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Followed steps, can not log in. . .

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Guest Neptunesdemon

I have follwed the steps and I have been trying to log into the new system and it's telling me I'm not registered. My profile and stories are still up, but I can't sign in. Any suggesions? I've deleted cookies, caches, eveything including restarting and I got zip.


you're not going through the center login box, are you? There is a known issue with that.

if your not, email here and they'll help you better than i can technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org


The center login boxes HAVE to be used for activation and registration. For general use, you should logout then back in using the boxes located in the upper right corner.

If this profile is yours, I already show you as updated.

If you're trying to login with an email address other than the yahoo address you registered with, that would also give you the error of not being registered.


I was using the center box, but I honestly forgot I changed the e-mail address. Sorry about all that. Crazy week, brain turned off. Thanks for being patience during my slow moment.


OK I've followed all the steps and recieved the activation email. But when I went to log in it said the activation was no longer valid. What should I do? And does it show when your'e logged in?


camp30, it will show if you're logged in in the upper right if you're on a profile page.

Click this link: http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/ucp.php

That's the link to the user control panel. If you're logged in, in the center it will say "Welcome Back" and your pen name. Otherwise, there will be login boxes. Do not use those boxes to login; there is a known bug. ;)

You have completed the validation process; and out of your profiles, I assume you mean this one? http://members.adult-fanfiction.org/profile.php?no=1296926741

Login is governed by e-mail now, so if you're unsure which e-mail you used, please send to technicalsupport@adult-fanfiction.org. We won't ask you to publish your e-mail in an open forum.

If you've forgotten your password, that's an easy reset. Click here: http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/index.php/topic/29620-how-to-reset-your-password/

But, I'll warn you - if you reset it to what it already is, the password is then blanked in the database. I think you can reset it again if that happens, but I'm not entirely sure of that.

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