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Well, there's this girl...

yeah... I know what you're thinking, there's no way you haven't heard this before.

And you're probably right.

We went to the same high school and I used to be completely obsessed with her. She's like sexyness incarnate. So I bought her a bracelet for her birthday and she told me she didn't feel the same way... Yeah, rejection hurts, especially if you get a boner every time you see the girl. So a couple of months ago I decided to check if she still had the same email. Yeah, I was drunk. So to my surprise I received a reply a couple of days later and it all resulted in the mail I received an hour ago. Which I would post here, but it's not in english xD

In my last mail I asked her if she minded, if I got a little attached to her. So she replied that she didn't mind, she even put an exclamation mark behind it! I also mentioned in my last mail I liked her name better with a lower case letter. So at the end of her mail she wrote her name with a lower case letter... And before that she actually told me everything was going to be allright.

Now, I don't know shit. But this get's my hopes up. And I'm relatively certain no girl would willingly kiss me, let alone be capable of loving me. Don't bother with telling me otherwise, you don't know what I look like.

Guest orleans

I wish you good luck!!! shamrock.gif

And it sounds like it's heading for a happy ending after all, doesn't it? I hope it for you! And don't put yourself down like that....


Well, I just sent her the MOAM (mother of all mails)

It didn't really say anything, it was just really long and I stuffed alot of subtext in there.

Though I may regret it when I wake up tomorrow, I'm happy I did it.

'Cause if she doesn't like me, there's not that much to wreck.

And if she does like me, she won't mind smile.gif

Guest orleans

happydance.gif*joins in the voodoo-dance*


I wish you luck! I don't think she will mind; I mean it's always nice o get a mail from somebody! yahoo.gif


I hope the best for you too, but as a girl I feel I should that just cause it looks like we're flirting, an we're acting like we're flirting, and we ARE in fact flirting it doesn't mean anything with SOME girls.

Girls don't make sense. I think Chris Rock said that that's the main difference between men and women. SOME Women don't let something stupid as logic get in the way of living their life sometimes.

I would like the time to note that I'm in no way putting all my ladies into the world into a bitchy category cause a lot of them also are very intelligent and capable of making perfect sense.

I'm curious about how everything ended up. Almost like you were telling you're own story and I'm waiting patiently for the next chapter. Hope everything turned out well.


Well, no reply yet XD

But she probably hasn't checked her mail yet... (hell no I'm not in denial XD)

  • 2 months later...

The mailing goes on! And I sort of asked her out in the last one. But that's not what I was going to write about. I'm sorta getting depressed because of how no one seems to understand me. I have a few friends who think like me, one who thinks exactly like me actually. But we still feel different things, they make me feel fragile at times. My light heart has become heavy, a burden that slowly wears me down. Like I've said before so many times: It's like I'm bashing my head against reality, bleeding and screaming.

I don't know if this post makes any sense to you at all but I just don't know who to talk to anymore, if I could talk to anyone at all.

  • 4 months later...

I have a dream! Well, I had a dream... It was all weird Halloween town like :P

Me and the girl this thread is about were going to an after midnight church (I guess that's what it was) gathering together. When we got there I sat down next to one of my friends and she sat down at the other side of the room. When the service (I guess??) was over I tried warming up some pizza for the both of us but no matter what I did (microwave, fire, etc) it wouldn't get warm... And when I looked to see what she was doing she'd left...

I guess there was an elementary school memory in there somewhere... But I can't be sure... (there used to be this girl in elementary school and before I'd worked up the nerve to talk to her she was seeing someone else)


I'm a girl and I don't understand other girls at times. My manager has a boyfriend and last week he asked her to go on a date, she said yes. However, for some insane reason she though that he was going to stand her up, so she didn't go, standing him up. He showed, but she never did. I asked her if he gave her any indication he wasn't going to show and she said 'no, it was just a feeling I had.' 0.o This is one of the reasons why I don't date, I hate the games that some women play just to 'test'. I hope that this girl isn't like that, good luck.


Well, that's the reason I like her so much :unsure:

Not only do I have feelings for her but I also think she could be the cool person I want to do stuff with :lol:

  • 1 month later...
  Zyx said:
And I'm relatively certain no girl would willingly kiss me, let alone be capable of loving me. Don't bother with telling me otherwise, you don't know what I look like.

Well even if you are fat and ugly there are ways to change that. Go to the gym, change your diet and do some cardio. And if you're face looks like someone took a shovel to it or something, go to college and get a degree that will allow you to get a job that pays well and you can get plastic surgery. No matter what you don't like about yourself there are almost always ways to change that if you are willing to put forth the effort.

Oh, and girls don't like guys with low self esteems so don't say things like this in front of them or they will just think you're an pussy emo kid or something.

  Zyx said:
I'm sorta getting depressed because of how no one seems to understand me. I have a few friends who think like me, one who thinks exactly like me actually. But we still feel different things, they make me feel fragile at times. My light heart has become heavy, a burden that slowly wears me down. Like I've said before so many times: It's like I'm bashing my head against reality, bleeding and screaming.

I don't know if this post makes any sense to you at all but I just don't know who to talk to anymore, if I could talk to anyone at all.

Well, at least you feel SOMETHING. It's been over a year since the embers in my heart burned out, and now I feel... empty. Though sometimes I still feel hatred and disgust towards certain someone, but those felings are not as intense as they used to be, and other than that...

But nevermind. This thread isn't about me. Good luck with this girl! And remember, it all comes down to attitude. Having a great attitude is often better than just having good looks (believe me, I know)

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