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Title: FAN-FIC

Author: Kanashii

rating: Adult++

Summary: "What if one of the characters you created for your Fan-Fic novel were to seek you out in real life? Now what if that character is a powerful and deadly hitman, who has a bone to pick with you? Sara is about to find out firsthand as an original character she has created comes searching for her. Will it be a fantasy come true or a horrific nightmare beyond her imagination?

This story will take the reader on a surprising ride that they could never imagine."

Codes: Original Story, Male-Dom, D/s, Violence, descriptive sexual acts, Humiliation, Dominance, Body Modification, M/F (Hetero) and Original Characters, WIP, currently up to 10 chapters. whip.gif

URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600092556

Rates and reviews are always appreciated.

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