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Harry/Ron/Hermione threesome fic?

Guest JustMe

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Hello everyone. I am one of those people who ships both Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione but one of my guilty pleasures is Harry/Ron/Hermione. But I do have some requirements. This is all personal opinion so please no negative comments.

- The only threesome fics I read is when Hermione is the one getting pleasured by Harry and Ron.

- Fics where Hermione gets hurt/heart broken etc. and Harry and Ron are there to comfort/pleasure her etc. (Most of the time it's Harry which bums me)

- Harry and Ron are way more sexually experienced than Hermione

- Harry and Ron are very gentle/caring/protective/passionate towards Hermione

- Hermione is very shy/insecure/timid/inexperienced

- NO aggressive/demandingexperienced!Hermione - This is one of my major pet peeves in fanfiction (Don't ask me why) - So fanfics like Anything It Takes by Metafrantic doesn't count because Hermione is rather aggressive

- Harry and Ron initiates all the affection and physical contact with Hermione who is very reluctant/shy/timid in response

If anyone knows any Harry/Ron/Hermione fics that fulfill these requirements please let me know.

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