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Animalistic Creature!Fics Harry/Draco

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Guest MoxieMalfoy

Hello, all. I'm hoping you can help me find some new fics. My preferred pairing is Harry/Draco with bottom!harry, but I also enjoy Harry/Snape. I'm looking for creature!fics where they are more...animalistic. A good example of this is Indago. I love the fact that Harry can be extremely submissive but still retains his own personality. I like the concept of their creature sides taking over at times and controlling them. I like longer fics that take time to build the relationship, preferrably completed ones. I am hoping that the community can help me find something to satisfy my craving.


Just a tip, Harry/Draco with Sub! Harry should be written as Draco/Harry. You should always write as Dominate/Submissive. That system is used by most authors and I was extremely disappointed to find that you were looking for

Animalistic Creature!Fics with Draco/Harry

instead of what you actually wrote.


Have you tried The Rise of the Drackens by StarLight_Massacre? Not exclusively draco/harry though. More like three foursome/harry. ;P

Guest MoxieMalfoy

No, I haven't read that one yet. But I will be sure to check it out. Thank you so much! :)

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