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I'm getting sick and tired of classic human behaviour. Sucks, right? 'Cause it's not going to change. Ever. Unless we develop Peter F. Hamilton's Edenism and affinity concept. Actually I'd probably just feel more comfortable with it then.

Anyways, have you ever noticed how people always agree with you that some people are not so good in such and such way(s), but it's never them that does any of the stuff you complain about? Even when you can blatantly see they are doing it too. Example: People agreeing that there are horrible fanfic writers on AFF yet when you check their stories they are contributing to the slew of crap-on-a-stick.

That bothers me. At least I admit when I might be part of a group people are complaining about, or behave sometimes in the manner someone complains they don't like.

Yeh, it rests in a matter of opinions really, but there are some people that really jump over the line's range.


Hmmm ... well, I agree that there are some horrible fanfic writers on AFF, and I have also written a fanfic. While I know I haven't written a masterpiece, I think it's a decent story. But don't hesitate to let me know if you think it's crap-on-a-stick laugh.gif (which, who knows? It very well could be in your eyes).

It all depends on your standards of writing. Some people can go along with a story as long as it's entertaining. Others are more critical. I don't see the harm in a fluffy just-for-fun story. If I wanted to read high-brow literature, I wouldn't automatically expect to find it anywhere on AFF, whether fanfic or original (though I have been pleasantly surprised on some occasions).

A part of the reason a lot of people write on AFF is to get feedback that will help them improve their writing. I think it's no different than when you take a creative writing class and everyone discusses everyone else's stories. I think we should be a more positive community here and help each other out, not just tear each other down (I'm not saying that's what you're doing, but the general feel of the threads in this forum have been a little negative lately). If you think a story needs work, let the writer know. If you took the time to read it, why not take another minute to review it and include some constructive criticism?


"general tone of the threads" not "general feel of the threads"

Yeesh, obviously I'm not the greatest writer if I have to go back and edit my own stupid three-paragraph posts. I will humbly accept crap-on-a-stick status crying.gif


Ah, Aldatariel, don't feel as if you spurred on this rant because you haven't, so no worries. tongue.gif The fanfic example was simply something that can be easily understood and identified with since this is AFF, as I also meant to include other forms of this behaviour. Another example is when high school teens wander about calling everyone else "posers," whilst being themself something of the same.

If you think a story needs work, let the writer know. If you took the time to read it, why not take another minute to review it and include some constructive criticism?

I agree with this statement. Whenever I manage to read all of a fanfic, I usually give a very honest criticism of what I thought with the good, the bad, and sometimes unfortunately the ugly.

But yes, I didn't mean just to single out fanfic writing and fanfic authors.

There are also people who swear up and down about the ignorance of some people when they can be quite ignorant in the same manner themselves.

I guess it's the most annoying when you can't tell the person about what they don't see about themselves.


Hypocrisy is everywhere!

And with a little sheepish laugh I stand here raising my hand to tell you that I full well know that my *only* story on AFF is NOT the story I would recommend for you to read if you were looking for a deep, introspective piece on characters. I find it very hard to be serious with my fanfic... and in general (I'd like to think I'm a pretty funny gal wink.gif ). I do, however, try to play up the characters' more humorous sides while staying in character. Staying in character is the BIG problem for me, so I have to go through the kinks and work stuff out, and I'm horrible at posting.

<- Not the ideal fanfic writer rolleyes.gif

But I do try my best to proofread and correct any grammar or spelling mistakes that I find. I like my chapters to be at least 1500-2000 words long, which I believe is long enough for a chapter, but not too long to keep someone at the computer for an hour. I want my plot and action to be easily followed. And as long as I meet these standards that I have set for myself, I tend to consider my writing of the more decent sort. Not cream of the crop, but not at the bottom of the barrel either! Well, I haven't gotten any reviews to the contrary yet, at least...

And as to the more general purpose of the thread, all I can say is that some people don't like to recognize their flaws. And on the flip-side, all some people can see are their flaws, and can't see some of their better attributes. I'd chop it up to insecurities, which everyone has. Even me! *shock face* Well, I suppose that's clear after my little defensive bit. laugh.gif

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