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Sounding board request

Guest kitdkatwrites

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Guest kitdkatwrites

So this question will only make sense if you've read Erosa thus far. Should I go ahead and add Liam to the mix as a permanent addition or just a one time thing so Aric's horizons get broadened before bonding? I have gotten a few reviews asking for Liam to get in on the Aric action with Andrew or instead of Andrew or not at all. Now what I thought was a fairly clear path in the general direction of the end is getting foggy.

Do I just go with my original plan or maybe write out a few different scenarios to see where each one goes?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Robin_Mask

I haven't read "Erosa" (sorry!), but have you tried raising the question to your readers directly?

If you bring it up in an author's note then you may get a few readers responding to you in reviews with their ideas, which might be more effective. If you ask people in an author's note then the people reading said note will be the ones best able to answer your question, whereas asking on the forum involves a bit of 'luck', hoping that the people on the board have read your story already.

It's been a month since you posted, so maybe you've already found an answer to your question, but perhaps you could write a few scenes with Liam and Aric to get a feel for their characters and their character interactions, maybe to determine if you want him as a permanent addition or not. If you haven't an overall story plan then this may be the best idea, because even if people say 'add him' or 'don't add him' it's you who has to write about him, and - believe me - there's nothing worse than writing a character that you lack an affinity or interest for! If you love Liam though then maybe it'd help to have him in the story? He could act as a sort of muse and inject some fresh life into the story.

Edit: I just saw you said you have a plan. If that's the case why not follow according just to the plan? You could always do a sort of 'A/U' story later where the plot diverges and you explore new options afterwards. I had a novel where reviewers gave me some great ideas, but they weren't according to the plan I had written, so I've kept them in mind for future use instead. That could be an option, perhaps?

Edited by Robin_Mask
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