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Missing account and stories

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Guest another_ficer

I made an account "another_ficer" and added my original story on the Warhammer 40000 section with the tags, but not disclaimer. Two days later, I checked and the story was gone, so was the account. I had gotten in the meanwhile a mail that said I had to modify the disclaimer, and that the story would be hidden for 7 days if I didn't modify the disclaimer. But as I said, not a day after the mail was sent, my account and my story were deleted.

So I made another account, again named "another_ficer" and I added the correct type of disclaimer, all the fitting tags etc. Both my account and my story have been deleted again. I was not announced by mail about anything this time.

Possible issue I can think of:
* I use a proxy (I care about my privacy)
* I use a disposable mail (making a mail on a proxy on yahoo or gmail is hard, keeping in touch with such mails is again hard)
* My nickname? (I've seen weirder/more general)
* I displeased some Ciaphas Cain fan.

Is it common practice to delete accounts without the user being notified about what he's done? I repeat, not ban, delete. It says the user account does not exist.

Guest another_ficer

Well it was technically real, I could check it for incoming mail and stuff. At least thanks for shedding some light on things, I'm not sure if it's worth making the mail and formatting my story again. Thanks for the quick reply though.

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