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I found out today that Heath Ledger was found dead. T__T As a fan, I am shocked and very sad to find out about this and it's hard to believe but it is true. He was one of the actors I had respect and loved. CNN reports:

Heath Ledger dies at 28 NEW YORK (CNN) -- Actor Heath Ledger was found dead Tuesday of a possible drug overdose in a Lower Manhattan apartment, the New York Police Department said.

art.ledger.gi.jpgHeath Ledger was found dead in his Manhattan apartment.

corner_wire_BL.gif The Academy Award nominated actor was 28.

"Pills were found in the vicinity of the bed," police spokesman Paul Browne told CNN.

"This is being looked at as a possible overdose, but that is not confirmed yet."

The pills appeared to be over-the-counter sleeping medication, said police spokeswoman Barbara Chen.

Ledger was unresponsive when he was found by a housekeeper who had gone to wake him for an appointment with a masseuse in the Soho apartment, Browne said.

He was declared dead at about 3:30 p.m., Browne said.

I feel for his friends and family, and I am right there along with them in their hurt and loss. ::CRIES:: T__T His new movie and the last is The Dark Knight where he plays the Joker. I don't know if they are going to push back the showing of the movie or not, but it is set to be out on July 18th, 2008.



Didn't see that coming. Not like he was my favourite actor or something, but it's weird to see an actor I actually recognize from when I was younger die. And so young too. 28? Damn.


I literally just heard 20 minutes ago and I'm still stunned... My condolences to his friends and family, of course - but I just can't believe this. He was one of the few celebrities around right now that I really couldn't have imagined this happening to


I knew him when he did the Fox show called Roar, now he was a hottie back then and was one still. Just the flick of his head could make me swoon. I never got to meet him but the movies that he starred in will now be hot sellers. :lol::cry::cry::cry:



I got some new information. They did an autopsy on Heath Ledger to figure out the cause of death and when and came to a conclusion that it is inconclusive. The medical examiner thinks that it might have been an accidental overdose; the police found a rolled up twenty dollar bill also and is being tested for drugs. The wait for the labs information will take 10 to 14 days. T_T People has left flowers and letters/notes at Heath Ledger's apartment. I wish I was in NY to leave at least flowers. ;__; I would leave a white liliy and a black rose.

art.ledger.flowers.ap.jpg Fans have created a makeshift memorial at the front door of the apartment building where Heath Ledger died.

Here is the whole story if anyone is interested:



The police talked with the woman who found him, she told them that he was still alive when she came into the room to let him know his massuse was there he was snoring! And a few minutes later she went into the room to get him up he was not snoring anymore and was cold to the touch so this may be one of those deaths that is going to end up as a mystery.



I really don't want to believe this to be true! He was doing so well and DAMN was he sexy!!!

I keep hearing that it's by accident, suicide, blah blah... I think it was murder... Why would he take his own life and as far as I know he was realy healthy... I hope they catch the bastard that did this to him...

I cry for the acting communities loss.... T-T

I really don't want to believe this to be true! He was doing so well and DAMN was he sexy!!!

I keep hearing that it's by accident, suicide, blah blah... I think it was murder... Why would he take his own life and as far as I know he was realy healthy... I hope they catch the bastard that did this to him...

I cry for the acting communities loss.... T-T

It wasn't murder. There's not the tiniest bit of evidence for it to be even murder. So don't worry, it's probably an accidental death because the sleeping pills he took has side effects of causing amnesia; and that could be a reason to his death because he could have forgotten that he alrady took the meds and took some more which lead to his death. Also, Heath didn't enjoy playing as the Joker in his last movie which he admited to say, and that is caused him to not be able to sleep and is why he was taking sleeping pills. Why do you think someone murdered him, there is no evidence that he had any enemies. o.o?

From the commericals I have seen of The Dark Knight, the Joker that Heath played was crazy more crazier the Jack Nickelson's protrayal and that might have been the reason he was taking the pills to help him sleep, he took one sleeping pill and he was awake an hour later after falling asleep. And there was reports of this sleeping pill making people forgetful so it could have been caused by that pill.

Watch the FDA yank the pills approval and the stores yank that pill off the pharmacies' shelves immediately once it is revealed it was the cause of Heath's untimely passing.


From the commericals I have seen of The Dark Knight, the Joker that Heath played was crazy more crazier the Jack Nickelson's protrayal and that might have been the reason he was taking the pills to help him sleep, he took one sleeping pill and he was awake an hour later after falling asleep. And there was reports of this sleeping pill making people forgetful so it could have been caused by that pill.

Watch the FDA yank the pills approval and the stores yank that pill off the pharmacies' shelves immediately once it is revealed it was the cause of Heath's untimely passing.


Oi, of course... damn FDA! D< And actually, how he potrayed the Joker is how Joker was orignally suppose to be like in the comic actually. So Heath did an awesome job on how the Joker appeared in the movie.

But because of the role is why he had trouble sleeping in the first place. ;__; sighs~


Yeah, he had made comments about the Joker being the hardest role he ever did and I guess his mind was running full tilt and he couldn't sleep so he got some sleeping pills.

But if it is what caused his death, I would have no doubt in my mind that the sleeping pill that he took would be removed from the market fast.



I found out that the masseuse who was there at the scene who found Heath Ledger not responding and she called Mary-Kate three times BEFORE she dialed 911! WTF!? Who the hell in their right mind would call someone else for help when you should be calling 911 for help in the first place! Also, she wasn't a licensed masseuse. A masseuse is supposed to know CPR and this one didn't! They say she was on the phone with the damn Mary-Kate for 10 minutes before she called 911, or that's what I heard. If anyone finds new info on this, please post.


They had it on Yahoo that he died from an accidental drug overdose. He was on six different types of pills and they reacted bad. It is such a shame that he has passed, he was such a great actor and was hopeing that he would of made a lot more movies. He will be greatly missed.

Yeah, he had made comments about the Joker being the hardest role he ever did and I guess his mind was running full tilt and he couldn't sleep so he got some sleeping pills.

Jack Nicholson did warn him about the apparent curse of playing the Joker too. Similar apparently happened to the guy who played the joker in the original 60s TV series, and Nicholson isn't exactly known for being balanced (although that is part of what makes him a great actor)

Can't say I was really ever a fan, but still sad to hear of the death.

When I first heard of it, I didn't believe it.


O.O! I did not know that! >.< Interesting. >.>


Officials have said that Heath Ledger has died of an accidental prescription over-dose! So that answers everything! I suppose... T__T ::MISSES HEATH:: ;__;

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