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Why Do I Get Called Sexist For Single Statements?

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The term 'sexist' is thrown around so loosely nowadays, it's somewhat sad. I mean, I got called sexist years back when I had made a comment about M-Preg fanfiction, and shared my opinion on it at the end of a chapter to a story, I ended up deleting the entire story because I had 100 reviews from pissed off women, calling me sexist.

I mean, I was commenting about makeup causing wrinkles, and there was one person who just wouldn't accept it, this was pretty much the conversation, well... Not pretty much, it is, since I'm just copying and pasting.

[13:40] <Amplexor> She was in "Mean girls".

[13:40] <Amplexor> I guess her drinking problem helped with the wrinkles too.

[13:40] <Grace> I've heard of that, but it's a crap movie, so I haven't seen it

[13:40] <Amplexor> But come on.

[13:40] <Grace> I'm really not buying it

[13:40] <Amplexor> That's 'cause you're a girl and you don't want to believe that this magical 'makeup' will cause you to have wrinkles.

[13:41] <Amplexor> When you think that it's so cleverly making you look 'better'.

[13:41] <Grace> I don't even wear all that much make up

[13:41] * Amplexor is a makeup basher. >>

[13:41] <Grace> but thanks for blaming my opinions on my sex

[13:41] <Grace> that's real mature

[13:41] <Amplexor> Lmfao.

[13:41] <Amplexor> xD

[13:41] <Amplexor> You're welcome.

[13:41] <Grace> no, I'm not really amused

[13:41] <Amplexor> And it was very mature.

[13:41] * Amplexor shrugs.

[13:41] <Amplexor> Fine.

[13:41] <Amplexor> It's because you wear makeup.

[13:41] <Amplexor> Was pretty much what I was trying to say.

[13:42] <Grace> I wear make up only on special occasions :/

[13:42] <Amplexor> Since men don't generally wear makeup unless they're emo, or actors.

[13:42] <Amplexor> I said 'woman' instead.

[13:42] <Jewlz> i dont wear make up >>

[13:42] <Minion|Sleep|Nap|Whatever> I wear eyeliner, and black nailpolish. :D

[13:42] <Amplexor> .......

[13:42] * Amplexor eyetwitches.

[13:42] <Minion|Sleep|Nap|Whatever> I'm not emo.

[13:42] <Minion|Sleep|Nap|Whatever> :)

[13:42] <Amplexor> I'm going to go... Finish writing, now. >_>

[13:43] <Grace> seriously, if you'd said "that's cause you wear make up", that would've been fine, but "that's cause you're a girl" is pretty close to sexist :/

This is like the 500th time I've been called sexist throughout my life. I'm getting damned sick of it, I make one little comment and it makes me a sexist. Not liking M-Preg, I'm a sexist. Saying that women get away with breaking more laws, makes me a sexist. Arguing with feminists makes me a sexist. Hell, I've been called sexist for not wanting to arm wrestle a girl back in highschool, she said something about me thinking I was superior because I was a man, and God's it pissed me off...

Just... Ugh....

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You can't argue with the superior female mind. The only way you can get to them and win the argument is to make them angry. Next time a woman calls you sexist, say, "Yeah, yeah, just take off your shirt."

If that makes you too squeemish, make them laugh "Get in the kitchen and make me a sammich" works good, and if she can't take a joke, do you really want to know her anyway?

Don't ever tell a woman "You're just angry because you're on your period" unless you really seriously hate her and want her to be angry at you forever. Even if said woman is on her period, she will forever remember you as a horrid sexist pig and tell all her friends about it. And then they will hate you too. That's really the only thing you can say to a woman that will make her truly label you as a sexist pig.

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People like to throw all the "ists" around rather easily. Racist, sexist, chauvanist, etc. that insinuates you're the oppressor and they're the oppressed. People have this undying love for being victims x.x

But I'm not understanding how disliking male pregnancy is sexist. I really don't get that one. It might make you a realist. Or, "I actually live on this planet"-ist. But sexist?

As for the make up thing:

It was just because she wears make up XD

"I only wear make up for social occasions" = anytime she steps outside the door

Actually I only wear eye liner. Dark lipsticks if I feel like it (but they get in the way of me wanting to smooch my guy), because I don't really like anything else. Not emo, but remnants of goth from high school. Well, not goth goth. I'm a nerd with a different "cliques" clothing style. :rolleyes:

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Heh. Well I'm a makeup-ist, I don't like it, to be honest. I'm glad my girlfriend doesn't wear it all the time, but she still wears dark eyeliner, sometimes eyeshadow and lipstick, but most of the time just eyeliner. :rolleyes: I've tried to convince her she's gorgeous without it, and I don't really like makeup, but she thinks she looks better with it on, so I don't argue.

And I don't remember what it was I said about M-Preg that got me called a sexist, I'll try remembering... It was something like;

"Well I guess I could see why some women like it, seeing a man go through the same thing they do might be why." Or something, I actually got one positive review about the comment, and it was by a woman who said something like "One of the reasons I read M-preg is the thought of seeing my husband barefoot, with swollen ankles and morning sickness." and basically she was defending me, saying I wasn't sexist for my comment.

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I wear tons and tons of makeup all the time. I do my eyes in outrageous colors, sometimes three or four different bright colors at a time, with heavy eyeliner and Egyptian tails and sometimes blue mascara. I have various lipsticks ranging form green, black, blue, purple, mocha, but most often I wear bright red, sometimes with blue eyeliner instead of lip liner. My makeup bag looks more like the entire range of makeup selection from a Walgreen's Pharmacy rather than someones makeup stash. I used to get loaded and spend hours in front of the mirror finding new outrageous ways to do my makeup while my cat watched with utter fascination. I also dress in fancy outlandish clothes, mostly because I'm insane. You see, I had a problem with people staring at me and men stalking me when I was in my early 20's (some dude actually made a grab for my boob at Food for Less), so for a year or two I'd dress in boy's clothes (kind of hard to make yourself look like a boy when you've got a huge rack) and baseball caps with no makeup, but people would still keep staring or honking at me even though I looked like a butch 'frisco dyke. So I said "fuck it" and started dressing as fancy as my little heart desires. Now at least I can tell myself people are staring at me because I'm dressed funny instead of staring at me because there's something wrong with my soul.

HURRY, HURRY, HURRY! A SHINJU ONE DAY ONLY SPECIAL!: For one day and one day only I have put a picture of me in my personal profile. It is a bad angle and kind of pixely because it was taken on a cell phone about a year ago, but it kind of gives you an idea of how I would do my makeup on light makeupy day.

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You should see me when I style my hair all goth. I get this blue sticky goop and make dreads. Once I styled myself so differently the person I was living with didn't recognize me and thought there was an intruder in the house.

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I don't know about "all the time," but in the example you gave, the person was reacting specifically to the statement, "it's because you're a girl, you don't know X."

Why did her being a girl make a difference in whether she knew it or not? Why did your being a man make a difference in your knowing it?

You were saying that her knowledge of this topic is dependent on her sex. That is a sexist classification system, by definition.

If you base your argument on, "well, it's because you're a girl," you will have to get used to some people pointing out the assumption you're making with that argument, rather than the topic you're actually talking about -- which, in this case, was make-up and wrinkles.

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That's 'cause you're a girl and you don't want to believe that this magical 'makeup' will cause you to have wrinkles

That's the sentence you're talking about. It's "Because you're a girl and don't want to believe". Not "You don't know.".

It was really more of a "Because you wear makeup." scenario.

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Well, whoever she is, she's wrong. It does cause wrinkles. Perhaps she doesn't wear enough to notice, but I wear a lot of it so I should know. Eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, powder and especially foundation all cause wrinkles. Even I have to take a break every so often for a few weeks. You are officially right and she is wrong. Tell her to roll that up in a joint and smoke it.

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I don't know about "all the time," but in the example you gave, the person was reacting specifically to the statement, "it's because you're a girl, you don't know X."

Why did her being a girl make a difference in whether she knew it or not? Why did your being a man make a difference in your knowing it?

You were saying that her knowledge of this topic is dependent on her sex. That is a sexist classification system, by definition.

If you base your argument on, "well, it's because you're a girl," you will have to get used to some people pointing out the assumption you're making with that argument, rather than the topic you're actually talking about -- which, in this case, was make-up and wrinkles.

That's the sentence you're talking about. It's "Because you're a girl and don't want to believe". Not "You don't know.".

It was really more of a "Because you wear makeup." scenario.


Isn't it a bit ridiculous to classify everything that is "because you're a girl..." as sexist? Women are different from men in more ways than just genitalia.

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The only advice I can give is to NEVER EVER say something like "just because you're a girl" no matter what follows it. That, honestly, really seems to be the problem. It doesn't matter if "and you don't know" or if "you don't want to believe" follows it.

Some females, when they see "just because you're a girl" will immediately link that with sexism. Like "you can't throw because you're a girl" or "you can't hang out with us because you're a girl". Obviously a lot of the females on the forum don't or will not do this. But this girl/woman is obviously one of the "some". It's been drilled into our tiny innocent minds since we were wee lasses that women must struggle against the gender role set for us and when that statement comes around... well, you best be putting on your battle gear and expecting the worst.

I have to agree that she's probably going a little too over the top on this one. I wouldn't have been offended by that comment, but then again, maybe the person you're talking to has a deep insecurity about the way she looks. It's seems "you're sexist" is either an auto-response or a defensive response to the situation.

Try saying something like "just because you use make-up you don't want to believe". It possible that the very fact that you bring up gender into the conversation is pissing her off. Pissing her off makes her defensive, and defensive means equal sexist! It is not quite that simple, but if you want to avoid being called a sexist, avoid using either gender to describe something.

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Guest MortiferLascivio

I once knew a guy who said that if we were to get married, he wouldn't allow me to work; saying women belonged in the kitchen and at home with the kids. I told him he'd never get married with that kind of thinking; what if you fell in love with a woman who has a passion for her job or something? He said he would never fall in love with a woman who has independent thought. I was mildly offended but mostly amused.

On the subject of make-up, I wear it, but only if I'm having a bad day (dark shadows under the eye, sickly looking skin or whatever) but I find that makeup causes breakouts often. So I try to stay away from it as much as possible.

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but, since it makes no sense to discuss that, back on topic.

Men and women differ, it's natural. Calling someone sexist is like saying "I'm a bitter asexual and I don't want you to act naturally."

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Try saying something like "just because you use make-up you don't want to believe". It possible that the very fact that you bring up gender into the conversation is pissing her off. Pissing her off makes her defensive, and defensive means equal sexist! It is not quite that simple, but if you want to avoid being called a sexist, avoid using either gender to describe something.

But she brought up gender too.... I don't know if it was in the quote, I think it was earlier into the argument, but she pretty much said I didn't know because I was a guy, and makeup is a girl thing, so only girls know what it does. Or something....

Anyways, the thing is a guy can't say a woman is being "Sexist". Just like a white person can't call someone of another race, racist. >_> It just gets ignored, and in most cases (Since I call out 'reverse' sexism and racism all the time.) they say I'm trying to hide the fact that I am one of those ist words.

Bleh, anyways....

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