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Searching for a Pirates of the Caribbean fic

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Guest abbyrose

Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me I would really appreciate it!

I am looking for a Pirates of the Caribbean fic that I read on here quite a long time ago, so I don't even know if it's still on this site anymore.

The paring is Jack/Will but there is also James/Will.

Basically the plot begins with Will gets picked up by Elizabeth and her father for some special event that has something to do with James Norrington. Come to find out the event is about James getting to pick one thing that he wants, and what he wants is Will. Will marries Norrington but Jack who has been following Will for a time also wants him and kidnaps him. Jack takes Will back to his boat and leaves, Norrington boards his boat and chases after Jack trying to get Will back.

Yea that's about all I can remember...Thanks in advance if anyonce can find it.

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