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Time Travel H/D (two stories)

Guest Chivalry

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Guest Chivalry

I am hunting for two stories and hoping someone out there can help. Both have time travel elements.

The first begins during the school year. Harry and Draco are in a secret relationship. Draco is in love but Harry is basically using him for sex. They have a fight and Draco leaves, turning to his friends for help and learning to live on his own. Time passes and Harry realizes that he loved Draco and needed him. While Draco rebuilds his life Harry falls apart. The first chapter was persented as a one shot but then there were further chapters taking place years later when Harry has hit rock bottom and, suicidal, is offered the chance to go back in time and fix things by a mysterious stranger. He takes the opportunity and the story proceeds from there. I believe later on Ron and Hermione come back and join him, they had seen him sinking into despair. This story was incomplete.

The other story is something like The Butterfly Effect. I think it begins years after the books end. Draco wonders what it would have been like if he had been friends with Harry and he finds a spell or something that will let him go back to change things. He change things and he and Harry becomes friends and then more but as part of their relaitonship Harry joins hte Death Eaters and is killed. Drao then goes back nd tries to change things so they can be together without Harry's dying but no matter what he tries it always ends in tragedy. Finally he gives up but I think he does something to fix Harry's life and make him happy even though Draco knows he himself will be unhappy. I believe there was a follow up one shot where Harry finds out what Draco did and they build a new relationship, friendship with the possibility of more. This story was completed.

Thank you!

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