their shady doings they count on our squabbling to distract us".

  • 4 weeks later...

*ponders* I have to agree, fixing problems in ones own backyard shlould go before fixing someone elses in another country. The major cause of people being homeless up here iloosing thier job and not being able to pay the bills, the bugger of it is that in order to get a jnou need a valid address. not there are places that will provide room and board (and a valid address) as long as you are willing to look for a job to support ones self. Just not many people know of those places. And it's not like there is a lack of jobs, there never seems to be enough people to fill them. The problem up here is that we are under populated, a good 300,000 or more short of people to actually hit echonomic stability. Either way, i agree with rant 1.

No gender is better then the other, people who do not listen come from every walk of life. though the worst has to be christian church ladies (please dont take this the wrong way). Everyday on my way to my day job, i an acost y a johova's witness (not sure on the spelling) wanting to tell me about god on the city streets, no matter how many times I tell them to leave me alone, it's the same thing the next day. tehn there are the church ladies that come into mwork looking for fabic to recover thier 'very special book' ahem bible and they expect to be aed on hand and foot, and if they have chosen a fabic that actuall wontdthe job and you tell them, the complain to the manager. to add insult to injury they then figure it out later and then complain you sold them faulty stuff. :P These sorts of people I find the world can do better without.

as for rant 3 eat meat, just dony kill them for fun or sport....


Recently, my friend told me that I couldn't say I was concerned about animal cruelty since I eat meat. WTF? Just because I enjoy a hamburger every now and then doesn't mean I'm going to start swinging my cousin's cat around by the tail. Two totally different things, buddy. >.> I view vegetarians the same way I view people with religion. I respect your beliefs, just don't go throwing my lifestyle at me to suit your beliefs. End note: animal cruelty is wrong :P It's like kicking a baby just because it can't tell on you.

  • 2 weeks later...

Rant 1

Couldn't agree with you more on point one. If we want to start fixing the world's problems we need to start at home. Right now all that happens is we give these countries billions in aid and debt relief only to get shit on b/c we "aren't doing enough" which made some asshat muslim feel "desperate" and "downtrodden" so he hijacks a plane and crashes it into one of our buildings. If third world countries don’t want to suck so bad anymore, stop letting warlords and theocrats run your shit. British colonists didn't like being dicked around by their government so they did something about it and formed a new country that worked better.

Rant 2

As far as feminism goes; its a joke. I say this with a minor in sociology and currently finishing up a graduate class on the topic. The feminist movement is so disorganized and running off in so many different directions that it can't seriously be called a movement. First wave feminism, characterized by the pursuit of women's suffrage, was the only thing that could be called a movement of any kind. there was a tangible goal (the right to vote) and it was easy to tell when they succeeded. Second wave feminism is responsible for the bra burning and caused such a backlash that many contemporary women activists refuse to call themselves feminists, camile pagila for instance. Third wave feminism is characterized by widely disparate groups that have nothing in common but the label. Some women are pro-porn, some are anti-porn, Some are pro-choice, others pro-life, some demand a career, others want to be able to stay at home and not be looked down on by their own gender, some think miss america is public enemy number one, others disagree. I can't speak to the rape issue; i have not been and don't know anyone that has. It is fucked up when a man rapes a woman, but equally so in any other combination.

Let's look at one big issue for "feminists"; the so-called glass ceiling. I don’t have a problem with equal pay for equal work or gender egalitarianism as such. But is a top level female executive officer really doing the same job that a man in her place is? Many countries around the world rank very high on cultural masculinity indices (as determined by Geert Hofstede*, a giant in the field of intercultural study) and in these countries women are not viewed as equal partners in business. A woman simply can't do the job a man can do which limits her value to the company. Further, women are afforded maternity leave and men are not. They are given several months off, often with pay, where men are not. During that time frame, her work has to be shifted to other people causing confusion and loss of revenue. That's hardly equal work. Sorry ladies, i'm keeping my extra twenty-five cents per dollar.


Rant 3

PETA funds domestic terrorism (see links below), fuck them and their hippy agenda. Yes, abusing animals for the sake of some sadistic power trip is fucked up, but committing violent acts against people and destruction of property so that an animal that can't function at higher cognitive levels can be spared a little bit of pain is retarded.



  • 1 month later...
Guest BelleKeat

DarkInuLord, shinigamiinochi, and PorkChopExpress86 have all very eloquently spoken their points. I started reading this with the idea that I would add my two cents in here somewhere, but...there is no reason to. I would simply be reiterating the things already written out and explained and I doubt I could possibly do a better job.

I agree with the things that have been said by all three of you and I applaud the very straight-forward and yet eloquent way in which you all spoke. That said...I suppose there is nothing left for me to say. ><


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