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Naruto joins Akatsuki

Guest Aceon_Pawz

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Guest Aceon_Pawz

Itachi and Kisame come acros Naruto training and discover that Naruto hasbeing hiding his talent with jitsu as they watch him work out the handseals for a new one. Naruto leads them back to his appartment where he leaves a note for Tsunade, which is discoverd by Sakura, about kitsune following the dawn. Naruto eventually becomes a menber of Akatsuki, and developes a new jitsu for each member. Both he and Itachi become involved and Kisame claims mental scaring. There is an underground spring where Naruto replaces the First Hokage gem with a black one. A mission occurs where they must infiltrate Konoha and Naruto is selected. The head to a shadie town where Naruto and Itachi spend their last days before Itachi is forced to put a seal on Naruto's mide making himm forget everything and making him become a body slave, before leaving hime to be picked up by Team 10 who had been following the leads that Akatsuki left to find him.

It's been along time since I read this story so any information would be appreciated as to me this was a wonderfully written piece.

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