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HP Game Of Thrones.

Guest Lokmio

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Purely smut fic, unless the writer decides to make it have some plot aswell :3

Harry being born in the GoT universe, raised in an orphanage to later became an apprentice blacksmith. (Here he learns to fight with swords.) At some point he should either meet Tywin Lannister and either save him or empress him. From there be raised by Tywin and later sent to Cersei in King's Landing as a household guard. (Before the murder of Jon Arryn, at that time he should be 15~) Tywin tells him to use his skills to protect his family. (He tells the queen of his abilities, but only her. Tywin is the only one that had known before that.) Other than help the queen politically, HERE COMES THE SMUT: He uses his legilimency to seduce several girls/women. Baseborn to highborn. (At some point he gets a lordship so the highborn would be more open to an affair in hopes of betterment.) Plus the queen could show her appreciation ;)

1) Harry must be baseborn, orphan.

2) He must be born in the Westerlands.

3) He must have flashbacks of magic he used to perform in his earlier life, but no memories outside of that. (From this he must learn legilimency, rest is optional.)

4) Highborn maids should not fuck right away, they take their maidenhead quite seriously in the GoT universe.

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