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1. A New Era

I've read all about Harry traveling to the Marauder's era, Tom Riddle's era or just re-doing his life over, but I want to see Harry during Bill Weasley's and Nymphadora Tonk's era. This story's pairing would be Bill/Harry - Slash. Two options: Harry comes back as a girl or he's a guy - either way is fine. So it could technically also be Het, but I personally prefer Slash. Harry (under a different name) enrolls in a different school than Hogwarts and learns obscure culture magics, curse breaking ...etc. - fast forward to 1989, Nineteen years old Bill and Harry meet as they enter the Gringots Curse breaking program and Harry eventually gets involved in the war with Voldemort after Harry "disappears." Last thing... not once during the entirety of the story does Harry return to his old identity and Harry is so changed no one can guess the truth.

2. Son of a Spy

1993. Sevitus, Harry is the abducted son of Severus Snape and a beautiful female Original Female Character, who died in childbirth. The Potters secretly replaced their year old son with Harry who is born June 21st 1981, create golems of themselves and escape the country on November 2nd 1981. However, unfortunately on a plane out of Heathrow they die in a collision with another plane - karma eh? Only the real Harry Potter survives. Dumbledore doesn't know the Potter's plot. Without Dumbledore's knowledge Severus and Harry discover the truth of Harry's identity, just as Dumbledore discovers the Potter's plot (with the exception of HP's identity) and intents to - erase Harry (Snape's son) as to not create a scandal. Harry or Kalian Snape (Temporary name - you decide one) is de-aged by three years and sent to live at Prince Manor with his Great Grandfather and Great-Great Aunt. He then attends a foreign and Dark School (you create one) and makes many allies. Ultimately this is a Voldemort/Harry pairing. Voldemort must become sane. This should involve a political-dark-powerful-Intelligent Harry, but not an evil-harry.

To Be Continued Later

Writing Recommendations

When you develop your character’s personalities, you want to make them unique and addictive – think Dr. Gregory House (House Md.), or “L” from Death Note or even Sherlock Holmes – catchy and unique. You want to be remembered among the various other writers

You want to write the story at a slow pace, do not rush the actions or events, before you begin writing analyze the characters involved and how you would have them respond, remember a story should not be pure dialogue or action, but a mixture of both. Thoughts of the characters and their motivations will gain you more points with your readers.

Do not go overboard with descriptions, especially those of the character’s appearances and clothes. However, I recommend describing a sense of culture or society in your story. When you write your story paint a picture with your words. A great example I can think of off the top of my head in Chapter One of Perdido Street Station by China Mieville or the traveling Market in Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.

The one fault of JK Rowling in my perspective was that she wrote a very limited version of her fantasy world. She is a fantastic and creative Author, but I think she could’ve done better. I recommend you involve cultural difference, world travel, politics, old religions and a lot of research in your story. For instance, an Onmyouji is an Asian exorcist, this might prove an interest tidbit in your story – maybe Harry becomes an Onmyouji.

I know many of us fall into the trap of making a character super powerful, I say this is okay as long as you make other characters just as powerful, but in different ways. You don’t want your character to easily make his way through his/her struggles and conflicts, you want him/her to struggle it builds character.

Remember to emphasize the Genres each plot bunny possesses. They are just as important to the story as the characters and events.

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