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Title: Garden of Thanatos

Author: Me

Rating: Adult++

Summary: This is a multi-chapter on-going fanfic that plays on the "Flower of Thanatos" sidestory from Kagetsu Tohya, the sequel to Tsukihime. It uses the setting from that story, although more characters from the Tsukihime universe are introduced. It can be pretty accurately be considered PWP, although I do have an overarching plot that slowly unfolds throughout the chapters.

I'm 6 chapters in, and so far, it involves the protagonist and lone male, Tohno Shiki, having sex with Arima Miyako, Kohaku, Hisui, Seo Akira, Misawa Hanei, or some combination thereof. About half the scenes involve 3 or more people.

Feedback: Please, anything would be nice. Since there is no Tsukihime or Type-Moon section under anime, I've put this story in the "Misc" section, which gets almost no hits. The story's over half a year old, and just recently broke 1000 hits.

Fandom: Tsukihime

URL: http://anime.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600041477

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