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I NEED HELP AND BAD! So bad that I can actually cry! crying.gif Okay so I'm going to tell what'st the deally with me not being able to find the story. Which really sucks by the way because the story was great! I read it a long time ago but now I don't remember anything except minor details!(and some major...) SOOOO I was wondering if anyone could tell me where this story might be.

Here's a bried description of what I remember........

It's a story based on Naruto, Kyuubi, and Sauske! Kyuubi is somehow free and now is roaming around in a sort of clone like Naruto body! Tsunade decides to send the two Naruto's to an uncharted cabin by a lake along with our favorite ass whole teme! Sasuke hates the idea that he has to stay with Naruto and his supposed clone until they can find a way to seal Kyuubi back up. Nobody but Naruto, Kyuubi himself, Sasuke, and Tsunade know of Kyuubi being free since she announced to the rookie nine that Naruto had an accident performing his shadow clone jutsu and is now stuck with a clone(Kyuubi). As time passes Sasuke is getting molested by Kyuubi (who has a crush on Sasuke!) and Naurto doesn't like Kyuubi's behavior. So then you find out that both Naruto and Kyuubi love Sasuke and Sasuke feels all awkward because Naruto told Sasuke Kyuubi likes him and Kyuubi did the same but vice versa. The molestations continue as Kyuubi sneaks in Sasuke's bed, licks his neck, touches him, and is always fighting with Naruto(which Sasuke doesn't like since he is in denial of his love towards the both of them!). All of them end up sharing a room and sleeping in a small bed. After choas starts to stir, bit by bit friends from the rookie nine have visits and encounter the two Naruto's and some of them get suspicious(Shikamaru, and Kiba if I remember correctly). Nobody found out so it all good but it's hard for Sasuke to be around Kyuubi since the demon fox recently started to change in his mood because of the moon and the soon to be arrival of mating season(i think it was..forgot). Noticing this Naruto warns Sasuke to stay away from Kyuubi until he is out of his little phase. Alas, Sasuke doesn't listen and curiosity gets to him and wants to find out what's wrong with Kyuubi. Later on Sasuke is molested by Kyuubi but then Kyuubi takes it up higher and starts making his move on Sasuke which makes Naruto all hot and horny watching the two go at it. This then leads to hotty hawt hott smex! The last chapter I read was loooooooong time ago but hopefully someone remembers! It was that Sauske, Naruto and Kyuubi had a threesome!Lmao! Yeah! biggrin.gif .....

PLEASE AND I MEAN ONEGAI(please in japanese), JUST LEAVE A NOTE IF YOU KNOW THE AUTHOR WHO WROTE IT OR THE ACTUAL STORY TITLE OR EVEN LIKE HINTS TO WHERE I CAN FIND IT. I'm not sure if this was posted on Fanfiction.net but just in case it might be so search there as well! HELP! I'll love you forever if you can find this story! I'll do w/e you want!(Internet wise though! Like stories, points, find a story, write a story, beta, etc...w/e is possible for me!

With love and HELP,



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