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Stray? m/m

Guest Pillow-chan

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Guest Pillow-chan


I'm looking for a fic that was about a boy/young man/man/male guy picking up/helping this "stray" creature...the creature was non-human that well ya-know looked human. It was either some elf, sidhe, shape-shifter, demon, or some other species the author created. (It was NOT a werewolf thats all I know)

Well anyway the human male helps the creature/saves it and later as time goes on the human and the "stray" start liking each other. If I remember correctly the stray was quite strong.

hmm...the stray (if I remember correctly) had somesort of "trade" to "obtain" the human male, in which the human didn't know beacuse he didn't know their customs.

sorry I'm all over the place, hope you can help me. It's been bothering me for a few months now, but I couldn't find it.

I read Stray and it wasn't it.

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Guest Pillow-chan

Uhm awkward. I've only seen one other story, personally, that deals with Sidhe/faeries but it didn't follow that premise so I'm going to ask if you've read Soul Bound ? It was sort of the inspiration for the opening scene for Stray...


Oh! yes this is the one~!

truthfully I couldn't remember what it was...the other species that is. All I knew that it wasn't human

thanks a bunch!

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Guest pillow-chan

I wrote Stray and was wondering if I had become that unoriginal but Soul Bound was the inspiration for Stray, which is why they kind of mirror one another.

oh no!

I absolutely love Stray! I didn't notice the connection, your story just made me crave more "pick-me up" storylines.

haha, no worries~!

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