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So I've been looking for this for a while now (and yes I have tried the search engine) but I've had no luck so far. Someone was writing a series of one shots with the pairing of Draco & Harry. Each chapter was a different story like: little red riding hood, the little mermaids, Repunzal, Cinderella extra... most of them had a slight twist to them as well.

I'm afraid I only really remember the Cinderella story though. In it Harry wants to go see a rock band but the Dudley’s won't let him. Black shows up as his fairy godfather (even though he's dead?) and sends him to the concert in a leather jacket. Turns out the band is a wizard band and Draco's the lead... that's all I can remember... sorry.

Any one know?

Also I'm kind of in the fairy tale kind of mood so if anyone remebers/enjoyed a HP fic with a fairy tale them please feel free to rec it. ^_^ THANKS!

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