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Now, I know how old the fanfiction 'My Immortal' is but I am curious as to what others think of it. I read it all the way through, after suffering horrendous headaches while attempting the feat, and have found that actually it's appears to be a very clever Parody. The spelling, structure and all the rest is awful (even worse than mine, and I'm Dyslexic! Lol) However, if it is a Trollfic it is an extremely clever one, the reactions alone are enough to show how successful it is.

My only issue is that it makes a lot of references that for an English writer is a little confusing, things such as 'Preps' I had to ask someone what that word meant. So, I'm just curious what others think...Is it a very poor attempt at fanfiction or is it a clever troll?


It was a troll fic, meaning she did it for attention and it was intentionally written to be bad. As most of the comments it got, especially the arguing back and forth between people on the board, were her, she knew just what she was doing. As we see these kinds of things all the time, and have a few residents in our Hall of Shame that have done such things, it's nothing new. It's done to gain them attention since, apparently, they can't get it for writing the normal way.


Personally I found it hilarious, but then I have read many a fanfiction that was simply terrible and laughed...I suppose it's why I like those really cheap crappy horror movies so much. :P

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