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I'm sure some of you have experienced this before. You go to the mall. You find the cutest outfit ever. There is only one left in your size. You try it on. It looks totally cute. And then you sniff. And catch a whiff of hell. Because some smelly bitch got there before you and tried it on. A smelly bitch who apparently cannot shower three days prior to trying on clothes at the mall. And I know it's the same chick too, because we shop at the same stores. I'm size sixteen and there are only two stores in the mall that sell decent clothes over size two. And that smelly bitch always gets there before me. And her stench is unavoidable. Just because you are plus size doesn't mean you can't shower every five fucking days. Now I can't buy the clothes I want because smelly bitch got there first.

If I could say something to smelly bitch right now, I would say, "I hate your bitch stench. Go take a shower and never visit this mall again. You smelly bitch."

I feel like kicking her in the cunt.


I've never come across clothes that were tried on be a smelly bitch before me, thank god. x.x I'm sorry I don't share your pain, but I can imagine wanting to track her down (with a dog, wouldn't be hard if she smells that bad) and beating cleanliness into her.

I've never come across clothes that were tried on be a smelly bitch before me, thank god. x.x I'm sorry I don't share your pain, but I can imagine wanting to track her down (with a dog, wouldn't be hard if she smells that bad) and beating cleanliness into her.

That's a good idea. Are black labs good at tracking?

  • 3 weeks later...

You think smelly bitches trying on clothes at the mall is bad, try dressing them at your work! I'm the manager of a novelty photo studio, you know the kind, dress up as a cowgirl, corseted-ganger; the old time photos. I have to dress the smelly bitches in costumes. and they f*cking reek. One woman was actually damp with sweat while I was fitting the corset around her lumpy bulk, and the smell was similar to sour milk and onions, and the worst ones are on the rag. I lysol to costumes after they leave, but the dry-cleaning bill is still through the roof every month.


I say you stake out one of the stores for a little while, and when they get in a new shipment of clothes, get to your size outfit right away. If it's cute but you don't like it, write a little note that says "Take a bath for once!" or something and pin in on the clothes.

Of course, you have the chance of hurting the feelings of some innocent bystanders, but MAN it would be funny if the smelly bitch got the clothes next and just looked at the note in bewilderment.

"...How did they know it was me???"

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