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Editing Chapters Freezes/Crashes Browsers

Guest Otaku1811

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Guest Otaku1811

Hi there,

I've been having this problem with AFF for a while now where regardless of what Browser I use to edit chapters of my stories, the site freezes the entire browser and sometimes crashes it altogether. In firefox it makes it so I am unable to click onto a different tab or slide the slider bars on the side. I tried this in IE and it does the same thing. Sometimes it can take 15 or more minutes for it to un-freeze and actually allow me to edit my chapter. Then there are cases where I can edit most of the chapter just fine, but I get to a certain point that triggers the crash/freeze phenomenon. I've cleared my caches too and it doesn't help whatever this particular problem is, all I can figure is maybe there's some kind of conflict with my firewall or another program I have running? Any help is appreciated!


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First, what browser versions are you using? (IE 8, IE 9? FF 5, FF10, FF15?)

Second, what's your Java version?

Third, are you on a Mac or a PC? (I assume PC since you said you used IE, but they make a version for Mac)

Fourth, without completing the editing process, can you provide DG a links to chapters causing the issue? While she will specifically need the intermittent sounding one - where it allows some editing then freezes during the process, the other would also help her to compare.

Fifth, how many browser tabs do you -generally speaking- have open when the issue occurs, and what pages are they open to? For example, deviantART has become a bit resource heavy with its pages, and YouTube can cause lag since it now runs through Google.

Sixth, are you running other programs when this error occurs?

Seventh, what word processing program do you use?

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Guest Otaku1811

Thanks for the quick reply!

I am using a WIndows 7 Asus PC (pretty new, only a year old). I use Mozilla Firefox 16.0.1 which is the current version, this is what I normally use since I hate IE. My IE is version 9. When I go to edit the chapter I usually only have another AFF tab open, the one where I selected edit original story from my control panel, nothing else. I don't have any other programs running that would be hogging up cpu space. Right now NONE of the chapters are letting me edit them without freezing up the entire browser, so I can't tell you which one is intermittent or not, the stories are here: http://original.adul...p?no=1296907709 The only thing I can figure is the chapters are a good 30-40 pages long so maybe it's lagging to load. I use Microsoft Word Starter 2010 as my word processor. As for Java, I'm using Java Platform SE 6 U26, version

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Guest Otaku1811

Okay so I was able to edit Chapter 13: A Mysterious Visitor in Hell. It lagged a little but didn't give me much trouble: http://original.adul...5084&chapter=13

Chapter 5: The Garden just freezes and crashes the browser completely every single time: http://original.adul...05084&chapter=5

Also I should note that I don't upload my Word files to AFF, I just copy and paste the text directly into the chapter text box. I don't know if that might have anything to do with this issue. That's all the info I have! I hope it helps :)

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make sure java is checked

click advanced (for java)

make sure the 3 options showing are checked

Once you do these things, you do need to close and restart your browser. With the changes they keep making to Firefox, you may even need to restart your machine.

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Guest Otaku1811

I did everything you said to do and restarted the computer... to no avail :/ Chapter 5 is the only chapter I can't seem to edit no matter what, it totally freezes and crashes my browser and all I want to do is backspace one line and un-bold a sentence. It's driving me nuts now lol It took me hours to do what I wanted to do with the other 12 chapters because of this weird problem.

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The only thing I saw in chapter 5 which may be the root of it, is the image linking throughout the chapter. I deleted all of that. Image linking is not supported for anything except the user's avatar. That, and the link directed to your local hard drive, so I expect what happened is that the script was looking for the image to link to and couldn't find it.

Try it now.

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Guest Otaku1811

Hmmm, well it still is crashing the browser hardcore. It keeps telling me there's a long-running script problem and when it happens my PC fan goes nuts and it sounds like my computer is working overtime to get things to work, but instead it all just freezes up. I tried to close some processes in my task manager, curious if any of those may have been causing the issues. After closing a bunch I accidentally closed one that said my computer would restart in one minute. I tried to edit the post in that one minute and it was actually working... but it shut off before I could hit the edit post button XD FML lol I have no idea which task I may have closed that got it to work... there's 73 processes going on in the task manager when windows 7 starts, no idea what one might be giving me problems. The only other thing I can figure is this website has some java issues or script problems and for some reason it's effecting me. I never have issues with anything else on here, I can post chapters up and read things and edit my profile just fine. This is the only area that screws up for me @__@

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Guest Otaku1811

Is there any way you can make the edit for me? I know it's too much to ask, but I've wasted a huge chunk of my day trying to figure out how to fix this problem and short of deleting the entire chapter I have no idea what else I can do. It just won't function at all and it's such a tiny edit I want to make so it matches the continuity of the other chapters v__V

All I want to do it one backspace before Love our story? at the very bottom of the chapter because there's too big of a gap between that and the end of the chapter. Then I wanted to unbold the +Follow the Hell and Elysium Illustrated Chapters and Snapshot Gallery on Tumblr, and join our fanclub! That's all I want to do T_________T Why is this so freakin' hard! *headdesks* Sorry, it's late and I finally lost my patience with this issue lol If I wasn't so OCD about something so small and stupid I wouldn't have spent all these hours staring at frozen crashing browsers x.x

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