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Author: MalichisMinion

Title: Night Intruder

Summary: An original oneshot short story. Written in the first person, the story is about a woman who is visited in the night after leaving her window slightly ajar.

Feedback: If you have time after reading please leave a small review. It would be much appreciated.

Fandom: Purely fictional, original oneshot. Doesn't fall into any fandoms.

Pairing: M/F

Warnings: general M/F sex with a dominant/submissive tone, includes bondage.

URL: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600105220


I had a wee read and totally agree. I don't know what happened to half my commas. For some reason they don't always get added after editing, but I re-edited and double checked. Hopefully, it reads better now. I also added a bit more detail which I think fleshed it out a wee bit better.

In my vision of the story it was a regular man that had lifted the window up, so that he could get in, but I like how you were able to take something else from it. I hadn't even thought of vampires but after reading your comment, I could see it as clearly.

What I like about writing in the first person is that it allows the reader to be the main character, rather than the observer. :)

Thank you for taking the time to review. It is much appreciated.

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