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Marked Effect Character List

The following are all the unique characters out of the story Marked Effect until the current chapter. This will be kept up to date as chapters progress. The last update to this page was on the 25th March 2013.


Asari characters are in blue

Human Characters are in red

Krogan characters are in brown

Salarian characters are in green

Turian characters are in purple (No idea why)


Adastra Senpheus - 361 years old at the time of earth contact. Birthday on the 29th January. Green eyes. Turquoise blue markings.

Amistathya Vasenthi - Young marked Asari 216 years old (Birthday 17th March). Grey eyes, sky blue markings. Aymi-sta-theia is the pronunciation which literally means five petalled flower with a stem that is nearly bright.

Aphrina - Waitress, Impheris restaurant. Heavy red markings around her eyes, deep blue skin. ~375

Asanya - Helper to Nyxia/Nyphana, marketing manager.

Aumarva - Asari commando contracted to provide security to Adastra.

Cahana - C-Sec officer tied to Emala

Dastana - Receptionist, Whefon Hotel Citadel.

Ebaea - Bioamp testing participant. Friend of Pheinova

Emala - Kriana's daughter. Age 219 at earth contact, blue eyes and slightly bluer skin than her mother.

Emaytha Vasenthi - Amistathya's mother

Enavana Sayus - Owner of Sayus Design, Serrice Thessia. Age 581.

Enisa - Purple Asari, delivery individual, invited to pre look around at Sentix on the 5th of May.

Evanthia - Servant, nocturnal wishes.

Fosanta - 577 years old at earth contact. Brown eyes, deep blue markings. 23rd July birthday.

Gemayha - server, eternity bar.

Hayea - Armali verifier, Illium. ~550

Holana - Consort receptionist.

Hymara - Asari commando contracted to provide security to Sam.

Imphaya - Asari commando contracted to provide security to Adastra.

Inphia - Enavana's bondmate. White markings and works on the Citadel.

Iona - Galactic Acceptance, support specialist.

Isphara - Armali verifier, Illium ~350

Kafin Yahola - Salarian pilot in class three lightweight ship racing.

Kalawa - Asari commando contracted to provide security to Fosanta.

Kaphira Phianus - Matriarch. Used to teach advanced flight control at Serrice University before getting into a technical role in ship racing. Works for the Cyone Astro-Engineering team.

Kate (Katherine) - 28 years old, blue eyes, red shoulder length hair, ~5'5" high. 17th August birthday.

Kriana - Captain, ASL Enlighten Age 696 at earth contact. Grey blue skin with brown eyes.

Doctor Lamisa - Illium Doctor.

Lasala - Matriarch. Asari contingent representative for ship racing and also head of the Cyone Astro-Engineering team.

Lianta - Asari commando contracted to provide security to Sam.

Liphanya - Lead project manager, Sentix Spaceworks.

Maritha - Asari commando contracted to provide security to Adastra.

Nakrin - C-Sec officer tied to Shiala

Nyxia/Nyphana - Emaytha's new bondmate after Amistathya's father dies. Pureblood. 674 Years old.

Olissa - Owner, Sentix Spaceworks.

Omepha - Sentix Spaceworks receptionist.

Parvon - C-Sec officer tied to Shiala

Pheinova - Head of biotics Armali council, Thessia

Roskan - C-Sec officer tied to Kriana

Samalya - Armali Plasma Propulsion Engineer

Sam (Samuel Barnes) - 27 years old, dark brown hair, brown eyes. ~5'11 high.

Sarik - Yalon ship group engineer.

Saymera - head of Galactic Acceptance, receptionist

Selayla - Asari commando contracted to provide security to Fosanta.

Seliha - 492 years old brown eyes, purple markings. 2nd June birthday.

Sephaila - Head testing engineer, armali propulsion.

Silana - Armali propulsion engineer, Sentix Spaceworks. Dark green markings on slightly green blue skin. Age 453

Solpha - Aphrina's bondmate ~392, light blue skin, light green markings. Tall ~6'0".

Swathana - Asari commando contracted to provide security to Kate.

Tahomi - Co-pilot for the ASL Enlighten

Talima - Consort Acolyte.

Talmira - C-Sec officer tied to Kriana

Tarus Oheen - Main gate security individual, ship racing.

Doctor Thalmara - Doctor, Tayseri Ward Citadel

Tharik Narithus - Head of the council on competitive ship racing.

Thea - Armali Plasma Propulsion Engineer

Themara - Waitress Impheris restaurant, blue skin, blue eyes, deep blue markings.

Toren - C-Sec officer tied to Emala

Usarta - Armali Council representative on Illium.

Whesiva - Armali Council Employee. Biotics Facility Thessia.

Yasmari - Asari commando contracted to provide security to Kate.

Yia - Head bioamp development engineer Armali Illium.


I will keep this topic up to date and edit the contents of this post to keep it current. Please bookmark to keep it handy.

Edited by unrealuniverse
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