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This is Cloud/Sephiroth fic(Cloud is the seme). I know I read it on AFF at one point a long time ago. I don't recall specifics of the story, but I think Sephiroth was gone/dead/something for a while and then comes back. The only vivid image I have for it is that Cloud and Sephiroth get it on, on Cid's airship with Sephiroth against a bedpost(I think). I can't really give you more than that. I think there was a touch of Cid/Vincent and maybe Vincent being jealous(again not sure about this). If anyone knows if this story is still around, considering the sketchy details I'm giving you,I'd me most appreciative.



  • 1 month later...

Sadly, no that's not it. The fic I'm thinking of was Sephiroth as the bottom during the sex, but thanks for the link regardless lol. I'm beginning to think this story was either taken down by the author or the author was underage or something of the sort to cause the story to be taken down. I could have sworn I read it on AFF but I can't swear by that XD

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