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Knowing that my closest friends are now starting to have children.

Just out of highschool. Okay, so I had four really close female friends that I hung out with daily, and even though I KNEW other people, I wasn't friends with them.

Anyways, I moved out of town but the rest of them stayed there. (Wish I had that choice.) So we now communicate solely through MSN.

Well, today my friend sent me this picture.


I hadn't even been told she was pregnant, but she's now eight months pregnant. That feels... Odd... Really, I mean, growing up there was a lot of girls who got pregnant at young ages, that I've known my entire life. (Girl named Amanda, known her since first grade, she got pregnant at 15.) I've been there through every single pregnancy that both of my sisters have had.

But this, this is just... Awkward, I guess. I don't know why, it's just so..... Meh....

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If you think this is awkward ...

ALL of my female friends from primary school and most of my high school female friends have children by now so whenever I visit them it's alway children talk (grrr) and then the question "And how about you?" And I'm like "I don't want children. " "Why not?" me :devil: "Errr coz I don't like them ..." "Why not?"

I seriously think of not visiting them any more.


I guess it's all part of 'growing up' right? Seeing all of your friends have little brats running around?

I don't know though, I think part of it is because Lupita (The one in the picture) and Jessica "ran away" during highschool, and I hadn't heard from them since. Though I was informed when they returned, I still haven't spoken to them since.

Oh well, it's all part of life, it'll feel less weird tomorrow.


Well, very good friend of mine (I've known her since I was about 9) always maintained she'd never have kids (and she never has). Was perfectly happy being everyone's "auntie". :devil:


I've always maintained that I won't have a kid either, I hate the little brats. (I grew up with all young cousins, and my nieces and nephews are still in the "fucking annoying little brat GET OFF OF ME" stage.) But my girlfriend says she wants one. Hopefully only one, then we get her fixed.



I don't feel awkward.. I feel old and so.. So.. SO far behind in life... -______-

Basically everyone I know is engaged, married, has kids, or is married with kids...

I have very few friends left from High School, Middle School, and even Elementary that are single or in a long term relationship without kids...

Shoot... Even in my family practically everyone neat my age is married or has kids... Though the only other one without should have kids... she's kinda... >.> easy... from what I hear...

ANYWAY... Yeah... I feel very old... By the time I FINALLY get a ring, married, and have my kids... All their kids will be entering Middle School... maybe even High School.... O.O

It sucks... >.<


~yelling at long term boyfriend… we’ve been together over 4 years now... If that’s not love I don’t know what is…~


I do not have kids and never will. The term for that is childfree.

So enjoy the freedom that comes with being childfree.

Like writing sex stories and not have jr or little miss come up and read what you wrote and say mommie fucked so and so to your company or your parents and have you embarressed to say the least.

I'm spoiling my cousin's four boys and I plan on spoiling my best friend's children when she and her boyfriend has any.

I will be the aunt who is liked by kids, but the thing I would like the best is I get to hand them back for diaper changes and feeding time. :-)




Giving the little boogers BACK is also one of the advantages of being a granny. :blink:. I will NEVER change a diaper again in my life, if I can ever help it. EWWWWW.

There's really nothing at all wrong with people wanting to be childfree. -_- More power to ya if that's how you feel.


All of my friends are baby crazy. I can see the excitement, but I am definitely never having children. I'm almost twenty one, so I always get the 'well, when you're older, you'll feel different' conversation. Look, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean that I have this desire to have a litter of 'them' running around and bothering me. I can't even stand my relatives' kids. I mean, when I look at pregnant women, I keep thinking of the chestburster scenes from the Alien movies. And really, that's what babies are, little parasites. They invade your body (sometimes without your permission) and live there, feeding off of you. The only kid I get along with is my cousin's three year old, Inoue. But, the only reason for this is because she acts like a mini adult. I mean, she's three and she reads goosebumps books and watches the animal planet. I also love the moments when she tells her father, who at times has the mentality of a five year old, to stop acting like such a child. That, and she's the invitro child of a gay couple, so she's living proof that the rest of my family (and homophobe everywhere) are idiots. But, yeah, I much perfer being her 'auntie' than a mother. *shudder* And if really have some sort of maternal crises, I'll get a snake and some kittens. Maybe steal one of my cousin's brand new malamute puppies. They sure a lot cuter than human babies.


I know what you mean DarkInuLord, it is awkward and strange. I have a close friend who has a son that I couldn't even see having a kid at a young age, but it happened, and she says its the greatest thing that could ever happened to her. I even have close spiritual friends say I'm going to have a kid soon! I hope that's not true, I can't see myself as a parent. >.<; I'm actually afraid to be one. >.> But yeah, it's a part of life... People grow up, get married and/or have kids, whichever comes first to some people. I'm married, and I am trying to get used to the idea o being married myself. -__- I have a fear of marriage and yet here I am already married, not even my family knows about it! XD;


My parents had my little bro when I was fifteen, so all through high school, I got to experience the stinky diapers, waking up at three AM (his room was right next to mine :kiss: ), and all the things in between (tropical punch throw-up on the back of a car seat is really the pinnacle of gross). Really kind of made me re-think having kids.

Also, I don't really like babies. I, personally, think they smell funny, and I don't find them to be very entertaining. I like it when they're old enough to ask questions (even if it is just "why?"). My favorite stage is when they start getting those wild imaginations. I spent a whole day running around with my six year old cousin on my grandparent's farm pretending.

Most of my high school friends started popping out babies about two or three years after we graduated -I think there was something in the water. It was weird and, now, conversations with them aren't as fun because they inevitably lead to, "So, when are you going to have kids?" ^_^

And even as I type this, I just got a message from another friend of mine who just had a baby...

  cu-kid9 said:
My parents had my little bro when I was fifteen, so all through high school, I got to experience the stinky diapers, waking up at three AM (his room was right next to mine :kiss: ), and all the things in between (tropical punch throw-up on the back of a car seat is really the pinnacle of gross). Really kind of made me re-think having kids.

Also, I don't really like babies. I, personally, think they smell funny, and I don't find them to be very entertaining. I like it when they're old enough to ask questions (even if it is just "why?"). My favorite stage is when they start getting those wild imaginations. I spent a whole day running around with my six year old cousin on my grandparent's farm pretending.

Most of my high school friends started popping out babies about two or three years after we graduated -I think there was something in the water. It was weird and, now, conversations with them aren't as fun because they inevitably lead to, "So, when are you going to have kids?" ^_^

And even as I type this, I just got a message from another friend of mine who just had a baby...

ROTFLMFAO ^_^ ah man... I bet that sucked. And having to be asked about when you'll pop any is even annoying, to me it is. >.>; I don't want to think about having ANY kids! >_<; But yeah, kids who can talk and imagine are the fun ones. I seem to attract kids... >.>; they always want to be around me and fight over me. I used to volunteer at a daycare if you can believe it! XD; That's when it got really scary! o.o They all wanted to be around me and have me play with them! >.<; I was the cool adult! The big kid who made things fun! >D
  Lost_Soul said:
They all wanted to be around me and have me play with them! >.<; I was the cool adult! The big kid who made things fun! >D

I get that with my cousins, who are between the ages of twelve and one. Christmas was a blast this year because all of them (all ten of them ^_^ ) decided I was the person to have fun with. We shoved presents to the side and used the boxes they came in to make spaceships, race cars, boats, and airplanes. The basement turned into a creepy dungeon with monsters in it, and I think that, at some point, I was a princess stuck in the "tower" upstairs that needed to be rescued.

And then I got to go home :kiss:


I seem to attract children. Which is sad, because I only wear black clothes, I have spiked leather bracelets, the dark circles around my eyes are dark enough to look like black eyes, and all I ever do is yell at the little brats. But still, they flock to me. >.>;;

  cu-kid9 said:
I get that with my cousins, who are between the ages of twelve and one. Christmas was a blast this year because all of them (all ten of them :o ) decided I was the person to have fun with. We shoved presents to the side and used the boxes they came in to make spaceships, race cars, boats, and airplanes. The basement turned into a creepy dungeon with monsters in it, and I think that, at some point, I was a princess stuck in the "tower" upstairs that needed to be rescued.

And then I got to go home ;)

LOL :rolleyes: hehe so I'm guessing, your majesty, that you got rescued... by Mario! XD; sense you got out and returned home safely. XP jk

That sure sounds fun, wish I was there in on the new world of possibilities and fun! >.< My christmas was me hanging out with my parent in-laws and my lover and that day I was in pain cause I was going through physical medical problems... -__- yeah, it was an OK christmas... better than the last one. I'm not much on celebrating the holidays so I can care less I suppose. I just feel awkward around my in-laws and nothing fun really happened... or at least exciting anyways....

  DarkInuLord said:
I seem to attract children. Which is sad, because I only wear black clothes, I have spiked leather bracelets, the dark circles around my eyes are dark enough to look like black eyes, and all I ever do is yell at the little brats. But still, they flock to me. >.>;;

lol same here! XD makes you wonder if they are planning something to do to you... or maybe they just want to be future emos like us! XP jk jk


I think kids are kinda like cats -they seem to instinctively know that you don't care for them, or like them, and flock to you because they think it's amusing.

*sigh* I've been adopted by more cats because of this.

  cu-kid9 said:
I think kids are kinda like cats -they seem to instinctively know that you don't care for them, or like them, and flock to you because they think it's amusing.

*sigh* I've been adopted by more cats because of this.

I used to have the same problem with dogs. My neighbor's dogs kept jumping at me. Let me tell you, having a chocolate lap try to lick your face off does not help a childhood fear. Yeah, I've been bitten by dogs on five seperate occasions, so I'm scared of 'em. My cousin and I have been working on this problem via him letting me play with his malamute puppies. It's very hard to be scared or annoyed by a pack of bundles of fur. Ironically, I'm not afraid of dogs that look like wolves, mostly just the little foo foo dogs. Kids are kind of the same way. For some weird reason, kids make me really uneasy. like I said, I choose kittens over babies. At least they don't look like little aliens.

:( I once had a litter of kittens and their mother follow me home, one day when I went for a walk. I gave them some milk but, I couldn't adopt them all off the street. xD I was living with my mother at the time, it was years back.o.o
  shinigamiinochi said:
My cousin and I have been working on this problem via him letting me play with his malamute puppies. It's very hard to be scared or annoyed by a pack of bundles of fur. Ironically, I'm not afraid of dogs that look like wolves, mostly just the little foo foo dogs. Kids are kind of the same way. For some weird reason, kids make me really uneasy. like I said, I choose kittens over babies. At least they don't look like little aliens.

:huh: yeah true! I prefer cute little animals than a crying snotty nosed kid any day! My pets are quieter than a kid! And I can get annoyed with loud noises... You know... Malmutes can get VERY big... they are very intimidating when they are big... >.< and foo foo dogs scare me too.... -__-; I can't stand chiuauas! :( Those dogs I just want to empale them on a stick there so annoying and ugly! ESPECIALLY TINKER BELL! (Paris's dumb dog)


I love Malamutes, mostly because they don't have those yippy barks like most dogs. I grew up with Dachshunds, so I have a soft spot for them (not the wire-haired ones, though...they're too scraggly for me), but I mostly like big dogs. I don't like those little white dogs because they get those brown stains around their eyes after awhile and it just looks like they constantly have nasty eye-boogers -ick.

I think all new born babies look like old men and aren't really that cute. At least kittens and puppies are cute when they're born...

  cu-kid9 said:
I love Malamutes, mostly because they don't have those yippy barks like most dogs. I grew up with Dachshunds, so I have a soft spot for them (not the wire-haired ones, though...they're too scraggly for me), but I mostly like big dogs. I don't like those little white dogs because they get those brown stains around their eyes after awhile and it just looks like they constantly have nasty eye-boogers -ick.

I think all new born babies look like old men and aren't really that cute. At least kittens and puppies are cute when they're born...

Agreed, I like bigger dogs myself. And of course kittens and puppies are cute! Actually... I think a lot of things are cute... even snakes! o.o It's why I own 5 cats and a snake cause I have a soft spot for little animals and I can't say no to them. :(;

We're sort of getting off topic huh... >.>; sorry! >.<;


My mother has a chihuahua, and a westie. And two mixed puppies. I want to kick them every single time I see them, they're so loud and fucking annoying, I hate them to death, seriously. =_=


LOL :( AGREED! Why on earth do they exist!? They are annoying and they can't do a damn thing except shit, eat, sleep, and annoy the hell out of you! They are really dumb dogs too! My kitten is smarter than a chihuahua, seriously! X3


Aw! Don't kick the dogs! They're just lil' guys.

On the same note, an ex-boyfriend of mine used to threaten to use my Dachshund as a football because she's about that size...Wonder why we're not dating anymore :(

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