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I just read pride of sunnydale on ff.net.the story is about xander being posessed by a lion on the school zoo trip.One part cried out to me for a story hence this request: Ms. Calendar asks "who is in his pride?" and Xander replied "Willow,Buffy,Joyce,Giles and you", which reiceved "Are you taking liberities with the females?" Anyone interested in writing this story?


There are actually variants on the pride and/or pack meme, as it is a theme within the fandom. For example, you have stories where Xander's hyena was only dormant, and then comes out to play. There's another series (it's here, but I have to fix it), where the lion pride thing is done. It's a series. If I remember right, that one features Angel and Buffy, among others.

What I'm getting at is that it's not a unique concept to this one author, as variants on it have been getting written for a number of years. So, unless the requestor is asking for a continuation (which isn't what it looks like) of the other story, there wouldn't need to be any permissions asked for, as this is a fairly common thing within the fandom. :)

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